spent a pleasant hour in the greenhouse and sown sme broad beans , peas, leeks,parsnips, then still trying to get my head around al these tempting seed catalogues,also spoke to the farmer and he hopes to get the beet off the land he has promised me this weekend ,so i can get round to errecting my polytunnel...yipee
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Put netting over the veg plot, to stop the neighbours cat using it as a litter tray!
Planted cheap Daffodil bulbs bought a few weeks ago (50p for a bag that had started sprouting!).
today I built 5 8ft by 4 raised beds out of scaffolding boards,bought onion & shallot sets & burnt about 4 cubic yards of brush that I cleared off the lottie in sept.also set out my seed potatoes to chit.my venus flytrap came into flower today as well.couldn't dig beds over as the ground is like granite!don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow
Another certified member of the Nutters club
Yesterday I cleared out the allotment greenhouse ready to dig it over and to add a load of leafmould and manure next weekend. On the polytunnel plot I dropped off half a dozen slabs and laid them to continue paths between the no dig beds.
Today, in the kitchen I am making another batch of sweet chilli sauce which just flies out of the cupboard into peoples hands.
I have potted up some clematis twigs from the one nearest the house, it is showing signs of buds already. Its not the right time of year according to my book but its an experiment. What's the betting that the dogwood sticks holding the plastic bag up roots and they don't? In the kitchen I have a batch of tomato sauce cooking for the freezer, I always have a supply, it goes with everything and is SO much better and cheaper than those awful jars.
I have potted up my Rhubarb. I'm trying "Red Champagne" variety. Never grown it before. Has anyone else tried this variety and whats it like? I have grown it in a pot as I don't have enough space and only me and OH like it.
Trousers and I seem to be meeting like 'ships in the night' lately, but when your Sunday Roast culminates in Red Cabbage, Swede, Sprouts, Roast Potatoes and a Turkey Leg, forgive us for not being 'bovvered'?
I promise you, the taste of it all is just truly truly divine.
Growing your own vegetables just has to be the only one thing that you aspire to this year. No compromise.
I redid my plan and think I may have sorted a rotation out in my head. I am right in thinking that each patch is one sort for a whole 12 month period? So I'll have all my brassicas (maybe 3 different lots) in one area and move them on next Jan/Feb?? That's what I am looking at now anyway - a 12 month rotation plan.......someone tell me I'm not wrong!!
Im a returning poster so thought id let you know what ive been up to today as a way of a welcome back.
Today dug over my non frozen small raised bed and planted and fleeced my rather expensive elephant garlic. Hope it will be all right!
I also planted my early broadbeans in pots, stuck them next to the house with bubble wrap protection, again, hope thier ok!!
Learned the hard way that Brassica's really do get completely stripped by pigeons if you don't net themWorst thing is that they are the only thing that i currently have in my plot as i had to pull up my leeks as babies because the beds were getting re-done, and by Chard stuffed it in the cold. Not a happy bunny
Anyone know if there is any hope of them coming back to life - they currently look like skeletal PSB!?
Originally posted by Newbie View PostLearned the hard way that Brassica's really do get completely stripped by pigeons if you don't net themWorst thing is that they are the only thing that i currently have in my plot as i had to pull up my leeks as babies because the beds were getting re-done, and by Chard stuffed it in the cold. Not a happy bunny
Anyone know if there is any hope of them coming back to life - they currently look like skeletal PSB!?
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