Today I sowed 24 modules of mangetout delikata plus spicy salad mix, more beetroot and some broad beans for a friend. Put up canes for my peas, now ready for netting to go over. Helped a friend who wanted to have a go at growing veg with preparing her veg plot and gave her some veggies to get her started.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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I've just planted beetroot in the bed I've been preparing. Could do with rain. Also put in half-a-dozen Kohlrabi, an F1 variety named "Quickstar". Not grown it before. We might still get frosts so it's under the polytunnel.
PennyLast edited by Meschuee; 06-04-2009, 03:46 PM.
Finished weeding the front garden. It was a battle of wills and I'm not sure who won. Then I went and re-planted my cabbages that my dog had lovingly dug up for me. Yes the dog is still alive (just)Susiewoosie
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Started to help mum sort her front garden out.
She had a lavender bush that had gone all woody and decided to take it out,whilst doing that found that most of it was rotten.
She has also got a lot of other bushes that she has decided she no longer wants. So we decided to have a go at them and it started to rain...which is just typical.
Dark and miserable here today so I cleared up some of the residue from my Dad's office move (how come he seems to have moved to our house?) then cleared some kitchen worktop and sowed:
Various interesting beans kindly sent by Two_Sheds
Asparagus peas from Eco Chick
Some squash seeds from Nicos
Ezetha's Blauwschok purple peas
Sugar peas
More cut and come again salad leaves (bunged all my various types in one jar and now have them in a salt cellar to sprinkle sow)
Chucked out the pinks seedlings which have slowly died off whether pricked out or not(maybe I am just not destined to grow flowers)
Happy Gardening,
A warm but cloudy day here. Easter Hols, so I spent a total of 7 hrs gardening:
- sowed pre-germinated peas (Hurst Greenshaft)
- transplanted loo roll peas (Feltham First)
- sowed radish, lettuce, onions, beetroot direct (nice warm soil)
- at home, dug out another border & filled it with daffs, anemone, honeysuckle, and a philadelphusAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Nearly, nearly, nearly finished my chook run frame.All sides as well as top are wired now apart from one small section which I shall finish tomorrow!
Next job is to flag the base so that the feather legged variety of birds don't get all gunged up in mud!It will also stop foxy trying to burrow underneath as when he comes up the other side he will bash his nut on a paving flag!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
With the rest of my Globe Artichoke seedlings coming through, you just have to pot them on too?! or they die. So I potted them on didn't I?!? No, you're right. I probably WILL need all of these Globes next year!!
And there were some Aubergine seedlings needing potting on, and Aubergines are very very close to my heart, one can never have enough of them for cooking with in the Autumn.
My dwarf Cape Gooseberry seedlings are developing really slowly, but maybe now that I've potted them on also, we may see a significant improvement over the next few weeks.
I'm really enjoying reading all of your 'What I Did Today' posts. X.
Bought many, many 6 inch pots to pot up various plants in. Gave away most of my aloe vera babies: one neglected plant was split into 8 babies! I just can't kill the thing.
25 additional Cambridge Favourite Strawberry crowns arriving tomorrow, the dozens of strawbs in greenhouse showing plenty of flowers so all good there...
Watered patch with added 10% "liquid gold", seems to make sense, its free, good for the plants and organic as it comes.
PSB looks a bit happier now, has stopped sulking and started growing.
- ordered a *few* more plants from eBay
- sowed lots and lots: mostly hardy annuals for our new garden, plus sprouts
- erected a 4th plastic greenhouse
- picked the 1st Camellia flower to come out (late this year)
- planted Skerry Blue spuds in pots on the patio
- pricked out a tray of Baby Blue Eyes
- potted on my young Camellia & Acers
- sowed carrots in loo rolls & some in pots on the patio
- painted another 3 fence panels & planted honeysuckle
- plotted which bit of lawn to dig up next (it's right in the middle - Mr Sheds will have a fit)Last edited by Two_Sheds; 08-04-2009, 07:03 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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