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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • Today I put up my new greenhouse (I say's more like a wendy house really - a £30 thing from Argos!) and potted on the peppers and tomatoes from my propagator. I put them in the porch, which I use for hardier seedlings and potting on more fussy things. Then I planted out another pea seedling to replace one eaten by wood pigeons and put a plastic bottle over it - more firmly wedged into the soil this time! I'm going to arrange my seed potatoes in an egg box for chitting before bed


      • Pricked out 20 Jalepeno x3 (3 times hotter then generic Jaleps)
      • Pricked out the rest of the Tamina Tomatos
      • Sowed 12 Onward Peas in toilet rolls

      Chilli's are doing well that were sown in January....Black Scorpion Tongue and a mystery one which I got from West Dean last August....( for a picture of the fun last year look over at Chilli Forums and the Events thread).....
      AKA - BigMatt over at Chillis Galore......


      • Firtilized my roots bed where the first earlies are going in a week or two. Started digging, but it was a bit wet so I went home re-planted a honeysuckle against a fence in the back garden. Sowed some lettuce, sprouts, cauli and leeks in modules. Also did the parsnip germination tip using a damp paper towel and put in a plastic used chinese take away tray in the cupboard. Now im just having a can of beer.....or 2.


        • Firtilized my roots bed where the first earlies are going in a week or two. Started digging, but it was a bit wet so I went home re-planted a honeysuckle against a fence in the back garden. Sowed some lettuce, sprouts, cauli and leeks in modules. Also did the parsnip germination tip using a damp paper towel and put in a plastic used chinese take away tray in the cupboard. Now im just having a can of beer.....nice


          • Originally posted by Sirius View Post
            Anyone know how I can get rid of the smell of ***** off my hands though?!!!!!
            Peel and chop a bit of garlic!

            Yesterday I went down the lottie with my lottie-mate and her partner and the toddler - all 4 of us in a state of wild excitement! We measured and marked out our plots and had some deep discussions (some of which involved plans for a barbie or two in the summer evenings!) but then she and I had to go and do our duty and join the team tidying flower beds and replanting for Britain in Bloom. Had rellies here for dinner but later in the afternoon went back to plant the boysenberry and hildaberry oh, the thought of puds to come!

            Today I planted a clump of Himalayan Giant blackberry along my home back fence - gift from F-I-Law.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • Planted 5 Charlotte spuds in a 75 litres compost bag, 2 of which are pretty small so could technically be 4 tubers. Should be interesting how the spuds will fare as it's a supermarket stock. Mixed in bonemeal as fertiliser to the soil mixture of multi-purpose compost and fine garden soil. Dreading the prospect of buying in more compost so will consider the no-dig potato growing approach but probably need to consider slug resistant spud strain - have Kestral.

              Sowed 40 leeks (half each of Musselburgh & Blue Solaise) in a 7" pot earlier than planned as the trial sowing in heated propagator is taking over a week, if that! Hopefully won't have to worry about them until they're ready for planting out in May but obviously they'll have to germinate first.

              Pre-germinated parsnips (White Gem) and various squash seeds; courgette (Egyptian White), Buttercup, Butternut (Ponca), Thelma Sander Sweet Potato and Kabocha (supermarket bought), wrapping them in a damp kitchen roll before putting in a sealed plastic bag (pity can't get hold of 2"-3" sealed bag). The reason for doing this is to ensure that I don't rot the squash seeds which I often do. Have no more heart to grow 4 more variety of winter squash that I already have the seeds for, there's always next year.

              The last batch of vegetable sowing (before the flowers) has been pretty disasterous but my own fault really for cheating with stale compost. Brussels Sprouts, Cauli and Cabbage failed miserably, may report to T&M on dismal germination on the last two.
              Last edited by veg4681; 19-03-2008, 08:06 PM.
              Food for Free


              • Potted up my tomato plants.
                Blogging at.....


                • Got my internet back!!!!

                  Also spotted that my peas have joined the beetroot above soil level (in modules in the greenhouse). The shallots are starting to put up green shoots. I planted all my fruit trees yesterday - in buckets until the fence is re-done then they will become a 'fedge'.

                  Collection now consists of - one nectarine, 2 pear (conference and beurre something); 2 plum (opal and victoria), morello cherry, golden gage and a crab apple. There are mature apple trees in the garden and I have a james Grieve and a golden delicious in containers.
                  Happy Gardening,


                  • Started the moon planting trial ; as my OH says 'to see whether this clap trap is worth it'...who knows???
                    info on my blog.
                    Other than that, now't else, too cold.


                    • Beans Sowing

                      Feels like late already but sowed many beans, 2 runner beans (Celebration, pink flowered), 5 different variety dwarf French beans, 2 different variety French climbing beans and 3 Yard long beans that struggled and eventually died with the earlier sowing (end Jan). All French beans only 1-2 beans sown per variety with a view to doing successional sowing (2 weeks I've been told). Got my son involved in the sowing as beans are quite big seeds.
                      Food for Free


                      • Twas too wet on sat and too cold sun and yesterday to do any "gardening" - apart from bringing baby plants out to minigreenhouse in the mornings and back in home at nights. But they are really sprouting now - borlotti beans are about 4 inches tall in loo roll holders (and dummy me only saw today that peas, beans are only supposed to be sown 1 to a LRH - I have 2 Borlottis and 4 mange tout and 4 dwarf french beans to mine - oops).

                        OH is off this week and threatening to plant spuds (but is afeared of cold later this week, so may leave for another 10 days). But I will expect him to dig another bit on the plot!!! (He needs something physical to counteract the desk stresses of the past while....hehehe!! !) )

                        Oh - I DID have to bring in another string of onions from the shed (only 2 left from last year now - ah boo!) to go into the chicken stock and then chick and veg soup. And I made the quickie version of limoncello - oooh tasty!!!


                        • A nice day so a quick trip to the plots was in order. A bit of watering was required in the tunnels so that was done. The last of the JA's were lifted with the biggest, smoothest ones replanted.

                          Leeks were also lifted and some homemade wooden plant labels were put into use in the herb garden.


                          • Peppers beginning to put on their second set of true leaves and looking nice and healthy, Tomatoes up and looking good. Peas which i planted really early are at the stage where they need to be planted outdoors but am going to hold on until the end of the month. Lots of onion seedlings also in modules waiting to go out. Greenhouse beginning to get a little crowded now as i still have 24 pots of lilys overwinterning. Bought several lots of plug plants in Aldi about two weeks ago and have all of them in little pots, petunia, Geranium and Lobelia. More flower seeds waiting to be sown. Just not enough hours in the day sometimes.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Transplanted my chillies into 3" pots, sowed some chives in a pot outside also some dill. Petunia, Lobelia, and Aquilegia duly done too.

                              I've got a week off work this week so trying to get as much done as possible, but as bramble said not enough hours in day and not enough room in greenhouse


                              • Talked to my chillies, wrestled a polytunnel and marked out a pathway. Still too cold to do any real planting


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