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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • I've just sowed some coriander, cayenne chillis and sweet peppers (californian wonders), so i'll see how they do. Everything in the past week is really shooting up now. Even the parsley popped up, and the mangetout and reared its head too .


    • Pricked out the tiniest of Sorrel and Sweet Marajoram seedlings this afternoon. And it honestly surprises me BIG stylie how they ever turn into proper plants being quite THAT small from the very beginning. And that's what I truly love about gardening - the sheer utter magic of it all, every single time.

      And guess what? I've also sown more Rocket, and other Salad Leaves...... and also pricked out more lettuce!
      And all for my very gorgeous friend, Mrs. Happy Couple, with her 6 week old baby. who is now SO excited about picking her own (from Wellie's Salad Bar.....!) that she now wants her own Salad Bar. Excellent! Another Wellie's Workshop project in the making!

      Earlier today, I did loads of Weeding for Mrs. Hyphen-Hyphen, and with all the irises and peonies coming though now, it's just going to be gorgeous.
      What an honour it is to be a part of other people's gardens......


      • Yesterday went to Lottie planted sweet-peas which i cheated by buying from B & Q for £1.49 bargain. ( why are most of their plants so bad they don't get looked after ). Also put some more Broad bean seeds in with ones I planted last Autumn to fill in the gaps not sure if it will work but hey ho.
        Sorted out small greenhouse re potted seeds that had come up threw out ones that didn't.
        Sowed tomato seeds, peppers and sweetcorn decided to invest in some plastic module trays one seed per mod, lets see what happens.
        Need to get container for pots as they are untidy and need to sort shed again !!!
        It was a beautiful day quite warm.
        Wont be doing much today got steroid injection this afternoon.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • Today I put some more potatoes in buckets. In the greenhouse, pricked out my geraniums and some violas, (more to do tomorrow!). Just two of my aubergine plants came up out of the four I planted so potted those on. Brought my Aquilegia out of the garage and into the greenhouse at last. Radish and Spring Onions coming on nicely also beetroot and Purple Sprouting Broccoli. Really excited to see Leeks coming through will have to swat up on what to do next though Kept looking at my new Automatic Window Opener (can't quite believe it works but it does!) Shuffled the plants around on staging as some getting more sun than others, and cleared some room on floor ready for growbags. Really satisfying day, can't help wondering if disaster is round the corner.


          • ooh, jackiej, I was a Newton Abbot Girl meself as well! Hope the Steroid Jab went OK (but this isn't the thread to start 'chatting' on, so PM me if you fancy a chat?!)

            I did honestly mean to achieve much more today, but only managed to weed and pretty up The Pretty Garden, liquid feed my seedlings and buy more Rocket seed, some Lemon Basil seed, and some special grass seed to grow for my cat to chew on..... I know! I know! but she really loves it.....


            • Yesterday........actually rotovated........done a brilliant job, although my legs, arms, back and feet felt like they were going to drop off. Weeded onions and garlic and sowed some peppers and beet. Planted 3 trees that I paid 1.75 each for....Victoria plum, cherry and conference pear.

              Today going out with family, they dont realise it yet but to a garden centre lol......... then this evening, hopefully go to lottie on my own.
              Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


              • Wellie how long ago did you live in NA I have lived here for 20 years Jab went ok came home and went to bed. Not doing much today got to take it easy must go and get parking permit mines run out whoops.
                Desperately want to go to Lottie but I know I will overdo it if I do.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • I planted beetroot, parsnips and carrots directly in the ground, with radish as 'markers' for the row. Also put some calendula seeds in along near the fence edge.
                  Potted up my Sunburst and Tigrella tomatoes in their final pots, Tigrella are showing tiny flower buds. Last year I mixed home made compost with the shop bought, but haven't any home made ready this year, so I put in some poultry manure pellets and some water retaining granules.
                  Potted the peppers, that are also showing flower buds, on from the modules to 5 inch pots, ditto with chillies. The peppers and chillies can still come in at night if necessary. the tomatoes have been living in the greenouse for the past couple of weeks, covered with fleece at night. At a pinch I'll set up the electric fan heater for really cold nights.
                  Also potted on my vietnamese coriander cuttings and pricked out the final lavender seedlings. Can't do anything more until I get some more compost!
                  Last edited by BarleySugar; 18-04-2008, 02:05 PM.
                  I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                  Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                  • Potted on 15 Tamina and 12 Roma toms into plastic cups. Chillies seem to have survived overnight in the greenhouse and hopefully it will start to warm up a bit from now on. Lottie AGM tomorrow, it will be interesting to get allotment holders together if nothing else!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Hmm I went to Wickes got another 8 bags of compost with Gordon, had a brew and a natter, very windy and got blown about getting a waterbutt home.....

                      Oooohhh got given an 8x6 glass greenhouse and staging, on plot next door to me, she has given up so I got it! Yaaaaay!!!!

                      Carrots, leeks, peppers, gourds and cabbages are all coming through.........

                      Cannot wait for Monday, Kids go back to school and I am potato planting!
                      Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                      • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                        Potted on 15 Tamina and 12 Roma toms into plastic cups. Chillies seem to have survived overnight in the greenhouse and hopefully it will start to warm up a bit from now on. Lottie AGM tomorrow, it will be interesting to get allotment holders together if nothing else!
                        I know the feeling about get people together, our AGM, when I was secretary, was the only time we got em together, I even had to use blackmail tactics to get em there!!!!!!! Sad aint it?
                        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                        • Myself and Himself finally managed to remove the last stump of old overgrown shrub from what is to be my new flower border. Blimey, what a mass of roots. Gone now though
                          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                 Updated March 9th - Spring


                          • Bit windy today but sowed some chives and gherkin seed.......planted some first earlies and tidied up.

                            Big project on Monday, move new greenhouse onto plot and move old one onto another plot. Then plant out potatoes.......

                            So excited about getting a glass greenhouse lol.........

                            Now resting and going bowling with family tonight.
                            Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                            • end of 7 days of non-stop activity in the veg patch after nearly 6 months of neglect!

                              Mon - dug over half bed apprx 30 sq mtrs and thoroughly weeded on hands and kness all day!

                              Tues - shredded a large fur tree that came down in the March storms - plenty of chippings now

                              Weds - dug over the other half of the veg patch - again approx 30 sq mtrs - planted new Rhubarb crown and six Asparagus crowns ( in tubs - see how that goes) - Purchased a 6 bird hen house!

                              Thurs -weeded the area dug over yesterday - well half of it. Got the bean canes up - order new fruit cage

                              Fri - weeded the other half of what was left - planted a 4 mtr row of garlic bulbs - i know its a bit late but.........

                              Sat -Built myself 2 compost bins from reclaimed pallets, each about 1m cubed. Also found some old broken paving slabs in the undergrowth - perfect for step ways through the veg bed.
                              Last edited by Muddy-G; 19-04-2008, 04:46 PM.


                              Dont let the weeds grow under your feet


                              • Didn't realise how much having shingles was going to slow me down. Everyone keeps telling me to rest so....

                                ....all I did today was plant out 5 rather pathetic caulis which have been in pots far too long. Reckon they've got two chances in the ground! Put cut off plastic bottles around each for slug protection.

                                Other than that, just admired the rest and retired to the sofa to watch Bond movie...
                                Growing in the Garden of England


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