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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • today I have Harvested loads of french beans ( i will end up with having breakfast,lunch and dinner with my french beans,.. got to freeze them ), harvested some 3 korean summer squashes, harvested some salsola for salad, 1 big market more cucumber, and several big parisian carrots & picked a big bowlfull of blackberry. Will be busy with making blackberry jam, and blanching the french beans. Later, going to water them this afternoon/ evening when the sun is gone.
    Last edited by momol; 06-08-2007, 01:39 PM.
    I grow, I pick, I eat ...


    • Saturday I weeded and hoed and picked last rasps.
      Sunday.. picked tomatoes.. caught mouse in trap. rebaited trap with choccie biscuit. Put poison down - again.

      Today: all poison gone, relaid it, another mouse in trap. rebaited it with toast. Picked 4 huge beefsteak tomatoes.. all coming red together... Mushed one tomato up with lettuce and cucumber and fed to two week old wild turkeys... they love it judging by the whistles and the fact they are now sleeping it off...

      Quails on the other hand don't appear to like tomatoes... lettuce and cucumber yes..

      Lunch was tomato and mushroom and corned beef fried in butter:-) Calories:-(. But I ran 4 miles this am:-)

      Time to weedkiller all paths and round the two sides of the garden adjacent to the fields to make a (vain) attempt to prevent weeds encroaching... That's about 80 metres or 3 sachets...:-( ebay saves a few pounds on weedkiller:-)

      EDIT: stiff and sore a bit from weekend garage work on youngest son's "new" car.. only 29k miles one owner Peugeot 106.. Jumping in and out of pit is good for my fitness and bad for sinews:-)
      Last edited by Madasafish; 06-08-2007, 02:04 PM.


      • Stripped leaves from 240 tomato plants all stricken, quite literally overnight, with blight - hopefully will still get a crop off them, but will need to watch them real close.
        It rained today - more than at any other time this year - my 24' x 12' shed roof collected well in excess of 1000 litres of rainwater today.

        British by birth
        Scottish by the Grace of God


        • Oh no, Rat - not you too!?

          Denuded most of the toms at the Hill & sprayed everything left to oblivion in the hope that the blight won't spread.....

          Weeded the whole bed and chopped back the nasturtium which are making a bid for world domination.


          • Found even more green tomatoes, fed the lot and whispered sweet words to encourage them to turn red! Picked the very first green beans and the very last strawberries, planted out baby igloo caulis in hopes of a final last crop later in the year, pulled up the bolted spinach, did a (hopefully) last thinning of my carrots, and watered everything. Finally, sat and surveyed the lot whilst sipping a large g&t!
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


            • It was meant to be cool and wet this week, so I've gone over the border to Norfolk. Didn't bring any beach stuff with me, so of course its now BOILING HOT AND LOVELY !
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • Another mouse caught (baited with toasted crust). Rebaited trap, laid more poison. Fed turkey chicks cut up cabbage: loved it. Fed them boiled and mashed quails eggs - complete with shell - loved that too. They now eat from my hands... still very suspicious but they are WILD Amercian turkey chicks..They should be nice and tasty come Christmas.
                Picked tomatoes from greenhouse.. had half a beefsteak one for lunch..mmm

                Building a movable turkey pen for garden.. 4 sections made: only 20 to go and 5 weeks to finish before turkeys can stay outside...

                Lots of poppy heads to collect seed from. When running in spring mornings I sprinkle poppy seed along bare ground in paths, sides of roads or gardens. Some spectacular results:-)

                Edit: 4.23pm
                And another mouse!
                Last edited by Madasafish; 07-08-2007, 04:22 PM.


                • Got home yesterday from a long weekend away and picked toms - heaps, all cherry varieties. The only large ones I'm growing are green zebra - the first is ripe! (still green though!) Today I picked a marrow that wasn't there on Friday and a huge quantity of purple climbing french beans which had to go in the freezer. I shall enjoy a little bit of summer in the autumn and winter.
                  Last edited by Flummery; 07-08-2007, 01:17 PM. Reason: duff spelling
                  Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

         Updated March 9th - Spring


                  • yesterday - dug over and weeded 10ft x 3ft border and sheeted it up to keep it weed free for next year -
                    today - watering greenhouse stuff, taking veggie photos and editing them for the virtual show


                    • Yesterday, and Sunday sat in and looked out at the rain, AND, that was our August bank holiday. Totally disheartend, definitely going to be no summer this year.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Checked my potatoes for bllight and found five Maris Piper with the start of it, so rogued them out. Sprayed my Maris Piper and Rooster for blight, and checked them for size - about another fortnight to three weeks should do them. Shawed my Edzell Blues, Maris Peer and Nicola. Dug up a crate each of each of the above and another of Charlotte too for taking to my stall at the Highland Gathering on Thursday.
                        Checked my garlic - still has about ten layers of soft skin before you hit the developing cloves, but jeeesus does it smell strong !
                        Sold first of my turnips today - Purple Top Milan - which have done well given early flea beetle attacks.
                        Tomorrow will be picking broad beans, peas, bunching carrots, beetroot, lettuces, radish, spring onion, courgettes, turnips, chilli peppers and cucumbers for my stall.

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • What I Did Toady...

                          Did a quick 'In and Out' at the Lottie to water the newly planted Brassica seedlings, the 3 Borlotti Climbing Beans, and the 8 Courgette plants. The 'previously planted' brassicas seem to have got their toes well and truly into the soil, and so I left them unwatered today, for a good soaking at the weekend.
                          Topped up the Horses' Water Trough, quick cuddle with the 'Black Beauty' Foal, then back to the ranch for harvesting and watering.....
                          One bed of Sweetcorn 'Incredible' harvested, and frozen within minutes of picking. Purple-Podded Mangetout harvested for second day running, really young, as they get tough otherwise sadly...
                          Trousers picked handfulls of herbs, pattypan spaceships, courgettes and anything remotely up for a Risotto, which we are going to eat right now!


                          • A wonderful couple of hours at the Hill tonight where I:
                            • weeded
                            • spotted flowers on the Wellie Black Turtle Beans - they're purple!
                            • station sowed some 'bright lights' chard
                            • sowed 3 very organised rows of 20 pelleted Autumn King II seeds from Wellie (thank you, sweetie!) - the pelleted seeds are green!
                            • came nose to nose with a proper runner bean whilst weeding which took me by surprise, but I looked and found a dozen others which I have picked for my tea.
                            • Watered the Prize Pumpkin
                            • squished some blackfly on the barlotti beans - yuk yuk yuk!


                            • 2 hours at the allotment tonight, watered the newly planted Carrots and Turnips but left everything else, yes it's been hot but the ground really is wet enough still under the surface.

                              Harvested a bag full of runners which I've prepared and eaten some and frozen some. Harvested a Cara main by mistake, thought it was the last of my earlies and they potatos were still small - tasty though. More broccoli and carrots also.

                              Weeded a little although wasn't really in the mood for this.

                              Perpatual Spinach which I replaced my real Spinach with is growing well, as is the Curly Kale and the Swede's.

                              My sprouts are ready for picking (pic on blog) which surprised me, took a few to try but will leave the rest for much later in the year.

                              The sunflower is now about 10 feet tall and just about to flower, wont be growing this kind again it's ridiculous, I want earlier flowers and smaller stems although I guess it will look good.

                              At home the chillies looking great, the tomato plants are absolutely covered in cherry tomatos but none have ripened yet. I'm wondering if they will.

                              The courgette's are starting to rot now when about 2 inches long, dont know why this is.

                              An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                              Will Rogers


                              • Made Hazel's Abbey Crunch biscuits mmmm
                                A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


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