The weather today actually permitted me a whole afternoon working in the garden - hurrah, boy did it need it! Started of by nipping to the garden centre up the road for 2 bags of compost and some plants for three different troughs i wanted to get planted up for some winter colour.
Whilst i did that OH swept up the leaves front & back of the house, i pulled up all the blackened, frosted annuals, cut down all the decaying perrenials, hoiked up a load of weeds (still loads more left for next session), dug up roots of small cherry tree that the dog snapped & killed whilst chasing a squirrel, did a spot of weeding in the veg patch & planted up the three troughs - one for the front of the house on the wall and two for the decking at the back.
Good days work.
Whilst i did that OH swept up the leaves front & back of the house, i pulled up all the blackened, frosted annuals, cut down all the decaying perrenials, hoiked up a load of weeds (still loads more left for next session), dug up roots of small cherry tree that the dog snapped & killed whilst chasing a squirrel, did a spot of weeding in the veg patch & planted up the three troughs - one for the front of the house on the wall and two for the decking at the back.
Good days work.