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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • my parents are so sick of me dragging them out to go and buy pots, so I've been inventive. I'm using butter tubs, cereal boxes, lasagne sheet boxes and sainsbury's bags in hanging baskets to put compost in so I can pot on all my many many many seedlings! I just make holes in the plastic ones, and adapt the cardboard ones, and hey presto! Then after all my efforts, I found some normal pots in the garage.


    Whilst typing the above reply, I was probably supposed to be doing homework. My excuse: I'm hooked!


    • Yesterday I covered all the paths on one of my allotments with woodchippings after first laying teram type material underneath. I also planted my Kilaton cabbage between my Autumn planted onion sets as I have no more room!

      Today was another glorious day (got the sunburn to prove it!) I managed to get all three of my greenhouses planted up with toms, peppers (sweet and chillie), cukes,melons (two types),strawberries, grapevines and Cape gooseberries! All were planted in my own homemade compost. Also managed to tidy the area for my pumpkin and add yet a few more woodchips to the area in front of No2 greenhouse! Sowed Tuskan kale and Scarlet kale for planting out later in the year.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Spent a happy hour spraying Bordeaux mix over my potatoes, tomatoes and grapevines. Everything is a very fetching shade of blue now. I saw some blighted (I think) leaves and I ain't tanking no chances
        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


        • Went down to the plot late last night, after a wonderful tea that Mr D had especially cooked for me (chilli con carne - which as he doesnt like hot food was a lovely surprise!), watered the 3 greenhouses and then we spent half an hour patrolling the site for wabbits, as once again they are becoming a major pest - we've lost a lot of seed onions from them, and if our beans, carrots and cabbages weren't under netting, then they would have gone by now also! Managed to bag 2 small ones, which are now in the freezer!

          Just in from work now, having a brew then off to the plot to do some more sowing and have a good watering of everything thats growing!
          Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

          'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

          The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
          Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
          Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
          On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


          • Wow! Sunshine! I did 4 hours weeding, 2 hrs transplanting and sowing (mostly salads). Squished a few more blackfly ~ they're definitely diminishing in numbers now.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • Yesterday I sowed some more lettuce, radishes and courgettes, transplanted some lettuce from a tray to a raised bed. Today I was out in the garden at 7.30am, did some watering, strimmed some grass, mowed the grass, moved tomato plants from greenhouse no 2 to greenhouse no 1 as not getting enough light, also moved some aubergines, peppers and chillies from no2 to no1. Moved some of my pots of stuff around to get better sun. Just been out and given everything a good water.


              • Just back from a gorgeous evening on the plot, managed between us to give everything a good water, plant some catch crops of radish, spring onions, beetroot and lettuce, sowed a full bed of carrots (3 rows Nantes, 3 rows Amsterdam Forcing, 4 rows Autumn King, each row being 8' long), harvested some radish and 2 little gem lettuces, and Mr D did a lot of hoeing, so the plots looking much less weed infested! I also managed to get a few piccies, so I'll try and get them online later, after we've had some tea!
                Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                • Went to the lottie with 3 grandchildren in tow, chained two to the fence (only kidding) picked a few strawberries, some more broad beans, overwintered spring onions, did a little bit of weeding, spread a few blue smarties for the slugs. Took the children home, fed them and then went canoeing on the local boating pond. Got absolutely soaked, but thoroughly enjoyed it (ever tried canoeing with an 8 year old and a 3 year old?)


                  • Since I last posted on here; loads of weeding
                    taken all leeks out of garden beds and heeled in ready for eating. Some have been planted in a separate pot for seed collection. Should make a heady display as the pointy hats are already huge.
                    dug over loads of the lottie, taken out major amount of of couch grass and bindweed. Dug loads of horseradish as it is prolific. Found out we have mares tail so also adding that to the list of 'issues'.

