Dug some more potatoes from the lottie, including a Pink Fir Apple volunteer which had produced loads of spuds - delicious with dinner last night. More runner beans, but the French have had it. Three more courgette/marrows and some raspberries. Pulled out the broad bean plants which have finally finished, and brought some pods home for saved seed. Had to water the beans and the three sisters bed. Ten pounds of Victoria Plums from the tree in the garden.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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picked some spinach leaves.'
picked some tomatoes.
covered my radish and carrots with fleece..
sowed some Artic King lettuce
Dug up my last row of spuds (5 Wilko Rooster for �1) and they were the best out of the three types i planted (and the cheapest by far!) Much bigger with better yield than the Vivaldi & Sante i bought for much more - Wilkos next year again for me! Pulled up the last of the carrots from the same bed & dug it over. Will use this for the over wintering onions next i think. Pulled out my Patty Pan squash plant as its been pants, also pulled up 2 sweetcorn plants which are now done. Harvested half a carrier bag of french beans and a handful of tomatoes. Had a bit of a weed & pulling up session, fed & watered greenhouse and picked a tub full of Rasps.Last edited by Newbie; 10-09-2009, 10:48 PM.
Yesterday Trousers and I filled up the raised bed pond, knocked down the loggia and put the brick pillars into the old pond (after moving fish, frogs and newts). The soil from the raised bed was used to back fill the old pond.
Finally two climbing roses were hard prunad and lifted for replanting on the lottie, the rose arch they were on was re-sited to support a rose that was climbing up the loggia.
After that, lots of beer and a rest.
Yesterday i started off Damson Gin & Mixed Fruit Vodka and also made a batch of Damson & Plum Jam - my first attempt at Jam making and even if i do say so myself, i rock at it
- weeded the borders
- planted spring bulbs (lots of Thalia daffodils)
- planted out fuchsias
- sowed some hardy spring bedding
- cleaned out the shed (I even vacuumed it) and stuck all unwanted items on Freecycle & eBay
- made chutney, wine, shelled dried beans
- updated my photo album with the year's successes & failuresLast edited by Two_Sheds; 15-09-2009, 02:23 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
cleared the raised beds emptied after turnips...
and burned the weeds over it and dug it and then levelled it .. its now ready for either spinach or mustard
Forked over a patch that was previously occupied by caulies. Raked in some BFB and will plant out winter density lettuce tomorrow. Removed three tomato plants from greenhouse. Not sure of variety as they were given to me but they were a cherry type and have been giving us a constant supply since the first week in July. Just got moneymaker left now which should keep going well into October. Also walked the dog down by the shore and found 2 large tubs that had been washed up on the big tides we had recently. Gave them a good clean and drilled drainage holes ready for next spring. I love it when I get stuff for free....I suppose that's the Yorkshire in me.
Yesterday I had a fabulous 'garden day' doing the following:
Strimmed the lawns
Cut back squash foliage to just after the last fruit
Same for Cucumber
Cleaned up the dead foliage of the oldesy courgette plant
Fed and watered the toms
Dead headed every flower I could see
Planted out the cauliflower/broccoli (wish me luck - I've never had success with either!)
Pulled up the spent pea plants
Manured and (home) composted empty (previously onion) beds
Harvested another batch of Desirees
Harvested runner and climbing beans and blanched them for freezing
Cut up my excess courgettes and dried them on tea towels all day, then froze
Sowed numerous wildflower varieties in the front bed
Weeded all the beds
Cut back lavender
Earthed up my Christmas spuds
Bagged some manure for maturing
Cut off the spent sunflower heads and left to dry before de-seeding
Trimmed lemon balm right back and left to dry, to store for winter tea!
I *think* that was it!
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