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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • Measured up the lottie
    Read Carlseawolf's blog for inspiration
    sowed my 2 deep carrot beds with Yellowstone carrots and some coriander
    Also noticed that Hay Wayne's Bolthardy Beetroot; sown on 9th March [non-moon day but a sunny day] has germinated [in 23 days], and it has come up on a root day. [Donated by Hay Wayne - I'm not sneaking round his allotment when he isn't around].
    Last edited by zazen999; 01-04-2008, 07:45 PM.


    • Carlsewolf, your plot looking grt, alot of hard work gone on there, well done,grt inspriation


      • hello everyone, spent another day on the side garden at home, trimmed and weeded various plants, made another flower bed, trimmed lavatera, split up ornamental grass from far side of garden and planted into new bed with a fern (removed edgings from existing bed to fit in new plants), trimmed overgrown grass from stepping stones in lawn, secured weed sheet to one path and overlayed with bark chippings, removed moss from steps into garden, planted up a sunken urn, tidied up cordyline etc, then weeded herb garden bed and was considering doing some more, decided otherwise though, just planned what i am going to do tomorrow (being last day off before school.) More seed sowing and repotting i think!


        • Well, Wellie did some Weeding at The Happy Couple's, and her back is still very sore, and it's travelling all the way up her neck now. But hey, you carry on, dont'ya....

          Great news in The Little Girls Greenhouse. We have Dwarf French Beans, Sweet Marjoram, proper Spinach, Red Lettuce and just gorgeous stuff germinating. There's other things that are yet refusing to germinate too, so it's not all a bed of roses...

          More tomorrow maybe. For now? there's an emptiness in Trousers's tummy, and it appears to be urgent folks..........!
          See you tomorrow maybe.


          • Been watching my tomato seedlings germinate like a hawk (complete newbie), OH thinks im mad, yesterday one of them finally reached a size for me to re-pot into slightly bigger pot, very excited.
            Planted some chilli seeds and basil seeds ( on my windowsill), planted some more salad leaves outside.
            Thought i had messed up with my sweet pepper seeds as no sign of any life, decided where i had them may off been to cold so moved them somewhere much warmer and sucess!!!! 7 have germinated over last two days.
            Its all very exciting!!
            Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


            • Yesterday started wet, but by 11.00 had cleared up and we had lovely warm sun (and a stiff breeze) all afternoon. As I work from home, I opted for an afternoon in the garden followed by evening doing real 'work'!

              Having been to GC in morning for seeds and perennials (not in the plan, but hey ) dug over the plot where we stripped turf, ready for new flower bed. 6m x 2m. I only dug lightly to free up the compacted surface, try to do everything on a 'no-dig' basis where I can. Having got about halfway through, I knew I should have stopped, but was determined to finish and get two bags of manure spread over the surface.

              Spent evening with a sore back - that'll teach me.

              Sowed some coriander in ghouse and went and sniffed first blossom open on the plum trees. Lovely!
              Growing in the Garden of England


              • Planted garlic and onion sets today after lifting all the leeks, weeding and forking over part of the near plot.

                21 garlic (don't know variety)
                80 onion "red karmen"
                113 onion "sturon"

                The fight against bindweed and couch grass seems (touch wood) to be getting easier after 2 years of forking and pulling out root fragments. There was very little to remove today.
                You are a child of the universe,
                no less than the trees and the stars;
                you have a right to be here.

                Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                blog: and my (basic!) page:


                • Didn't get to lottie yesterday too busy had x- ray on shoulder ready for having it manipulated, had crisis meeting with family then helped son no three move out from us to brand new flat very nice.
                  Popped down to lottie today had to water plants couldn't believe ground was a bit dry (didn't over water just in case )
                  Its really hot got shorts on !!! (knee length jeans )
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • Vales Emerald Potato & J Parker Bulbs

                    Planted all 10 tubers of Vales Emerald (courtesy of DT Brown for 95p) in 2 DIY bucket that I had lying around from last renovation work. According to growing guide gleaned from previous potato threads stating 3 tubers per bucket, I'm chancing with more on account of irregular tuber sizes (e.g. two smaller ones could make up for one tuber), Vales Emerald has had reports of low crop yield...and lastly I'm too desperate to get all 10 tubers planted in 2 instead of 3 buckets seeing as I'm late already! Supermarket Charlotte update: looking okay with numerous tiny white roots trying to latch onto the compost but shoots pretty much the same.

