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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • Tidied out the greenhouse today. Took everything out, gave it a good sweep, cleaned the glass and put everything back neatly this time (though don't know how long it will remain like that)
    Put out my 22 pots of lilys that had been overwintered in said greenhouse giving me some much needed room.
    Have peas, onions, red, yellow and white waiting to go outdoors but am afraid it might be too cold still.
    Sowed some herbs,and a heritage onion variety i bought from the irish seedsavers website.
    Potted all my peppers and tomatoes into individual pots. A beautiful day with not a drop of rain. Feel i really got a lot done today.
    All tomatoes and peppers

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • i think im cursed i do all my housework first (deffinatly not in the mood to do it after gardening ) then as soon as i go outside its "quick shes out rain on her" grrrrrr this has happened to me 3 days in a row so spent afternoon ripping up pallets keeping the good bits for the 3 stepped herb bed i will eventually make, and chopping naff bits for me mom fire "sigh" will get my veg boarder up.


      • Beans Notes

        9 days after sowings of beans in 3" pot covered in poly bag and left in pantry to germinate. Not impressed as some beans have rotted (Cosse Violette & Minidor) while Cupidon and Teepee haven't exactly sprouted if they haven't rotted already. Yard long beans never fails, extremely reliable and good with germination. Runner beans fared so so if not, looking too good. Only Fingourmet and Longio beans (thanks to Choclare) did brilliantly. Mistake learnt is not to cover with polythene bag and leave in pantry, too hot and humid for rotting. Will simply leave them on window sill, perhaps with just 30 minutes soaking but only because it's end March.

        Bigger seeds tend to suffer more from rotting in heated propagator and warm pantry (as has happened with Sweet Pea). Pre-germination another option.

        Have noticed that Brassica gets leggy more than any other vegetables even with fulltime daylight given outdoors. Might be best to plant them in their final bed as soon as I possibly can (early-mid March) with some form of protection.
        Food for Free


        • Oh so happy today ,OH put me electric in the greenhouse so tried out my 2kw heater last night, with success. So I umplugged the heater and plugged in the radio & spent the rest of the day potting on toms, peppers, & my raddish have produced their second leaf shoud I plant them out yet under cloche, will they survive ?
          GOt me a tub of the chicken pellets from morrisons 2day £4.99 10kg,and mixed it into most of my beds, added growmore so hope to have some success this year


          • bought myself a pomegranet tree and 4 rhubarb crown for woolworths for a total of 6.95
            ---) CARL (----
            NORTH DEVON

            a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



            now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


            • As we've had frost for the past few days, I rigged up a kind of homemade cloche thingy - basically some fleecy blankets supported with some old fruit boxes - works fine but my lovely neighbour came round (the one that built me my raised beds) and he's now in the process of making me some foldaway supports with hooks so I can cover up if I need to, but then fold away easily and quickly. My broccolli I started off on kitchen roll only a few days ago has started to sprout as have the peppers, but the chillis were looking kind of mouldy so I chucked them away. Still no sign of my spuds, globe artichokes or spring onions and my pomegranite tree is still doing a very good impression of a stick!! LOL


              • been involved in a bad car accident, swerved to avoid a fox on way to get some growbags and stuff, car ended up on side, I have been cut out of car and been to hospital, suffering with severe whiplash, car is a write off

                Feeling very miserable
                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                • Oh poor you allotment lady just take it easy for a while, years ago i had whiplash and it takes a few days to come out fully, I hope you will feel better soon.
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • Today I went to the lottie and pkanted 3 courgette plants and some cabbage plants
                    ( thought i would buy plants instead of seeds) struggled to out netting over cabbages so didnt do much had to get home in time for daughter to get home from school.
                    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                    and ends with backache


                    • Finally got round to planting my Asian Pear tree , and some iris that have been sitting in a bucket all winter (amazingly they are still alive!). Also planted some Vales Emerald spuds in pots, some Ikarus Sunflowers in pots and some Gypsophilia in the flower bed. Am itching to plant all my other veg seeds but trying to resist until back from holls.
                      keen but (slightly less) clueless


                      • Unloaded a trailer load of vintage manure and mixed it with lottie compost and filled another raised bed wih it. This was prompty planted up with mammoth improved onion seedlings.

                        On another plot rainbow chard was planted out, mammoth red onion plants went in too as did some flat leafed parsley.


                        • Planted a small bed of onion sets at home and then dug third bed at the lottie. Planted a few Anya spuds there - first planting on new allotment!
                          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                 Updated March 9th - Spring


                          • Alotment lady, hope you are feeling a little better. please let us know how you are.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Spent two hours clearing out my lottie shed that was absolutely FULL of massive spiders.. shudder.

                              Dug the second bed on new lottie, these first two will be for spuds.


                              • Sowed Broad beans, Sugar snaps, Shallots, Early PSB, Autumn SB and Parsley seeds, also planted Globe Artichokes and Pink and White Liatris. Good day!
                                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


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