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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • sally m i used to just have a yard that was 15 ft x 8 ft the only raised bed i had was 8 x 2 you name it if it could hang up go in a pot i grew it was like a jungle so beware hehehe had my runners across my kitchen window couldnt see anything out of it when they were growing even the drain pipes had plants off it but wouldnt really recommend it.

    today cheated and bought 84 plugs and repotted them all
    12 geranium mix
    24x impatiens
    24x petunia
    hope they all survive
    also 4 elan strawberries
    working on extending veg plot today wheres me sun gawn was loverly this morning


    • Yesterday I dug another bed on the lottie and strawed down the paths I've made so far between the 4' beds. Don't want to spend as long weeding the paths as the beds! Today so far I have planted 30-odd new potatoes 4 rows of Arran Pilot, 2 of Charlotte and 1 of Anya in the garden. More Anya to go in at the plot later. (Short rows - 5 spuds per row - don't be intimidated by my apparent industry - it's just that - apparent!) Hoping to get some shallots in later.

      Have fun all.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • Took down an aluminium greenhouse that I had at home with a view to transporting it to the allotment. I didn't realise how fastidious I must have been 20 years ago when I put it up! No wonder it was still standing when I realise how many ground fixings there were.
        Anyway, loaded it piece-part onto the back of the Landie and toook it to the allotment with some timber I had scrounged and three containers for I know not what ..........yet!
        By that time I was gagging for a cup of coffee and something to eat so raided the potatoe clamp for some Diseree spuds for home and will have a big plate of chips for supper!
        Tomorrow I'll try and dig put the railway sleepers it was sited on , load them up if they are ok, and transport them to the lottie. Weather permitting of course!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • put out new year's eve sown onions - red and white coppola - into the onion bed.

          Another pepper came through in the heated prop; so potted that on.

          Romanesco seeds up today [on a flower day].

          Too cold too do much more; hands frozen. Need tea.


          • Planted some Maris Bard spuds yesterday got Hubie to dig a bit more of Lottie. Today planted lots of various seeds and put in plastic greenhouse thingy!!! Moved some broad beans as planted them too far apart. put in some more early peas hope they will be OK
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • Made a wasp trap for the conservatory, as we had our first one turn up at the weekend and my OH is terrified of them!

              Went up to the lottie, forked over one of the beds we'd manured earlier in the year and planted some early spuds (Orla). Checked on the broad beans in their net tunnel - they seem to have survived the snow quite happily

              Chances are it will rain for the rest of the week, so that could be me done for a while


              • Dug up some leeks this morning (made soup, mmmm)
                Put up plastic greenhouse (prezzie from ma & pa) in lottie, ripped the zip but nothing I can't fix with gaffer tape...
                Dug up the remaining JAs and replanted a couple.
                Decided the soil is too wet and claggy for anything useful to be done with it today.
                Used old fence posts to hold in place a couple of pallets to make a compost heap. Need another 2 or 3 pallets, chicken wire and some more posts to finish it.
                You are a child of the universe,
                no less than the trees and the stars;
                you have a right to be here.

                Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                blog: and my (basic!) page:


                • Bought gaffer tape, started fixing tears and strengthening joints, ran out of gaffer tape...
                  Planned what to plant where & when, counted the number of 3" pots I'm going to need Time to rummage through the old plant pot pile and see what I've got! Shame I hate yogurt...
                  You are a child of the universe,
                  no less than the trees and the stars;
                  you have a right to be here.

                  Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                  blog: and my (basic!) page:


                  • Not quite today but over the past few days:
                    Saturday - planted !st earlies (Sharpe's Express and Premiere) and a few of the 2nd earlies (Anya) before ran out of space. OH also dug over space to plant rest of 2nd earlies in a week or so.
                    Also planted Jerusalem Artichokes and red onion sets (and rememberd that I have forgotten to get any yellow storing onion sets - quick march to shops tomorrow).
                    Toddler had fun drinking her soup and doing some digging.

                    Sunday, after plenty of good advice here, I pricked out my brassicas and got:
                    12 Savoy Cabbage
                    16 April Cabbage
                    8 Brussels sprouts
                    20 Cauliflower all year round
                    16 Brocolli calabrese
                    19 brocolli calabrese f1

                    Today I plan to plant out some lettuces and sow some tomtato seeds. I might also put the mange tout and beans into the ground in the garden and start some more for the plot.


                    • Got wet

                      went to my allotment this morning at 9 started rotorvator then biggest cloud burst got soaking along with my boy whos 2 not good we dont have a shed just yet so came home to dry out better luck next time .
                      why not email me for recipe ideas they are all welcome email at


                      • today i helped mum plant pasnips in loo role tubes.Did you no you can do that ?


                        • In the greenhouse again after doing some work this morning. Potted on 15 chrysanthemums that were struck as cuttings over the past few weeks and have now rooted really well.

                          Some mid sized sunflowers were sown in modules (12 to a tray) and purple podded peas were sown 3 to a pot for planting out in late April. Some parsnip seed was placed on wet kitchen towel to pre germinate before being planted out in their final positions.


                          • Carried on with greenhouse removal and erection saga today.
                            Today I dug up the sleepers that the greenhouse had been standing on..........not an easy task as they had been there for many a year.
                            Surprisingly, they were good enough to use again, so I bundled them into the landie and took them to the allotment.
                            Unloaded them by tumbling them 'caber' fashion to where the greenhouse is to be situated.
                            Set the sleepers in position and levelled them up with a borrowed spirit level, as I had forgot mine.
                            Once level it was time to position the aluminium greenhouse. Propped the back section up with a guy rope whilst I fastened the sides then the front on. Finally lifted the roof in one section and fastened it up.
                            I was quite pleased with myself so I lit the woodburner, and had a brew.

                            Tomorrow I will have to visit the Garden centre to get a glass cutter, some glasing clips and nuts and bolts that sheared off the original.
                            Promised to take one of the old guys to collect some potting compost and in return he landed on my doorstep with 36 new plastic florists buckets for my tomato plants! (Not a bad swap!)
                            Came away from allotment pleased with my progress but not looking forward to stripping the glass from a large rickety greenhouse I have on my plot, so I can glaze my ally one!
                            Last edited by Snadger; 26-03-2008, 04:38 PM.
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • Despite the forecast, day started clear and quite warm, so got on with weeding the big gravel patch in the front of our house. Thinking dark thoughts about weedkiller.....

                              In veg garden split up an enormous clump of chives and planted them at the end of my onion bed. Disturbed a pheasant (hen) having a rootle about under the trees. Said encouraging things to the onion sets, and admired the buds just bursting on the apple trees. Transferred tomatoes back to ghouse (had a holiday in the house while we were away this weekend, anxious about frost) and pricked out a few 'Piccolo'. Potted on some hostas grown from seed last year.

                              More weeding after lunch, then came the rain.....

                              Quite a good day in all.
                              Growing in the Garden of England


                              • Rain, rain thats all it did today, went up to plot but got drenched so came home, came on here, went shopping for gardening goodies and about 5 minutes ago, hubby has informed me he has bought me an enviromesh vegetable cage and some copper slug/snail early Christmas present he says, yer right lol
                                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


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