Sowed second batch of broad beans, "crimson flowered" into roottrainers, then put them into mini greenhouse/cold frame. Sowed french beans "Cherokee trail of tears" and "marketmore" cucumbers into roottrainers too, but these will stay indoors on the windowsill.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Trousers and I spent the entire day arguing, and two minutes later, laughing our sox off.
Oh, the joys of moving house?!
We drove between Holly Cottage and our new home with precious garden stuff that we don't trust Removal Firms with, like Blueberry bushes in full flower, being bee pollinated, like fan-trained peach trees in full flower, being bee pollinated.
I think you might get my drift? No flowers, no bees, no pollination, no fruit.
It also got us momentarily away from cardboard boxes, to give us a gorgeous breather of our new home so that we can just 'park' some of the stress that we're feeling.
Thank you for listening.
I planted broad beans, "Meteor". Watered young things in the veggie garden, including the potato beds, garlic, rhubarb, onions and herbs. It's been dry for a four or five days.
I also stood and admired the trench I've dug for asparagus.Not grown it before. Sand and grit arriving tomorrow to be incorporated into my clay soil.
I have sunflower seeds germinating in the cold greenhouse.
PennyLast edited by Meschuee; 29-03-2009, 09:07 PM.
Dug half a new patch at the allotment (for brassicas) and planted out the caulis I had overwintered at home. (All The Year Round)
Sowed millions of seeds at home, some direct into the flowerbeds, some in the mini-GH and some in some nifty new windowsill-shaped (unheated) propagators I purchased at the GC this morning:
# Coriander – direct
# Land cress – direct (into outdoor container)
# Blackeyed Susan (blushing susie) – mini-GH
# PSB (early rudolph) – miniGH
# Crown & Sceptres broccoli – miniGH
# Summer savory – windowsill propagator
# Perpetual spinach – windowsill prop
# Chard (bright lights) – windowsill prop
# Canterbury Bells (Chelsea mixed) – windowsill prop
# Thyme – windowsill prop
# Calendula (Orange king) – windowsill prop
# Nasturtiums (mixture) – windowsill prop
# Cucumber (Konsa) – windowsill prop
# Courgette (Gold Rush) – windowsill prop
Also noticed that the Brussels sprouts and caulis I sowed last week are pretty much through now. yay!
The reason for the trip to the GC was to get a heated propagator. So I got that and set it up with the physalis, mini-bell peppers and melons that I sowed a week or so ago but did not have anywhere warm to put them. (doh)
Oh, and I noticed that the fishtank trick is working for my other peppers (Gypsy) as although they are growing very slowly they are definitley moving and I am up to 3 seedlings now from 10 seeds sown. Yay!Last edited by Demeter; 29-03-2009, 09:35 PM.Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
Spent a good 3.5hrs in the garden today, not exactly sure why i was out there so long but managed to Plant out in the new shrub bed a big bush thing "rescued" from my brothers that has orange berries on in the winter (can't remember the name!!) and a Yellow flowered shrub (also can't remember the name! Planted out about a dozen Fox Gloves down in the wildlife garden donated from my parents, and another freebie shrubby thing! Pottered around in the greenhouse & dug out quite a few Strawberry plants from my tower that performed poorly last year and re-potted them in a trough & shallow pot. Left remaining plants in the tower to soak over night in diluted seaweed feed before re-filling it & planting a couple more in it.
today went down to plot and pulled the last five leeks, then dug the area cver ready for use later. then dug area for the mange toute put up canes netting and put some slug pots out.then found i had forgoten to bring the flippin plants with me,so drive back home to get them.return plant them out pick a handfull of broccolli from the surviving plants with fellow lottie neihbour and promptly lost brownie points when i told him the results of the motor racing he was going to watch in the afternoon.went home and lastly watered the seedlings in my mini green houses, and managed to spill petrol on the rosemary seeds sowed.a good put down line to use !
If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.
Yesterday sowed Red Beard Onion from seed.
Planted some garlic cloves.
Sowed a few spring onions.
Sowed some parsnips with radishes in the same row (radishes should be done and dusted by the time the parsnips are doing anything exciting).
The previous Sunday I planted my Setton onion sets.
Am about to start sowing some tomato seeds and peas.
Ordered a couple of cloches and some fleece on ebay so I can get my spuds outside - had a hard frost last night.
Exciting thing today is I am going to harvest my forced rhubarb and make a lovely pink sorbet! Mmmm!
Today I fitted netfloat grids in pond in attempt to stop the Heron thinking its his breakfast bar! Fixed some hooks for hanging baskets onto fence posts and also found a suitable location for my solitary bee house and fitted that as well. Put bumble bee house in amongst some dense foliage in flower border. Fixed vine eyes to trellis ready for wire to be attached. Thinned out Mizuna, cos and Lolla Rossa lettuces.AKA Angie
Sowed up lots of pots of basil, lemon basil, purple basil, coriander and chives for selling as living plants.
At estate garden, sowed more basil, coriander, chives also Spring onions, leeks, sunflowers, lettuce and a tray of CCA Rocket.
Started clearing another area of ivy and nettles (and branches, and scrap metal, and old fencewire) ready to sow with a wildflower mix.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Didn't do anything in the garden as I was feeling yucky but had to go into town to have a blood test so I went to poundland. I bought some white plastic covered metal lawn edgers that I will put round my raised beds tomorrow. I also got some tomato food, general food for veggies, slug pellets that are children and pet safe, some netting and some garden bags. Also got an email from the person on Ebay that I bought all my jiffy pots from and garde canes and some seeds, they have been posted. Then I got a call from CPL to say that the order that I had placed for Fish blood and bone, chicken manure pellets and gro bags will be delivered next week and sorry for the delay.
I'd ordered this for my dad in February before he'd passed and I'd completely forgot about it. Its a shame the FBB won't be here in time for planting my potatoes but there's always next year.Susiewoosie
A novice but keen to learn
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