Hey ho, finally got a nice day and some time to get into the garden. Only to find that my spuds and outdoor tomatoes have blight
On a more positive note though, I have at long last planted the first veg in what used to be a bramble and nettle patch!! My purple-podded mangetout will hopefully be very happy and productive in their new home. If we are lucky enough to have a good day tomorrow I hope to get some kohl rabi, carrots, beetroot and chard planted in the new plot.

On a more positive note though, I have at long last planted the first veg in what used to be a bramble and nettle patch!! My purple-podded mangetout will hopefully be very happy and productive in their new home. If we are lucky enough to have a good day tomorrow I hope to get some kohl rabi, carrots, beetroot and chard planted in the new plot.