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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Just planted cabbage, caulis, courgettes, broccoli, chillis, water melon, toms, cucs, peppers
    Cheers Chris

    Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


    • Planted out the boysen berry which I bought yesterday. Don't know how productive they are but looks a good strong plant. Also planted out a dozen broad beans and put a tunnel net over them for som protection. Planted out another dozen potato tubers rocket. Not grown rocket before but worth giving them a try. Then retired to the greenhouse and sowed kholrabi, swede, celeriac and black seeded samara lettuce. Got a couple of packets of salad mix from Wilko's and sowed one tray of Italian and one tray of French. Only �1 a pkt and is ready mixed with vermiculite.



      • Potted on 27 tomato seedlings - 3 varieties, garten pearl, tamina and gardener's delight.
        Also potted on 10 mesembryanthemum seedlings.

        Sowed in the greenhouse:-
        leeks, spring onions, herby lettuce mix, calendula, sunflowers, scarlet kale. Planted 6 rosetta lettuce into the greenhouse border.

        Sowed in the vegetable patch, under a plastic mini tunnel, two varieties of beetroot and one of radish.

        Moved 7 garlic plants from a tub into the veg patch - not sure if that was the right thing to do or not, but it's too late now!

        Sowed in the propagator 8 sweet peppers. Only 8 seeds in a packet - hope they all come up!
        Never say never!


        • Planted x 3 Raspberry canes and another black currant bush. Sown beetroot and radish seed. (polish crosby and french breakfast.
          Sown Aquilegia, Sunflowers, Corn flowers, Delphiniums, Lupins Nasturtiums, Poached egg flower, Calendula. Planted Hermacullis.
          Put up some garden wire to contain the jasmine, checked greenhouse. Potted on tomatoes and chili peppers from propagator.

          Updated 23rd February 2009


          • Today I re-dug the veg patch and started to pull the nettles up from the patch at the side of it, hopefully I will get that bit fenced off soon .
            Also weeded the herb garden and found garlic that I had planted and forgotten about.
            Pegged out the area for the new greenhouse and the OH started to dig out the foundations.
            I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


            • finished cutting down next allotments 10' privets, much more sunshine on mine now. dug over 6 beds on the allotment. plastic down on potato bed. decided which bed for asparagus that arrives later this month. sowed sweet peas that had been soaked overnight. have sown half into newspaper pots and half into modules just to seed if taller toilet roll pots make a difference. played 5 a side and wished i hadn't.
              above the clouds the sun is shining and the sky is blue. if you look hard enough you can just about see it!


              • took brother in law down to "see the lottie" kept him digging through the heavy clay full of bramble roots for 5 hrs straight while I assembled 6 more raised beds,then bought him a pint and home for sunday roast,
                family really do make the best cheap labourers!
                don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                Another certified member of the Nutters club


                • Today I attempted more digging! Managed about a 3' square ish area trying my best to get all the couch roots out!

                  Trying to tame the mad thing called a garden and getting there I think!

                  My Garden Mayhem...inspirational blog for me I hope! - updated 16/04/09


                  • I have sown some Marigolds, Carrots, Parsnips, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce, Celeriac, Giant Sunflowers & Spring Onions. AND I made a lovely grass & paved area outside my shed (only 6foot x 6 foot) You can't eat that!� seeing as I now have a strimmer. Pavers were a freebie from work & grass had been dug out & dumped by another allotmenteer. I also erected my 3 new compost bins purchased from Ebay for �6.99 � BARGAIN! I LOVE BARGAINS
                    You know you're a hard nosed gardener when you pull the weeds from others plots!


                    • I have sown some Mizuna in greenhouse. Covered my potato patch with fleece (for impending cold weather!)as they are already in. Watered all my seedlings in greenhouse. Wanted to sow Early Nantes carrot but found the seed packet empty oops!
                      Found some sprouting spring bulbs so planted them.
                      AKA Angie


                      • Today I've been to Lidl and bought 3 polytunnels and some other bits and pieces that "I couldn't possibly manage without" , went to a reptile shop to get a polystyrene box for my impending hatch of Welsummers, then went to the lottie and planted out 3 types of peas that I'd started in modules - Carruthers, Onward (saved from last year) and Gladstone all in a polytunnel. Planted out 2 types of broad beans that I'd started off in the greenhouse, some saved from last year that I can't remember the name of (but they were delicious) and some Crimson Flowered then covered them with fleece because of the yukky weather forecast
                        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                        • Planted 50 sturon onion sets, and another row of 15 garlic cloves, including three elephant garlic cloves. In the greenhouse, sowed some more leeks, calendula and sunflowers.

                          Put my early tomato plants out in the sunshine or a couple of hours in the middle of the day. Don't expect to be doing that again anytime soon, looking at the weather forecast.
                          Never say never!


                          • Shallots are in, another raised bed painted and the ladt one made ready for painting. Potted on my rather leggy tomaotes. Potted on the aubergines and cukes. Moved some flower seedlings into the mini-g/h. More digging (only got about 5 feet but 2 feet to go - ya!), put bare-rooted strawbs into some water and will get planted tomorrow (free from GW mag), sowed 3 trays of self saved cosmos, planted grapevine from allotment lady, planted out spme foxgloves as they were so overcrowded in their trays. Think that's about it.... oh and tried to deer-proof the garden.


                            • On Sunday I found (and bought!) some bamboo hoops at the garden centre which I've used to hold up the fleece over my, soon to be, carrot and onion bed. Wil plant out some of my onion seedling under there and under plastic bottle cloches soon, not enough room left in the house for them!

                              I also collected some pine and spruce needles to mulch my pots of strawberries and blueberries with, hopefully I'll get some good fruits.

                              Visited Dunblane potato day on Saturday and bought 6 more varieties of potato, including a blue one called Congo, and 2 Scottish types called Mr Little's Yetholm Gypsy (I think) and Dunbar Rover.


                              • Sorted out seeds to send out. Checked Heritage peas that I had sown in a normal root trainer propagator, and was surprised to see 100% germination. I really can't wait to see how they do. Terrified of the slugs getting them now.

                                Updated 23rd February 2009


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