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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Pulled up my French Beans, Sweetcorn, Courgettes, Pumpkin, some Marigolds and a gazillion weeds, spread contents of compost heaps on the three now vitually empty veg beds. Weeded Rhubarb patch & spread compost on that too. Harvested the last Courgette & French beans, two sweet peppers (finally ripe!) and some cherry tomatoes which are still going strong.

    Pooped now so thats it for today, plenty more tomorrow though as still need to weed Brassica bed & stake some of the bigger PSB plants, pot up strawberry runners, Dig up last 2 fuscias & put them to bed for the winter, and plant onion sets, garlic bulbs & shallots. Hmm, we'll see how much of it i get done!
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • Well today i managed to plant the Radar onion sets (64 of them) into modules in the GH, as well as 27 cloves of Garlic (which are now 3rd generation self saved). Also potted on 6 lots of Basil, potted up 2 bowls of Hyacinth bulbs, put a load of Spider plant babies in water to root, dug up last 2 Fuscias, pruned them, put in the garage for winter & sorted out myself a load of cutting for potential new plants next year. Also moved a plant to a new place and planted 25 Tulip bulbs. Not a bad weekend.
      Last edited by Newbie; 25-10-2009, 03:09 PM.
      keen but (slightly less) clueless


      • I and the OH are just back from the Lottie; we weeded, and collected the dried French beans to make �Rice and Peas!� Now we are in the process of redesigning the vacant space, 30ft x 65ft�.


        • I've had a productive day at the allotment today, arriving early, and actually got done what I planned to do!

          Cleaned out the small part glazed greenhouse (it WILL get fully glazed eventually!) and weeded the floor area.
          As tomato plants have finished I've ben storing the florists buckets with the compost still in them outdoors to get a good soaking.
          Tipped the compost out into a wheelbarrow today, took out the old tomato stump and roots and chopped it up a bit. I've then refilled the pots with compost, took them back indoors and planted each pot up with either a single Spring Hero (ball headed spring cabbage) or a single Durham Early (pointy spring cabbage)
          I also potted up five Senshyu Japanese onions per pot that I had grown from seed.
          Still got loads of spring cabbage to plant outdoors yet along with PSB and a few Senshyu sets I have left.
          Left allotment at about 3.00pm happy with what I had got done and with a bag of semi green toms,orange peppers and nice sprouts for the dinner!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Picked some borlottis and some chillis froze them, picked runner beans and some red kale for dinner, did a bit of hoeing around my leeks and kales. Collected a couple of Marina Chioggias now sitting on the table outside with the rest of the pumps and squashes (still about 10 Marinas left on their vines). Dry roasted a load of winter festival squashes and made a pumpkin pie and pumpkin soup for tomorrow's lunch. lazed about and read papers after mucking out chooks.....
            Hayley B

            John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

            An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


            • We were in the garden all day and were 'working' all the time but there isn't a lot to show for it, mainly because we spent ages washing ornamental pebbles - one by one! They surround my acer in a pot, I removed them, added 4inches of fresh compost, washed them and put them back. Then I raked both lawns followed by planting daffs in pots - I've chucked the glads which were there as they're far too big and topple over. I had no idea when I got them two years ago. Dh deadheaded the front rose (the others are still in bud) and then I gave the beds a watering - I know it sounds daft but we haven't had any proper rain for weeks and the aster's were shrivelling. There are still pots to sort out - throwing out the glads and replacing with daffs and tulips (tulips yet to buy) but now that the clocks have gone back we only have weekends and next weekend we're away at the seaside. The weekend after is still plenty of time though.


              • Finished my raised bed for the fruit bushes today. I was given a nice white currant bush, so i dug the hole for that and planted it in. I dug up the rest of my sarpo spuds and started to clean the greenhouse glass, taking the white wash off.
                "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


                • Actually did not do much today. Bit of a heavy session with the neighbours savouring various grape fermentations if you know what I mean

                  ....then sat in the garden watching the cats chase leaves
                  Last edited by Gurberly; 25-10-2009, 10:17 PM.
                  I fear no beer


                  • - dug out all my carrots (2 bags full)
                    - and the last spuds (King Edward: one carrier bag full)
                    - and sowed Red Epicure broad beans (originally from Snadger)
                    - had a good weed: plenty of the boogers flowering still
                    - collected another 3 bags of leaves to stack behind shed until Spring 2011
                    - dug up Hippeastrum from the border, cut off its leaves and popped it in the fridge for 6 wks
                    - brought tender pelargoniums indoors
                    - planted out lots of cream primroses in the shady border
                    - transplanted about 300 nemophila that decided to seed themselves into one big clump
                    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 30-10-2009, 04:42 PM.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • Yesterday we edged 3 beds with wood so there is a definate bed, OH should be going this week to mark where other beds to go. Had a chat with other plotholders, cup of coffee. The site sec gave me 8 strawberry runners so we planted those, everybody is so kind.

                      Oh yes and had to go and retrieve my plastic greenhouse from the middle of a plot 100 yards away as the wind did get hold. Not too much damage so will try and think of a way to secure it.


                      • Was away at the weekend so only managed to cut down remaining tomato plants last night in the dark but whilst away I did manage to have a jolly good 'discussion' with my mum over traditional rows vs raised beds. I'm sure I won the 'discussion'
                        RtB x


                        • Put the last 4 nails in the new PT


                          • Go blasted out by my boss - the censorious old gi*. I'm going to work it out on the lottie tomorrow as I'm taking the day off! About 2 hours of digging should do it
                            Sorry to hijack a thread about seasonal tasks - but something gotta get me motivated for a big workout and being furious might as well do it!
                            Last edited by Jeanied; 26-10-2009, 10:27 PM.
                            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                            • Bosses can be gits, especially if they aren't good at their job Jeanied.

                              The first thing I did today was to sort out one of my wormeries. I took all the compost out of it and rescued a good number of worms to put back in it. I put what I salvaged into a 70 litre compost bag and judging by the fact it was just under half full I reckon I had about 30 litres of compost out of it. I'll do the other wormery tomorrow.

                              After dinner, me and my son drove down to Redcar and we collected four binliners full of seaweed for the compost bin at the lottie. At the lottie I finished off splitting the last strawberry plant. It was the largest of them all and the root of the plant was like a huge lump of wood. I split the plant into 40 smaller plants which leaves me with a grand total of 108 strawberry plants to be either planted by me next year or to be given away.

                              While I was on with the Strawberry plants, I left my son to cut down all the dwarf bean plants and remove the seedpods from them and chuck the remains into the compost bin. He ended up with a huge bag full of pods which I've only managed to de-seed about half of them so far and have far more than enough beans to plant for next years crop. I'll still pod them all though cos they'll probably be a few other people who would want some seeds.


                              • Today i brought in my mango tree from the outside non-heated greenhouse, the leaves were dying so i thought i should save it. I also sowed tamarind, pomegranate seeds and re-potted my ginger.
                                Dont judge a plant by it's pot.


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