                    Tomorrow I will plant out 100 J Parker's freebie bulbs in expensive Homebase terracotta pot that I had bought while sleepwalking . Can't do it today as I have to soak 2 of the bulbs before planting out.

                    May-Jun for Ranunculus, Ixias/Corn Lily (12"), Anemone (12-24")
                    June-Jul for Sparaxis (10")

                    The springs bulbs that were planted TIGHTLY in a window box are coming along a treat with mini dafs out first, just as well I didn't follow the spacing guide. Will do the same with JParker's bulbs, shove all 100 in one pot.

                    French beans in 2" insert in heated propagator taking 3-4 days to germinate. Will stick to this approach for most beans.
                    Last edited by veg4681; 04-04-2008, 01:30 PM.
                    Food for Free


                    • Hello everyone

                      Not feeling too clever today. Have had an energy sapping lurgy for over a week now but as the weather here has been gorgeous I couldn't stand not getting out there.

                      Jobs done over the last two days:

                      Sowed my first early spuds Orla from Organic Gardening Catalogue (sent direct here) and also 4 rows of French Beans. I bought them from a French seed supplier, they're called Cheyenne and they are a fine bean. I haven't covered them with any netting yet so I'm hoping the birds don't get to them first

                      Planted out my broad bean seedlings which were sown at the same time as the ones I put straight in the bed but are now larger Out of all the ones I sowed in autumn only 6 have survived so I don't think I'll be doing that again!

                      Constructed a bamboo & string support thing for when the beans need to be tied up.

                      All in all a good couple of days work considering I feel like s**t


                      • Last day before back to school tomorrow so I sowed Spring Onions, Rocket, Mixed Salad Leaves, Spinach Beet, Carrots, transplanted Dwarf French Beans and Courgettes to greenhouse. Sowed Gazania, Dill, Basil, Cucumber, more Toms and Sweet Chilli indoors. Also planted some more sweetcorn in greenhouse and some Black Peony Poppies in a newly created bed in the garden. Probably forgot something but will post again.


                        • Well I started off today really positive - I'd had two of my courgettes and three broccoli that I started off in loo rolls on the window sill sprout. I've been putting the tray out for the past few days now to try and harden off but this afternoon disaster struck!!!!! Had me little loo roll holder tray thingy out, and the bloody dog (rescue dog but soon to be homeless if she carries on like this!!) jumped all over them and spoilt them all. She also trod over my garlic and shallots so not sure if they'll sprout up again either. On the plus side, father in law got allocated an allotment today, and I went there to meet the allotment lady and begged and pleaded with her, so hopefully I'll get a lottie soon


                          • dug bed 3 of 10 on new lottie (digging gets boring really quickly!).

                            nearly gave myself a hernia un-seating, moving and re-seating some boards (previous owner just had two massive beds with boards edging a central path - i'm changing that to 10 smaller beds so some of the planks had to move).

                            spent a nice half hour weeding 1/4 of extremely overgrown strawberry patch, and taking out some of the overcrowded ones that had self-rooted (have potted them up, hopefully theyll survive to go elsewhere). i'm thinking i'll remove all the plants, dig over and manure/compost the bed, enlarge it a little at the same time, and replant through weed fabric.

                            have to figure out some rabbit/pigeon detterent for the plot. neighbour told me they do have issues with them sometimes. realised when leaving this evening that every.single.plot had stacks of homemade anti-rabbit cages! sometimes?!


                            • Wind had abated a bit at the allotment which gave me a chance to strip a few more panes of glass from my old greenhouse to be used in my new greenhouse.
                              It's very slow going as the greenhouse is wooden and the panes are puttied and siliconed in.
                              Picked a handful of leeks for a leek pudding tomorrow! Itching to get my early potatoes in the ground. I already have some in buckets in greenhouse tho which are just breaking the surface!
                              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                              Diversify & prosper


                              • yay finaly finished preparing my raised bed, repotted my clematis she needed it, potted up some runners and sweetcorn i didnt think they would grow so fast, there just in peat pots in the kitchen, the gardeners delight are up but not my beefsteaks big boy tommies yet, experimentling with lavender cuttings and jasmine cuttings, still recovering from virus so didnt get what i would of liked done today, aw well always tommorrow greenhouse day tommorrow so who cares if it ****'*


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