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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Watered tunnel, weeded outdoor strawberry bed, dug up 25kg Foremost potatoes, started planting leeks. Came home and started to clear up the house in lieu of the arrival home tomorrow of wife and daughters - can't believe I can live in only two rooms for a week and still make such a mess !!

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • I am mostly weeding at the moment, and harvesting. I passed on a few spare cauliflower and red cabbage plants to my dad at the weekend. I have plans this week to sow some turnips, swedes, radishes, spring onions and mangetout (all but swedes are additional successional crops). And I must dig over a covered section for planting out leeks (grown in pots and ready to plant on at this stage).


      • Went to tunnel and gave everything a good soaking. Off to posh walled garden and weeded, then did some more weeding, followed immediately by some more weeding and finished the day with some weeding.
        Tomorrow I shall mostly be weeding

        British by birth
        Scottish by the Grace of God


        • took out the broad beans [must sow much more next year], dug/hacked/wept over the concrete that laughingly passes as soil, chucked a load of compost on top and a bag of leaves from last year.
          Tomorrow, more digging or smashing, sow some stuff.


          • Yesterday evening I...........

            - Watered and fed the toms and cukes in the greenhouse
            - Munched some sugarsnaps and mange tout straight from the plants
            - Watered all the potatoes outside
            - Removed a few flowers from the potatoes
            - Picked various salad leaves to go with our BBQ dinner
            - Made coleslaw from home grown cabbage, carrots and onions, also to go with the BBQ.


            • Got up early as it was Iona's eighth birthday. Pressies and cards. For 8 am til 5pm , see my entry for yesterday.
              Came home, birthday tea for Iona, followed by cake.
              Spent rest of the night typing letters to my creditors and to my box customers

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • - took out a load of onions that are ready for drying
                - planted out 6 cukes in their space
                - sowed 2 rows of Kelvedon Wonder pea
                - sowed a row of Chioggia beetroot
                - planted out one Giganda (sp?) butter bean (the rest of the seed rotted)
                - dug spuds for dinner, beans, peas, beetroot, and some lovely long (9") carrots
                - harvested coriander & parsnip seeds (millions of em)
                - planted out a dozen Nicotiana Sylvestris (sown by mistake, but I couldn't kill them)
                - lots and lots and lots of weeding ... will it never end?

                very, very windy: two of my flags have disappeared, and the flowering chard, beetroot and cornflower has got knocked over
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 18-07-2009, 07:49 AM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • Yep more weeding - finished weeding the Florence Fennel and the Celeriac at the posh walled garden.
                  Tonight, after supper, went out to the field to get stuff ready for making up my boxes in the morning. Do you know how long it takes to hand dig 50 kg of baby new potatoes ??????
                  This weks boxes will contain some or all of the following; new potatoes (either Foremost or Charlotte depending on whether cistomer prefers a dry or a waxy tattie), courgettes, Milan Turnips, broad beans, peas, cucumber, tomatoes, chillies, cabbage, calabrese, gooseberries, figs ()

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • Been away on holls for a week & came back yesterday night, it seems whilst we have been away triffids have taken over my garden. Today OH cut the grass - have arsed i have to say! I have weeded, dead-headed, staked, tied up, pulled out & re-planted in two large flower beds. I have also in the GH tied up my 2 melon plants to the netting, tied up & de-side shooted my tomatoes, watered, fed & dead headed all the rest. In the veg patch i have weeded, weeded & weeded, harvested, harvested & harvested, pulled out all my broad bean plants, raised the frame & netting on my brassica bed, weeded, weeded & weeded, harvested some more and weeded. Still loads & loads to do in the garden to make it tidy again - isn't it amasing how much stuff can get out of hand in the course of a week! Also have to decide what to do with 18 large golden beetroots & 6 large golden turnips - any ideas?
                    keen but (slightly less) clueless


                    • Weeded, and weeded and WEEDED! gawd my hands hurt!
                      The OH planted out his prized leeks-hope it�s not too late!!


                      • Had a very long lie this morninhg as I had only had three hours sleep since going to bed on Thursday night. Went over to the field at about twelve, planted circa 1000 leeks, tied in cukes and toms in tunnel, gave everything a good soak, cleared the shed as it was in chaos following box make up and deliveries, and farmers market prep and aftermath. Went up to posh walled garden at the hotel - watered greenhouse, picked 5kg rasps and 3 kg blackcurrants - have just potted up the rasp jam and will make the jelly later when it has all dripped through the jelly bag (been dripping for about an hour and a half so far).
                        Forgot - dug up some more Foremost potatoes and took a look at my Duke of York - I would now say that they are bg enough to start harvesting too, so that's all my tatties on the go now except the Rooster maincrop.
                        Last edited by sewer rat; 19-07-2009, 09:38 PM.

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • Weeded, ran and sat in car to avoid getting drenched, more weeding, ran back to car. More weeding and anti-weed mulching, ran to ladder where Himself and Himself's Dad were about to die due to Himself falling off ladder and on to Dad while trying to prune cherry tree which yes shouldn't really be pruned yet but since all cherries mysteriously disappeared *cough* pigeons *cough* we thought why the hell not, more weeding and anti-weed mulching, pegged down some wheelbarrow potted strawb runners, empted some weed bin cotents on to compost bin, splashed self with toxic weed brew residue, harvested some courgies, (no not puppies), attempted to pick gooseberries while dodging wasps, again ran to car, waited. Waited some more. Waited a bit more. Went home, damp and smelling of toxic weed brew residue.


                          • Visited lottie this afternoon as it has been dry today after the down pour yesterday. Weeded and dug over the beds that we put in a few weeks ago. Lifted nets from PSB and cabbages and weeded between rows. Soil was lovely to dig as the rain has broken it down. As we cultivated it to break the ground back at the end of June, I keep diggin and weeding the beds to remove the nasty roots. Had a lovely afternoon as I was the only one on the plot. Hoping to complete fruit area next and start diggin and weeding the other side of lottie. Came home and cut the grass.

                            Updated 23rd February 2009


                            • What a long day, I am knackered

                              Harvested Radish Saxa 3 and French breakfast (aka crunchy water).
                              Harvested Spring onion performer
                              Lifted all of the Boltardy beet
                              Harvested loads of Cobra French beans
                              Harvested peas (I think they are GH Shaft)
                              Harvested all the sugar snaps
                              Lifted all the Elephant garlic

                              Sowed Ostergruss radish, White Lisbon Springs, Carrots Autumn King 2, parsley Italian Giant, Dill, Beetroot Cheltenham Greentop, late Runner beans Celebration, Cabbage Offenham 2, Peas Twinkle

                              Transplanted: six CimaDiRapa 40 days, more Bijou' Giant Sugar Pea, about 15 leeks Bleu de Solaise,

                              And tomorrow I only need to sow some japanese spring onion..and rest


                              • Nothing in the garden as it's piddled down all day. In the GH i only watered everything that needed it, picked about a dozen cherry tomatoes and 5 Blueberries that i moved in there to avoid them becoming bird food. In the kitchen i pickled my Paris Silverskin onions which i salted yesterday, just less that 2lb made three coffee jars full. Also made a beetroot cake (from the season to taste thread) which i have yet to taste, but its a lovely shade of pink!
                                keen but (slightly less) clueless


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