I've plant some Radish and Lettuce in a cold frame..... and sown my parsnips... hoping for some smaller fellas this year. I've used a 4'x10' bed with just 3 rows with about 15" between them.... I'm hoping to plant something in between them, just not sure what.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Sorted some of the veg for my boxes, watered the seedlings at the walled garden (all germinated except for celery -none showing, and celeriac - 5 showing.
Went to hospital this afternoon and got the snip !Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Set up wormery, turned tomato plants, checked propagator for no show chili plants
sowed tomato seeds in electric prop. garden pearl, harbinger, gardeners delight and sub arctic
sowed leeks and onions in unheated prop. musselberg, lyon prizetaker and brunswickabove the clouds the sun is shining and the sky is blue. if you look hard enough you can just about see it!
As my mri and x-ray said my neck is 'stable', I dug over my 'garage garden', a small patch near the drive. It only took me 20 mins, just hope OH doesn't notice when he gets home, or I'll be in trouble.
I also sowed some antirrhiniums in the greenhouse, some more tomatoes in the heated propagator, and planted my shallots in the garden; only 9 though as one was rotten.
I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
Now a little Shrinking Violet.
Cut the hedge (in a furious mood because my delivery which should have let us start the chook-run this weekend was messed up and won't be re-delivered till Monday!) However, it helped me to be vicious with the hedge!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Tackled the area at the end of the grden and behind the shed. There was a mass of branches from the gardens over the back encroaching on the right of way (which none of us use. Mmmmm, is it because it's all overgrown?) Ah well, stops the baddies getting through I suppose! Cut them well back. Re-made the insects log pile.
It must be 25 years since behind the shed was sorted. Out of sight out of mind.
Anyway, there was quite a depth of rotted pine needles, leaves and soil so I have painstakingly seived the lot. Filled an 80 litre bag and a large pot.
I am uncertain where to put it now. I notice that there were no worms in it so I am assuming that it is acid. Is it any good for the potato bed does anyone know please.?
Or since it's seived perhaps I could fill my parsnip holes with it?
I then emptied the full compost bin into an empty one, putting all the part rotted stuff in and placing the well rotted stuff into yet another bin so it's ready to use.
I am shattered and my back is killing me but feel pleased to have acheived something.
Today I put up 2 new 4 tiered mini greenhouses. I then potted on my garlic into bigger pots. Fixed a trellis onto my wall. Potted on some stock. Swept my path and patio and cleared out some weeds. Looked out my spud grow bags (I use these as extras when I can't fit them all in my raised bed) and chased a cat off my beds which was just about to do its business!!!AKA Angie
I cut the grass for the first time this season.
HOW NOT TO DO IT, item 1:
When starting the petrol mower for the first time since last year, don't assume that the amount of petrol in the tank is enough. Just because the amount you see in the tank was fine during the summer's constant use, it won't be enough for a start after a long time idle.
I checked the oil, looked at the fuel (yes, should be enough there) primed it and pulled and pulled the starter and nothing happened. I DID get a petrol smell (I thought I'd flooded it) but only after all else failed (clean plug etc. etc.) that I thought to add more fuel as a last resort.
Worked first time!Tom
If you can't eat it, it's not worth growing
Weather turned a bit cooler today, and seems to have got colder as the day has gone on. Have put some fleece over the potatoes in the greenhouse just in case. Sown a 40 module tray with spring onion white lisbon. 24 each of ruby chard and spinach beet, 12 each of pepper friggitello and marco rossa and 12 each of aubergine chinese ancestor and viserba. Topped up the three bags of charlotte potatoes and sprinkled some blood fish and bone around the swift potatoes. Transplanted into bigger pots 15 onion from seed and 12 spring cabbage. Out on the lottie dug over half a raised bed, put up support structure for loganberry that was planted last autumn. Planted three more rhubarb crowns. So not a bad days work.
Visited walled garden - the chef and sous chef have volunteered to work in the garden for the next fornight so they are going to dig over those areas that require it, clean up the strawberry patch, clean the two greenhouses, rake the compost in and strip, preserve and paint the cold frames.
Then went and made up my veg boxes -took a lot longer than usual to gather the veg as I am still sore from yesterdays visit to the hospital.
Anyway, this weeks boxes have the following - potatoes, carrots, onions, swede, chard, parsnips, then some or all of these - leeks, broccoli. pumpkin, spinach, sprouts.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
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