Seeds sown today, cabbage, parsley, brussel sprouts, salad leaves, celeriac, lettuce. Mended the main fence too which has been broken since last summer (now my dad's complaining that it's not out far enough and we've lost 4 feet of garden - he's never pleased with anything).
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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- sowed radish & spring onion direct
- planted spuds out
- painted another 2 fence panels
- sowed lots of things in pots (mostly flowers for our new garden)
- watered all the pots in the greenhouse (really dry)Last edited by Two_Sheds; 22-03-2009, 05:17 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Chopped down another section of massively overgrown hedge, only about another 3 meter long section to do but its too thick & high to do ourselves so it will have to wait for professional help. Emptied out six or seven of last years potato buckets that were meant for winter / xmas potatoes but failed dismally - got about a dozen marble sized spuds from the lot (which my canine helper promply ate!) Compost from buckets was then spread over one of the flower beds. Thats all for today garden-wise.
DH has a sickness virus so I've done all the cooking (Gawd 'elp us all). I have a beef stew in the slow cooker and a pepper and tomato soup waiting to cool for the freezer. I also raked the lawn, topped up and turned the compost, repotted a marjoram, planted some seed potatoes in a bucket and made my salad for my lunch tomorrow. Nothing to do now. Can't even have a glass of wine as I used it in the stew.
An hour and a half digging and feretting around on the lottie then returned to bake a cake then help Himself finish the chicken run door.
Sowed 2 each of 6 types of tom and pricked out my Tigerella toms and some of my Sungold un-hybrids.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Trousers and I took a trip to the local garden centre for some one-year old Asparagus Crowns, which will start off our new Early/Mid/Late Season Asparagus Beds in our new home. He also bought me some beautiful Dahlia Tubers, which I've potted up individually, to get an early start, before I plant them out into the new garden.
I was thrilled that he again bought himself something: a pack of 15 Gladdy bulbs!
and I shall plant them for him in our new abode, when he/me(!) decides where they should go (!)
what i did all week
finally feeling really chuffed, My dream has come true, here it is with e the help of my OH ,......MY POLYTUNNEL....Attached Files
Planted up the asparagus bed I dug yesterday - with 1yo crowns I grew from seed last year![looks all proud]
Planted a bottomless tub with strawberries and sweet peas.
Another allotmenteer - the one with the intimidatingly neat and productive plot right next to mine! - gave me some raspberry bits so I planted them too, along with a clump of primroses that she also gave me.
Sowed loads of seeds - marigolds, limnanthes, dianthus, dahlias (I have NEVER planted so many flower seeds in my life, some for companions, some just because the lo wanted them) as well as my TPS, and some welsh onions. Oh, and some sunflowers.
Checked all the seeds I have sown so far this year and, as was the case the last 187 times I checked, only a few toms have sprouted.
Watered everything because even though it is March it has not rained for what seems ages and the weather has been scorchio - can anyone else BELIEVE how nice the weather is at the moment? (touch wood)
Came back to this forum for the first time since winter set in!Last edited by Demeter; 22-03-2009, 09:34 PM.Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
Dug up more lawn to plant 2 rows of Mangetout peas. Placed stakes and wire to give them something to climb. I underestimated how many peas I would need: I had grown 60 plug plants but ended up using all the plugs, plus most of the remaining packet. Now off to set the mouse trap to continue my battle with the brood living in my shed: I nearly had a heart attack when I picked up a pot and a mouse ran up my arm and over my chest.
Sowed some chard in module: nothing better than your own plug plants to play with!Last edited by Welsh Wizard; 22-03-2009, 09:46 PM.
After a lovely lazy breakfast on the patio (as Demeter said, the weather is unbelievable), I potted up 40 sweetpeas and 30 parsnips that were all sprouting madly on kitchen roll. I've been on paper pot production overdrive this week, just have to fill them all now...
Nothing else garden related sadly - DD had a friend over for a sleepover last night and had her birthday party at the local swimming pool, which somehow took up most of the afternoon. Went for a run late in the afternoon, it was hard work!
Made a list of things to do in the garden - it's alarmingly long!Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
I had a good day in the garden with:
- digging up remaining leeks
- pulling up remaining cabbage
- translated garlic
- mulched veg beds
- dug runner bean trench (*), filled with home compost and wet paper
- planted hanging basket
- hoed all ornamental borders
- planted penstemons
- planted Waterperry Star clematis
- cut dieback from Jasmines
- feed and mulched bamboo
- smiled at baby tomato plants looking up at me
- cut the grass(*)
*SD did these bits which is excellent because I have a hubby that does not 'get' gardening, but does like to eat what I produce and sit in a nice garden with flowers and pretty stuffaka
Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post*SD did these bits which is excellent because I have a hubby that does not 'get' gardening, but does like to eat what I produce and sit in a nice garden with flowers and pretty stuff
Well done for doing all that before 8am this morning btw
Yesterday I sowed 4 types of carrots and some beetroot, put in my loo roll sowed parsnips and went to see my old Mum, taking her a bosenberry I had grown for her.
Transplanted some lettuce.Last edited by womble; 23-03-2009, 08:24 AM."Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"
Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.
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