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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • Yesterday actually:
    Runner Bean (HSL) John's Best long bean, very long podded bean x 20 seeds
    Runner Bean (T&M) Sunset x 8
    Runner Bean (T&M) Desiree x 9
    Courgette Amabassdor F1 x 3
    Pumpkin Becky (Suttons) F1 x 3
    Peas Onward for pea shoots 16 pots 3 to a pot

    Potted on 3 x seeds saved from shop bought chilli plants
    Potted on 1 x Chilli Canape plant


    • Potted up 10 pea (Waverex) plants into 2 big tubs, and 6 Crimson Flowered broad bean plants (thanks Muckdiva ) went into the cold-frame to harden off. On the lottie, dug over the pea & bean bed, removing more horsetail along the way. Then spent ¾ of an hour trying to adapt (bodge) an automatic opener to fit my greenhouse. Nearly done it too, just need to buy another bracket. Well chuffed wi meself, been waiting months for the OH to do it!


      • Day started with the postman who brought the Thomspon and Morgan order I got with my £10 for the GYO Subscribers' Newsletter tip - ta to Jeannine & co! He also brought a little pressie from Two Sheds - thanks me dear.
        I took a module full of onion sets all nicely sprouting to my Ma and sister's garden then came home and dismembered Dalek no. 3. Took a barrow load down to the lottie to add to my bean bed. Rescued some spare strawbs from the plot and took them round to Ma's. The previous owner had been growing on his strawberry runners on my end of the plot last year. I asked if he wanted them but he doesn't. I'm spreading them round!
        Bought some more seed trays and inserts - now I've got the extra growing space I have run out!
        Just off to sow some Falstaff purple brussels sprouts and Scarlet Kale. (Scarlet's a downright lie by the way - Claret, ok. Wine, I'd buy that. But Scarlet! Over-active imagination!)
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • Planted 3 rows of 2nd earlies - British Queen
          Marked out rows ready for main crop spuds - Robinta & Golden Wonder
          Pulled weeds
          Tided shed


          • Yesterday: sowed various chillis and squashes/cukes.

            Today: sowed leeks, onions, swede, pre-chitted parsnips.


            • what I did today....

              Bought the May issue of GYO
              Joined the forum
              planted the chilli seed that I got free with GYO
              Planted some butternut squash seeds
              Walked to my allotment to inspect the weeds we sprayed last week to see if it is ready for digging yet. (We only took the allotment on 2 weeks ago)
              Hounded my husband to explain the merits of single and double digging (Seems like alot of hard work to me and I have decided that is what husbands are for!)


              • Been a great day ! hot not a cloud in the sky Pea's/spinach went out . Built a mini pond and finished off the bed for my corn . If only my sunflowers wasnt so unhappy :/.

                Hythe kent allotments


                • harvested my 1st lot of radishes grown in wooden container hung on fence. cut some mixed salad leaves.
                  my plot march 2013

                  hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


                  • Today the existing tandem greenhouses were re-homed and the new 16 footer assembled. I actually got as far as starting to put the glass back in.


                    • what a brilliant day, the first time ive done a full 8 hours in the garden.

                      Planted out carrot seedlings
                      sowed some chantenay carrots in situ
                      sowed little gem and cca lettuce in situ
                      sowed summer sprouting broc
                      sowed lisbon spring onions

                      the weeds are growing so the season is on its way- lots of weeding, I must keep on top this year. Ive loads of mushroom compost, so experimented with using a couple of bags as mulch around one of the raised beds.

                      moved a few things into better positions in flower beds.
                      sorted out strawberry bed and potted up some runners, gave them away to neighbours.

                      bit worried about early pots, I put them in way too early, and they are just peeping up, looking a bit sorry, so earthed them up again.

                      gave the grass a quick strim, but ran out of power as i havent used battery since last summer, so its on charge.

                      got thoroughly mucky and loved it.
                      My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


                      • Just planted my 'Red Emperor' heat treated onion sets, and put a cloche over them til they get established.


                        • Just finished digging my 10ish square meter veg-patch, with "Concrete and Clay" stuck in my head, due to the huge lumps of concrete I kept finding, and the nature of the soil.

                          Off to B&Q in a bit to load up on compost and eye up wood for the making of the raised bed.

                          My back is going to hate me tomorrow.


                          • Went to son-in-law's to help strip turf and prepare one of their fruit beds. We dug, blood-fish-and-bone-mealed and planted 14 rescued strawberry plants from my allotment, a 'champagne' rhubarb and 5 malling something-or-other rasps.
                            Came home, had lunch then sowed some Violetta - purple seeded broadies, some of the spicy salad mix from GYO last back-end, then planted out half of my Markana peas against some tough poly net. Prepared more ground and got net support up for second lot of peas but they'll have to go in tomorrow.
                            Harvested some all the year round and stoke lettuce for tea. Felt smug.
                            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                   Updated March 9th - Spring


                            • yesterday: 2nd day of good sunshine after weeks of rain and snow
                              dug over 20ft strip and planted out 81 onions - ground still a bit sticky, but workable

                              today: dug over 8ft x 8ft bed, planted out approx 50 peas with canes and netting
                              potted on cauliflower, tomatoes, red cabbage, sprouts, broad beans
                              bought more lettuce (loose leaf and iceberg) because old seeds not doing well

                              tomorrow: sowing new seeds, some pricking out and potting on to do, need to put some "fencing" around the rhubarb cos kids have trampled half of it playing football


                              • Planted Strawberry

                                Been too wrapped up in Facebook site lately . Thursday today, Ken Muir strawberries arrived last Sat but only got them planted today in 3 Wilko troughs (8 of Darlisette and 4 of Mara de Bois, thanks to Muckdiva for the swap). Last week, transplanted the desperate looking spinach, beetroot, various brassicas onto troughs to give them breathing space although not their final place. The nights are still freezing to plant out most things.

                                Thinking of resowing cauli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, calabrese, kale, turnip, beetroot, radish and possibly runner beans and parsnips as I suspect the seedlings/plantlets may have been compromised. Early sowings fared well for most of these except for the lack of suitable beds with protection to plant them out early enough. Mangetout not looking too good since the transplanting, might compost them.
                                Food for Free


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