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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Too tired to post this last night. Today I finished planting 16m of beech hedging. Saturday and Sunday dug the trenches (about a spit deep and wide). Yesterday afternoon did the actual planting with help from one of my fellow students.

    I was sensible (for once!) and interspersed heavy digging with nice gentle jobs - planted out the shallots, prepared the beds for early potatoes, potted up my new blueberries.

    Today I will need to get the barrow and move all of the bricks/other masonry/rubbish that I dug out on the process. Childs football boot anyone??
    Growing in the Garden of England


    • yesterday planted all my spuds,pink fir apple ,rooster ,cara and pentland javelin.
      Had more than I thought,4 8ft by 4 ft beds an the remainder into tyres.
      blagged the rotavator from another allotmenteer,and went over the pre dug far end of the plot,will be up to make another 6 raised beds today.
      I now have the whole week off so should get the rest of my module sown salads out under cloches,also my module sown spring onions (all hail pigletwille)
      don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
      remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

      Another certified member of the Nutters club


      • Yesterday went to allotment and weeded broad bean patch, they are a good foot high now. I have sown carrots, parsnips, radishes and chives under a layer of fleece.


        • This morning, with the weather being so good and it being St. Patricks Day, I couldn't resist planting a few of my early potatoes in containers. I'm holding back most of them until the 30th as I'm away for a few days next week, but I figured I'd risk a few and leave them in the (unheated) greenhouse while I'm gone.
          There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


          • I managed to pot on some of my sedlings today. Now I have room to sow more seeds !!!
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • Spent the last 2 days hand weeding the onion and shallots planted last october/nov. Anyone good at back massages?


              • Managed to finish work at 2:30, Been trying to create a bit more room in the greenhouse growing area. Took about 12 trays of various stuff, that had germinated, around the lottie. Still to small to plant out but I have some sheltered raised beds round there. Pricked out 3 trays lettuce, Salad bowl, valmaine and little gem, 28 per tray. All the seeds planted so far seem to have germinated very well so heated bench can be deamed a success.



                • Potted on chilli Anaheim. Also tried to create more space in the greenhouse. Put slug wool round my alliums as they were severely nibbled. Raked over my raised bed and general tidy up.
                  AKA Angie


                  • Got to the plot early and cleared some more weeds. Took the seed box along and labelled up some rows of seeds I'd planted a day or two ago. Built another raised bed and started clearing ground for another. Barrowed two loads of rotted donkey manure to the plot and topped my new potato bed ready for earthing up when the time comes. Hoed through the soft fruit beds. Short day today, no coffee!
                    Owning a garden doesn't make you a gardener any more than owning a garage makes you a car.


                    • Potted on my January early tomato sowing into 5" pots. Placed posts and wire to support the tomato maincrop vines when they get started: shocked at the space that my toms will require: I have 10 plants so far and the maincrop sowing on the way: I am going to switch my plan for my main crop from greenhouse culture to outdoor growing: in a row with the recommended spacings they are going to stretch the length of the veg patch against the south facing wall! Fortunately I have opted for Gardeners Delight which is suited to outdoor growth. All this will leave more space for bell peppers in the greenhouse.... Caught a pigeon nibbling my strawberry crowns in the greenhouse: it got in when I opened the door for ventilation.

                      Watered in my spud sowing, and noticed the first intercrop radishes sprouting amongst the garlic.... Ran out of pebbles for crocking and spent a happy half hour raking up rocks and builders waste from the veg patch and throwing them in my "crock pot".
                      Last edited by Welsh Wizard; 17-03-2009, 09:26 PM.


                      • Sowed my tomatoes in a covered seed tray to go on the windowsill. Moneymaker and "Irish" Gardeners delight. Well it is St Patricks day!


                        • Today at the estate garden, I dug up and transplanted another 4 barrowloads of snowdrops - soon be time to lift and divide the daffs! Powerwashed the herb / patio area, finished general tidy up before the guests arrived.
                          At my own place, glad to see that although the polytunnel mice like my seeds, they liked the bait even more.
                          Watered everything in the tunnel, marked out areas in the field to be avoided when the tanker comes to spread the pig slurry (that is those areas still producing viable crops).
                          I also think I have just bought a load (well, 15) of 1000 litre tanks for a tenner each.
                          Scarifier should arrive tomorrow

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • made 3 more raised beds today and cut timber and predrilled holes for 4 more .
                            this will take me to 16.
                            plnted out lollo rosso lettuces and chinese leaves into cloches,cut up water pipe for covering brassica bed.
                            don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                            remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                            Another certified member of the Nutters club


                            • - planted shallot Pikant and Red Baron onion sets
                              - planted supermarket garlic sets
                              - weeded out more buttercup
                              - sowed lots of tender annual flowers in propagator
                              - took comfrey root cuttings to increase my stock
                              - took delphinium basal cuttings ditto
                              - potted on chilli & parsley seedlings
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Potted on my cucumbers and some chillis, aubergines and peppers. Sowed more French Marigold as only 4/12 germinated! Also sowed oregano, russian tarragon, coriander and spinach beet (thanks Fi). Re-potted perennial herbs in fresh compost. Potted up marginal pond plant that seemed to have gone 'adrift' and weighted it. Broad Bean red epicure seems to have germinated and I think also my beetroot. Re-jigged gh (again!) for maximum space. Also potted up 40 miniature viola seedlings.
                                AKA Angie


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