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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • The weather today actually permitted me a whole afternoon working in the garden - hurrah, boy did it need it! Started of by nipping to the garden centre up the road for 2 bags of compost and some plants for three different troughs i wanted to get planted up for some winter colour.

    Whilst i did that OH swept up the leaves front & back of the house, i pulled up all the blackened, frosted annuals, cut down all the decaying perrenials, hoiked up a load of weeds (still loads more left for next session), dug up roots of small cherry tree that the dog snapped & killed whilst chasing a squirrel, did a spot of weeding in the veg patch & planted up the three troughs - one for the front of the house on the wall and two for the decking at the back.

    Good days work.
    Last edited by Newbie; 05-12-2009, 04:20 PM.
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • Not so much about my nightmare of a job today trying to do the work to get my car through it's MOT (stopping me from getting to the allotment, apart from a brief foray to sort the chooks out)............more to do with my RAT day tomorow at the allotment tidying up, moving a shed, having a bonfire, all so that any rats looking for a new residence have no hiding place. They are trying to move in for the winter and I am going to do my damnest to make sure they don't!
      Lots of other jobs to do as well but no doubt I shall relay the results of my labours tomorrow evening!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • sunshine, lovely.
        planted out the last of the garlic, gathered lots of bags of leafs and scavenged a lot of spent hay from a stables close by.
        cut off some raspberry leafs which i'll chop up add some lemon, thyme and ginger. leave to dry (althiugh at this time of ear i thinmk i'll need to use the oven. bingo my own herbal tea.


        • Had a rotten night ( S & D) - had to phone in sick for work. Felt better this afternoon and the sun came out, so I went out into the garden, moved and fed the guinea pigs, and gave the passion flower a good haircut.


          • I did some general tidying up. Re-arranged a huge plastic sheet which was a bit of a nightmare with the wind, started some digging and wanted to get some manure up to the plot but it was just too wet to move anything around in a wheel barrow. Still - I came home with the last of my potatoes and some leeks so I count that as a good day!
            Life's not always a party - but now that we're here, we might as well dance!


            • Well. For me, I looked out of the window, thought the greenhouse might need a bit of ventilation so opened the door. 6hrs later I went and closed it. I am knackered.


              • For me the highlight of the day was shooting dead my first rat.

                Everything else I did today (which was quite a bit) pales into insignificance!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Oh....that was indeed a day's work. I would need a stiff one to get over that.


                  • - potted up the hippeastrum that's been chilling in the fridge for 6 wks
                    - sowed wheat & oats in the propagator so the guinea pigs can have fresh grass in Jan
                    - planted the last tulip bulbs
                    - made fat balls for the birdies
                    - potted up some baby parsleys + put onto the windowsill for winter Vit C
                    - planted 7 garlic cloves in a pot on a cool windowsill
                    - transplanted loads of wallflowers and daffs (fencers are in putting up a windproof fence)
                    - accidentally dug up some dahlia tubers, so they're potted up on windowsill too, for cuttings
                    - ordered my greenhouse *smug grin
                    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 14-12-2009, 12:10 PM.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • I can finally contribute to this thread now - today I built the frames for my veg beds ! (took all day mind, but it was great to be outside, rather than stuck indoors on the xbox or laptop!)


                      • Belated post - My Birthday 8th December, Had a joyful day!!!

                        Pottered around the garden.
                        Planted tulip,hyacinths,crocus and some daffs that had been hanging around in the greenhouse.
                        Cleared the little raised beds at the bottom of the garden and planted broadies that had been hanging around in pots. Already planted them at the lottie.

                        The globe thistle that I saved seed from a few months ago have germinated and have grown to about an inch and a half in the greenhouse.

                        At lunchtime I visited the allotment to plant fruit trees and some raspberry canes. When I got there, there were council workers putting in a new road along from the top gate, down the hill. Also a new water trough at the bottom of the hill near my plot!!! They will be also erecting a new security fence. Birthday and Christmas rolled into one. What a result, very happy.

                        Varieties Planted: Bramley Apple, Bountiful, Blenham Orange, Cox and Discovery.
                        Pear - Beth, Victoria Plum and Raspberry Canes.

                        Lottie is coming along really well. Onions have put on a few inches of growth, garlic has put in an appearance, and so have the broadies.

                        Pulled up some flowers that I wanted to save seed from and came home for a cuppa. Went out for Dinner.

                        Today didn't get much done in the garden apart from collect greenery for Christmas table arrangement.

                        Updated 23rd February 2009


                        • Well, today we put some Heras type fencing panels over 2 of the raised beds, as the rabbits have discovered them and we put a new battery on the Chook fence, as Mr. Reynard has left evidence of his recent patrols

                          Then, I made the most fab Bullace jam (needed the space in the freezer where they were sitting). AND, made some proper Horseradish sauce - blows yer blimmin head off - YUMMY!!!
                          Last edited by Glutton4...; 13-12-2009, 10:39 PM.
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • Just a bit of digging for me and OH finished off modifying one the raised beds.


                            • Saturday - went to look at another half plot, bought home two trays of spring cabbage and a tray of lettuce to pot on. Did this while OH was watching the football.

                              Sunday - Planted another 47 garlic cloves (Marco), OH dug a bean trench and filled this with compostable material, weeded 3 beds and signed papers for the half a plot I saw yesterday. I also took the cabbages and lettuce back to the cloche.


                              • today i got some time to plant 2 jostaberry, 2 blackcurrant, and 2 worchesterberry bushes, ive had them sitting outside for the last two weeks in pots, dunno what im goin to do when all my fruit bushes start to fruit properly in a couple of years time, def not getting anymore....... ( for now,he,he)


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