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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • #61
    Took advantage of the sunny weather this morning:
    • Went to the Hill and weeded the brassica bed
    • planted a couple of dozen daff bulbs at the front of the plot that were being sold off before Christmas at Wyevale for 50p a bag
    • Went to Wickes and bought gravel boards and wood for stakes to make the first of the proper beds - have been waiting for the raised-bed fairy to visit for two years with no luck, so am finally resigned to getting on with it myself
    • Came home and cooked a chicken and bean casserole with home grown beans

    Now blowing an absolute gale and lashing it down.
    Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 17-01-2009, 08:09 PM.


    • #62
      I've sown in propagators some gardeners delight toms, and some flowers i've sown geranium, petunia, begonia and salvia

      Also got some seed potatoes and some more seeds (not that I need any)
      Last edited by Maffie; 17-01-2009, 08:34 PM.
      Life of a Cycling Gardener


      • #63
        Today I bought some sharp sand and mixed it in to the carrot bed and some in the Beetroot bed too. Made paths between the different beds with some of the stones that I dug out of my little plot, it's looking good now, so satisfying to put the fork into th soil without it hitting stones!


        • #64
          Trousers and I have been up to our proverbial armpits today.
          I managed to get myself and my 'woman flu' out of bed this morning before Nine!! having spent ALL night awake coughing. If Trousers didn't bring me a gorgeous mug of tea every morning at 'The Crack of Sparrow Fart', I should never have lasted this long in life - really I shouldn't!!
          So. Together today we took every living flowerpot, widger, seed-tray and cobweb out of Wellie's 'Little Girls Greenhouse'. Trousers then washed all the interior glass, Wellie Armillatoxed it afterwards, and then, just to make absolutely sure, we lit a smoke bomb in there .
          That will give me a place to retreat to now for the entire rest of the year at the mearest hint of an argument! But then again, I've never needed an excuse, and nor has my Gardening Cat....(!)
          Last edited by wellie; 17-01-2009, 11:08 PM.


          • #65
            today...or rather now yesterday...I managed to finish of skimming spear grass,giving it to the chooks & then roughly digging an area for my brand new fruit cage on our brand new lottie!Also moved almost a tonne of old tin & other various bits of rubish to places destined to be new beds in the vain hope that it may make the work a tad bit easier when we get round to digging those home & my head is still spinning with plans/designs/ideas for the new plot!....& now it's p'ing it down & blowing a gale & I'm starting to feel less optimistic about spending the day tomorrow making a new raspberry bed!
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #66
              As our new rental property will not be ready in the next month, I have put most of my squash and pumpkins (15 plants) into the ground, along with another 6 tomato plants, dug out a heap of dorkin/doc, awful stuff. Picked a heap of red russian kale to go into macaroni and stirfry for tea. Glad I have most of the curcubits in the ground I was really worried, as I have run out of larger pots for them and the amount of pottingmix ($7 bag- cheapest) I was needing to buy was making this gaff uneconomic.


              • #67
                Painted the new wood that OH is going to make my raised bed out of. It will be about 11' x 4' so a good size. Dug over a small salad bed. A bit claggy but the soil was beautiful and as the sun was shining I wanted an excuse to stay out in the garden!! Beats ironing any day!! Cleaned last year's runner bean bed, removed all strings and cut the old plants off at the base, leaving the runner bean root in the soil for the added nitrogen and then lightly dug and weeded it. Again the soil was excellent - very friable. Harvested carrots from the ground to go with Sunday lunch as well as a couple of beetroots and onions which got left behind last year. They still seem firm so I shall try cooking those tomorrow. The beets may be woody though. Also harvested a few salad leaves from the greenhouse and had them, together with beetroot and radish seedlings for my starter (OH does not eat salad).
                Last edited by Sanjo; 18-01-2009, 03:40 PM.


                • #68
                  Although it hasn't been a bad day just couldn't get going and only managed to sow a dozen pots of broad beans 6 each of sutton and aquadulce. Potted on a couple of blueberries yesterday and have another couple to do but I need some bigger pots for them.



                  • #69
                    Planted up my daffodil bulbs I got in a sale just before Christmas. Bit late planting but shall see how they do.


                    • #70
                      Did a quick plot check after the gales and all was well. At home in the greenhouse I pricked out nearly 200 Rose de roscoff onion seedlings and sowed some sweet pea seeds.


                      • #71
                        found that 6 dahlia's that i'd been storing in greenhouse had gone mouldy and tubers had rotted,so had to throw out.cut down bush in garden and spent afternoon chopping it up to small pieces so it could be bagged and taken away by least i've now got some space in the borders to plant something nice.


                        • #72
                          Sowed some lettuce seeds (HSL variety 'stoke') and some very precious seeds saved from one of Pigletwillie's bananana shallot which I left to flower & set last year.


                          • #73
                            put in the last 70 garlic and 50 shallots also goose berry raspberry blackcuurant and redcurrant ,bought from morrissons for �1.38 each.
                            built raised bed from last scaffolding boards,must get some more �5.00 for 4m board .came home,bath,bottle of red,1/2 bottle of port ...........bliss!
                            started chitting seed pots ,is it too early?
                            don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                            remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                            Another certified member of the Nutters club


                            • #74
                              Yesterday, OH finished removing the leylandii so I now have room for a fruit cage. Checked the garlic - still seems OK despite the weather.

                              Planted 40 shallots into modules in the greenhouse to get them off for to a good start (not heated, but it does keep the rain off for a bit)

                              Cleared up dead tops of tarragon, cleared the dill and cut down the respberries (Autumn fruiting) ready for the new season.

                              Can't wait until Spring....
                              Growing in the Garden of England


                              • #75
                                Yesterday, in the surprising January sun - filled 2 new raised beds with topsoil and manure, added the contents of the kitchen composter to the bean trench. Cleaned out and repositioned a bird house. Set up a new waterbutt to drain from the greenhouse guttering. Sowed a few more tomato seeds in pots to put in the airing cupboard.
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