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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Today I built a pergola

    I have been wanting to build a pergola for a few months but started the work on my garden first, now the garden is near completion I decided to get the timber and build the pergola. It has taken me 2 days to build it.

    You can see pictures in my album if you want to see it.
    Last edited by dazzlar3; 04-04-2009, 10:42 PM.


    • Well, a lovely dry sunny day here today.
      Sowed radish, and beans.
      potted on my onion seedlings, and sowed some more.
      Potted up my petunia, california poppy and cosmos seed into 3 inch pots until the weather is warm enough to plant them out.
      Thinned out my agatatum as it germinated so well there were too many of them.
      Cleaned out the greenhouse, then spent about an hour weeding the flower bed.
      Did lots of other bitsd and pieces and am absolutely shattered as its been a really hectic week.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Put in my raspberry supports, erected my wigwams, added bark ontop of my potted trees to keep water in and in a few other places about (had a free bag so thought why not), sorted out a few potato growbags and containers ready for planting up of things in and around my now constructed plastic greenhouse.

        Experimentally put out one of my Serbian pole beans planted out to see if it was hardy enough to survive - it was desperate for something to climb.

        Had to quarantine a few of my seedlings that had masses of greenfly - somehow I don't think my spraying them off the leaves with a "sharp jet of water," as recommended, worked so well - they might not make out in the unheated greenhouse but can't be left near the rest.


        • Finally got the last of the maincrop tatties in (Desiree), planted a load of onion sets and potted on some agapanthus seedlings.

          Finally I fed the blueberries and cranberries with azalea food.


          • OH layed some slabs outside my shed on my lottie while I dug over some of the beds apart from a small area its now clear of weeds ready for planting
            Planted out some spring onions and raddish that I had started in cells/pots. Put my slug traps in with beer. Had a cracking day sunshine all day really warm.
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • Pricked out lavender, chinese lanterns, and teasel seedings, potted them on. Potted on some tomatoes and cougettes. Planted out some cornflower seedlings and plan to sow some more. Had a bit of a tidy up and did abit of weeding.
              New apple tree's have new shoots and the plum tree has some blossom on it.

              Updated 23rd February 2009


              • Planted out another two rows of parsnips in loo rolls, replanted one that a mole had pushed out. Planted out a tray of samara lettuce and Italian lettuce. Dug over a small patch of a raised bed and will plant out a tray of perpetual spinach tomorrow. Checked the carrot bed and the carrots have started to show so I gave it a bit of a watering. will also plant out a tray of broad beans tomorrow.



                • I planted a few rows of spinach ("Tetona" F1 Hybrid). Raked over the bed for the beetroot seeds I plan to plant in the coming week. Watered the vegetable beds - think I saw a broad bean seedling. I have blossom on a Victoria plum tree that a builder moved when it had only been in the ground for a year or so, which set it back and it's not flowered until now. Can't recall whether it's self-fertile, so hope there are other plums around.

                  Last edited by Meschuee; 07-04-2009, 04:38 PM.
                  My photos at Webshots


                  Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                  • we started to move wellies garden to the new place, three loads from old mangle to billions of plastic flower pots. have got to do it all again next sat and sun.....


                    • Repotted & fed my seven Fuschia plants (it may be only 6 soon as i'm not sure one of my standards has survived over-winter), sorted though the millions of plant pots in my GH & put a load away into the garden chest thing. After OH had pressure-washed the wooden patio furniture & it had dried in the sun i oiled the 4 chairs & the table - very boring, and doesn't look much different!
                      keen but (slightly less) clueless


                      • Sowed 90 pots of leeks (making 140 pots in total which is approx 3200 leeks)
                        planted out some more strawberry plants, and tidied up the tunnel a bit.
                        Checked on my PSB, leeks and Chard out in the field to see if they would be okay for this weeks veg boxes - they will
                        Went uip to the posh walled garden - dug and planted an asparagus bed - what a palaver that is ! Also planted horseradish thongs, and Jerusalem Artichokes.
                        Then I went to the derelict walled garden, and pulled up loads of chicken wire, old fenceposts, netting etc that was all over the paddock area, in preparation for getting the plough in next week.

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • Jigsawed out to arches for my posh chicken run in the morning before heading to the allotment with them. Called at Tesco's on the way to take my camera back. I bought a samsung L201 yesterday but when I opened the packaging it was PINK!
                          Pleased to see the chicks had faired well in their new coop considering it got down to freezing point last night and they've only been off heat a couple of days. Administered to the chicks and the big girls and collected the eggs(11)
                          Managed to get the front of the chicken run and one end just about completely finished.
                          Tomorrow I'll concentrate on back and roof.
                          I'm off work for a week now so hope to get the new run finished and flagged then get on with some proper gardening!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Covered 3 of my raised beds with netting after catching my dog digging up my cabbage plants. Hopefully it will keep her off.

                            Planted 4 cucumbers all sitting on the windowsill with cloches mafe with half a 2 litre water bottle.
                            planted another 10 lettuce seeds, 6 purple brocolli and 6 drawrf curly kale and they are sat in there own mini propogator.

                            Also sowed another bactch of carrots and raddish in pots.

                            Got really excited when I saw a bit of green on one of the shallots and also whe I saw some of the golden radish and baby leaf salad had sprouted. Felt really pleased as I've never grown anything before.

                            Decided to sort out the front garden which hasn't been touched since I moved here in July and possibly a few months before that. Dandelions galore!!!!!!!

                            A novice but keen to learn

                            My Blog -

                            My photo Albums -


                            • I decided to extend the veg patch this weekend. The only problem was I have the worlds biggest nettle patch in the way. It has been there for 4 years so out I went with the spade and fork and started digging. Some of the roots are over 6 feet long and must be over a centemeter in width. It took me over 3 hours to clear a patch 6 foot X 6 foot. And I filled one of my green wheelie bins. It will be worth it though I will have a nice new potato patch and room for lots of runner beans.
                              I also found time to mow the lawn, another 3 hour job, plant some peas, lettace, onions, carrots and brocoli.
                              I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


                              • Oh, it's Wellie's Garden now is it Trousers?! I think you'll find that you enjoy it too, AND the produce my darling! and thanks for working so, so hard today. You've been amazing? X

                                In addition to what my gorgeous man has achieved, I know I'm completely 'barking', but I put Fert'n'Liza, Tom'n'Marta and Freddie Flobalob FlowerPotPeeps into their new garden today, and they blend in gorgeously well?!

                                Whilst we were delivering off 'garden stuff' to our new home, I unhooked the hose for the farm animals, and filled the watering can several times, to water the newly transported wallflowers, strawberries, raspberries, 3-yr-old asparagus crowns, fruit bushes, rooted box cuttings, box topiary, ivy topiary, herbs, hardy annuals, new asparagus crowns, dahlia tubers, etc. etc.
                                Thankfully this time, I remembered to reconnect the hose to the tap for the farm aminals! rather than realising at 4.45am this morning that I hadn't done that last night. See Wellie kick herself very very hard so she doesn't do that again in a hurry...
                                Thank you for listening.X


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