                    Putting cardboard down, clean soil on top and planting through.
                    First brassica bed now planted out and a cage around it to keep pesky pigeons out.
                    Loads of onions taken from garden and transplanted to lottie; if they didn't look as if they would be harvested and eaten in the next month, they went.
                    sweetcorn and beans planted out on another bed; just a few squashes to go up there in the next few days
                    put out lettuce, beetroot and spring onions into any tiny space left.
                    pulled swiss chard, moved fennel, pulling out and using last year's celery.
                    put moon trial non-moon toms, lettuce and onions into their final growing position this evening. The moon stuff will go in the next 9 days on its correct day, and the calabrese will go to the lottie for the same treatment.
                    Sprayed all toms and potatoes with Dithane as we had a near miss blight alert, and I don't want to lose them all like last year.

                    harvested so far of 2008 sowings.
                    today and yesterday strawberries. 6 so far.
                    yesterday - furtled around under biggest Rocket potato [only put in ground 8 weeks ago], and found an inch diameter spud; so pleased as the ground was so clayey and weedy and we've been religiously weeding this bed so glad that the spuds are making it through.
                    today - first tomato from the 8th Jan sowing. Aurora from Real Seeds. And no greenhouse, it was indoors and then outside.
                    lettuce and beetroot leaves for the last month. lettuces now heading up nicely.


                    • Raised Beds and Blisters!

                      Chalk up two more raised beds! These are ones I made from pallets we use at work. I've been waiting for nice, straight samples and brought home six the other week. It's a bit tricky to break them up without bursting the slats, but they are the perfect size for these beds. These two are nice and deep four-tiers, with the three waiting to be sited and filled and when some nice pallets become available, I'll have another couple of beds out of them! I'd been toying with getting some top soil delivered, but it turns out that the big rocky lump at the bottom of the garden, was in fact a big lump of top soil that filled both nicely! Few blisters though... but worth it!
                      Attached Files
                      Smile! It's the curve that can set a lot of things straight!



                      • Planted over at The Lottie from 8am-9.30am to beat the heat. Excellent decision. Got everything planted, bar a few bits'n'bobs at home, so going to be able to sit back and do a bit more relaxing from now on - and really looking forward to catching up on The Vine once again, having largely ignored my friends too much lately....
                        Thank you for listening....X


                        • After i finished off the painting indoors & the ironing, OH mowed the grass & i edged it, whilst doing so i discovered several little gorgeous Newt families, so have a nicely edged lawn with big missed clumps where i couldn't bare to disturb them! Also couldn't resist emptying the first planted bucket of my Vales emerald spuds which was planted about 10 weeks ago - got a good couple of handfuls of small spuds which were then boiled & served with bbq & salad! My 1st harvest of the year - hurrah!
                          keen but (slightly less) clueless


                          • We were committed to visiting relatives for most of the weekend (why can't this ever fall on rainy weekends?), but got down to the plot for three hours Sunday morning.

                            Mainly tidied-up with yet more weeding. Got the first of the runner and dwarf french beans in to the ground from pots, and got all of the bean supports in place. Cleared another area which will hold the pak choi and kohl rabi which will go in next weekend.

                            Our first early potatoes (Maris Bard) are now beginning to flower, so are a couple of weeks away now. My main consternation being that slugs have devastated about 5 courgette/squash plants - I've a couple that were poorly that I was holding in reserve but other than that the crop may well suffer this season. I don't like using slug pellets, so this weeks task will be to look for an organic method of slug control!

                            Came home, and had a barbeque with friends, but still managed time to sort out the mini-greenhouse and move everything that didn't need to be in there and leave the tomatoes, cucumber and the only chilli plant that survived the gales that hit us over the bank holiday in there to enjoy the warmth.
                            'People don't learn and grow from doing everything right the first time... we only grow by making mistakes and learning from them. It's those who don't acknowledge their mistakes who are bound to repeat them and do no learn and grow. None of us are done making mistakes or overflowing with righteous wisdom. Humility is the key.'
                            - Thomas Howard


                            • Weeded the shallots and the lettuce bed today. Filled gaps in lettuce bed with some seedlings of oak leaf. Tied in the toms again. Weekend was spent visiting family and a day out with the local Natural History Society to Saltfleetby in Lincolnshire. Salth flats, great for plants - Southern Marsh Orchid in abundance. Had a wondeful time! The Lancashire Lad peas on my lottie are now setting little pods. Can't wait!
                              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                     Updated March 9th - Spring


                              • Not been around for a bit, what with not being very well and the plot to tend to.......all the spuds rotted for some reason, we believe that they may have been in a frosty place before we bought them, so we had to frantically had to search the county for some more 2nd earlies and now they are coming through........put them all in tubs. All on plot is well, everything is growing, had first salad stuff, courgettes, peas etc.....missed this site a lot but back to full health and raring to go....... so I shall start posting when I get home later, off to plot to do some weeding and then fill up butts tonight. Lovely weather here......hope everyone is well.

                                Last edited by allotmentlady; 09-06-2008, 02:15 PM.
                                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


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