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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Took dogs for a walk then came back and power washed and tidied up GH No 2.

    Planted up 2 hanging baskets, potted on some toms and cukes, cut grass whilst OH did the edging and washed the cars. Moved 2 clematis into trough planters and started to train them up the trellis I painted last week and planted out a trough of Dwarf (I hope) Borlotti beans. Sorted out lots of plastic pots and trays, weeded the raised carrot bed. Noticed that I have some little gherkins and cukes growing away nicely in the GH and some courgettes should be ready to pick next week. Potted on some Purple Ruffle and Dark Opal Basil and some Lemon Balm.


    • Hmm, mostly tidying up in preparation for sowing some seeds for "Winter" growing, though am a bit late, so all the planting will happen this week once the new seeds arrive! Pulled some strawberry runners off, ate some strawberries and the first blackcurrants. Watered everything, found a new froggie, replanted two squashes after slight unearthing by my two year old who dug em up a bit with a watering can!


      • Got my corgettes planted out,watered everything,planted pumpkin out,picked some more salad leaf n radishes,pulled of strawb runners.


        • Harvested some onions and carrots and planted some chard bright lights...oh, and shared the first strawberry with hubby!
          My mind works like lightning, One brilliant flash and it is gone!


          • Yesterday ... I was too tired by the time I got home to post. Cleared the weeds from the paths and the onion bed and the main crop spuds. Moulded up the main crop spuds. Trimmed back the grass under the damson trees - one tree has some kind of blight/pest that is affecting the fruit - must look on this site to see if anyone knows what it is. Cleared all the weeds out of the strawberries - they are sending out runners all over! OH cleared a huge patch of nettles on the edge of the plot so must take a lidded bucket today to make nettle tea. Weeded and then weeded some more. Planting out sprouts today. And probably more weeding. Finally - picked broad beans and had them for supper; that's what makes it all worthwhile.
            OH said "I don't like broad beans",
            "Well just try one, they're different young and fresh" -
            "OMG these are lovely!"
            So, a bigger row next year methinks!


            • Harvested half of my overwintered Senshyu onions, they are delicious. I'm not sure if it's a variety thing but they are difficult to chop, as soon as the knife goes through them they seperate into rings with just a touch, this is of course a good thing because it means there is virtually no membrane to chew

              I am pleasantly surprised and will definately overwinter another batch.


              • Yesterday i potted on 4 San Marzano tomato plants that i am saving for my brother as they get their new greenhouse in 2 weeks & that gives me an excuse to fob off my excess plants on them & give me more room - i hate chucking out excess seedlings! Sorted out & tidied away into the garden chest thing all my plant pots & seed trays, means i can now move in the greenhouse! Couldn't do much else due to hayfever making me want to scratch out my own eyes everytime i ventured outdoors
                keen but (slightly less) clueless


                • Hi again!
                  Today i.............
                  Made a path inbetween my raised beds.
                  Went out and bought two tomato plants on sale 50p each!
                  Also bought two chilli plants 25 p each!
                  And bought french bean seedling also 25p!
                  watered vegetables.
                  Spotted pea pods growing.
                  bought shavings and layers pellets for the chickens
                  And checked on my nettle fertiliser(still not ready)


                  • Today i dug over end of flower bed that got compacted by workmen whilst they were doing the fence, rescued & replanted the bulbs that were in there & also planted the (large) gaps with sage, echinacea & delphinium babies donated from my dad. Whilst doing that i spotted my first little Toad babies of the year, our garden is usually over-run with toad, frog & newt babies in the summer. Also planted up some herb pots for the patio with Chives, Sage, Parsley, Lemon Balm, Pineapple Mint & something else that i've forgotten. Harvested Vivaldi spuds from pots & 4 onions.
                    keen but (slightly less) clueless


                    • Planted out some lettuce, kale and purple sprouting. Still looking for somewhere to put a tray of chicory and 6 trays of leeks. Have about half the second lottie dug over and full planted up. Not usually into self praise but looking at it earlier I was really pleased with my efforts.



                      • Spent half an hour thoroughly watering the allotment only for it to chuck it down with rain five minutes after I'd finished!
                        Continued finding places to plant onions and shallots and planted and labeled them!
                        Had a barbie with chicken pieces and kebabs I sourced from Tesco's cheapie price about �2.50!
                        Pulled out a few of the never ending weeds and waited for a lull in the weather before heading for home!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • Ever had one of thise days where you seemed to be running about all day like a mad thing and didn't achieve half of what you wanted to ?
                          Watered tunnel then tumbling toms and leeks that are outside.
                          Went to posh walled garden.
                          Sowed 200m Carrot Autumn King Carrots, 100m Swede Gowrie, 100m Purple Top Milan Turnips
                          Planted out 100 Kohl Rabi Quickstar.
                          Sowed CMC Parsley in fancy hexagonal type spiral design
                          Sowed 50m Perpetual Spinach
                          Watered celeriac, celery (looks as if has has started to succumb to spray damage too ) and Florence Fennel
                          Hoed round cabbages, cauliflowers and calabrese.
                          Planted 4 courgette and 2 Patty Pan plants.
                          Checked fruit - gonna be a BUMPER harvest of everything, goosegogs, redcurrants, whitecurrants, blackcurrants, raspberries, strawberries, tayberries, loganberries, apples, plums, pears and figs - every tree or bush is laden.
                          Back to my own place - watered tunnel, double water to cukes and toms.
                          Last edited by sewer rat; 15-06-2009, 12:31 AM.

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • Today, I widened a border and added a curve for interest, and planted in some dahlias, gladioli and ranunculus, as well as a few lavenders.

                            This morning, I picked off some mange tout that were getting a bit too big, and left the ok sized ones on for the time being. After I'd finished in the garden this evening, I had to pick *them* off too.

                            Harvested spinach as they'd started to bolt, and dug up the plants. Finally had space to put in a cuc, but it's not looking too happy since it dried up a bit in its little pot.


                            • Over the last couple of days I've planted out 4 Squash, 5 Marrow and 6 Courgettes, they seem happy now they have some root room.

                              Yesterday I harvested some more Asparagus, (sooooo good) as my folks are away this week, so they won't miss it! I also weeded my Brassicas, which I had put off because it was such a faff having to remove and replace all the netting (Pigeons and Cabbage Whites )

                              Got home about six this evening, and put the sprinkler on to water a couple of beds, as it has been really hot here the last two days, and just remembered 10 minutes ago that it was still on Happy Carrots and Onions now, I guess!
                              Last edited by Glutton4...; 14-06-2009, 10:39 PM.
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                              • A bit of a non stop day. Planted out last 10 tomato plants (20 already flowering and huge) that were 'spares'. Amazing how much time it takes finding buckets, extra compost etc then places to put them. Cleared a green bed of limnathes and planted half of the leeks, still need to find a spot for remainder. Found larger pots for some flowering shrubs and potted these on. Harvested more lettuce and sowed some Lollo Rosso. Started the earth up process on the celery plants that are growing well. Put strong canes and tied in tomato plants in GH as these are nearly roof height. Watered 8 hanging baskets and 2 wall troughs.

                                I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
                                Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


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