Looked for some bits of wood that would retain the gravel from going on the path. Found some and cut to size and fitted along one size of my path. The other side to be done tomorrow, weather permitting. Did some weeding, swept path and patio. Checked plants in gh and all seems to be well. Decided to cover gh and pots tonight as we had quite a clear sky this evening so worried about frost.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Counted on my fingers that it is 3 sleeps until I get my greenhouse [sorry, OUR greenhouse] [ETA: 2 sleeps...I thought it was still Sunday].
Planted out salad bar in the canal garden, tidied up courtyard pending the above.
Yesterday, took wood to south wales, and made up 4 1m square raised beds for my brother & his family, OH dug the ground over and levelled it, we got the compost down the hill by rolling it [once with a niece still attached]
Then planted out the 4 beds with onions, garlic, beans and peas, sunflowers, salads like my salad bar, herbs, potatoes and one bed full of strawberries....well - 2 nieces under the age of 6 - you've got to haven't you???
now, 3 sleeps wasn't it???Last edited by zazen999; 14-04-2009, 10:38 AM.
Planted out mix of climbing french beans "Blue Lake", some from modules, some direct sown. No poles as yet, so thats a job for an evening this week. Chucked last couple of slow to germinate broad beans into a planted row, they have roots but no shoots, if they grow, great, if they croak at least I have freed up the tray for something else.
Composted a tray of PSB, as I ate some I bought the other day and had forgotten how vile it can taste if not cooked well... would rather have some squashes in the space, plus I have some PSB planted.
Watered the pots: noted the Aromel strawbs are lagging the other varieties somewhat, so fed them also. The outside honeyoye strawbs are looking amazing, looking better than the Mara des Boises that have been in the greenhouse!
Tunnel cloches placed over salad crops as the birds have been at them all, with the exception of the Land Cress, just as well as it is a bit fiery....
Slug beer trap made and baited, baby slugs have been sighted so fully expecting salad devastation soon. Slug pellets are sadly off limits as little one thinks they are sweeties!
Baking hot day here again so now have slightly brown arms below the T-shirt line and white hands where my gloves were - it's the new look to have, don't you know........
Spent the day up the plot and the last of the potatoes are now planted, pea support installed and the first of the mange tout and peas slid out the drain pipes. Parsnip, beetroot and radish seeds sown, land where one day there'll be a polytunnel cleared off turf and covered in card and OH dug over most of the 11 of 12 of the new raised beds. Oh yes and also, a few plants put in the wildlife pond and some chard, lettuce and a few more squash sowed. Ran out of time as had wanted to pot on some cucumbers and outdoor tomatoes but that'll have to be after work tomorrow now.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
One more sleep till I get my new shed for the allotment.
Spent this morning digging and clearing some more, planted some gladioli and some irises and some Jerusalem artichokes (not all in the same bed)
Potted on my Gold Rush courgettes, squeezed them into the last remaining bit of windowsill available!Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
Went to the plot and planted out peas started in home made trays - (newspaper carefully folded into narrow lengths - no guttering available). These were seed from last year so if it's a bit early and we have a frost, they didn't cost me anything! Cut loads of pea sticks from the tree trimmings in the rubbish heap and 'stuck' the peas. Removed the 'cardboard covers' from one raised bed and forked it over. Cardboard that hasn't bio-degraded is now on the path. It will rain ... eventually. Fed the fruit trees and watered the plants under the mini tunnel.
I think our allotment site forms a warp in the space-time continuum (yes I love Star Trek) because time passes twice as quickly there as it does anywhere else!
I planted chives (Allium schoenoprasum) and salad rocket (Eruca vesicaria) and did some voluntary work at the nursery attatched to the local garden centre which is run by a charity that helps the disadvantaged into work, and brought home potted pumpkin seeds to put in the greenhouse.
Dug over the leek patch and added grit-sand and grit. Watered any new things that needed it. There's a slight drizzle today but it doesn't look as though it will come to much.
PennyLast edited by Meschuee; 14-04-2009, 02:02 PM.
I finally finished preparing the ground in the home veg plot! Raked it down fine too. Then I sowed (in pots) Salad Bowl and Lollo Rossa lettuce and Tuscany and dwarf curled Kales.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
harvested my second non-moon moon trial garlics.
harvested some leeks for tea
crowbarred the last of my decking up for the delivery tomorrow of my greenhouse
tidied up in prep for the same above
will plant out some red celery in my new celery boxes this afternoon/evening
- sowed another 2 rows of peas (Early Onward & Feltham First)
- then another (Kelvedon Wonder)
- finally got my King Edwards in (it's been raining constantly)
- transplanted a few more self-sown lettuces that are "in the way" of my broadies
- put in and filled another Dalek from home
- started a new strawberry bed
- my Charlotte spuds have just broken the surface
- watered & turned all the indoor seedlings
- earned a tenner selling some old plants on eBay - FreeCycled some others
- did lots and lots and lots of weeding (dead nettle, chickweed & cleavers)Last edited by Two_Sheds; 17-04-2009, 07:09 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I didn't do anything in the garden today apart from having a look. I went onto Wilkinsons site and bought some Cuprinol green for my shed and fences. Also bought another 3 bigish planters. Then on Ebay I bought a tarpaulin to make it easier to tip my potatoes out when they are ready, a funnel to put my compost liquid into bottles, 3 butternut squash plants and then I destroyed my debit card to stop this obsession growingSusiewoosie
A novice but keen to learn
My Blog - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...s/susiewoosie/
My photo Albums - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ie-albums.html
I have just taken over a plot which is currently homing a lot of old glass, some lovely carpet and the biggest lumps of tarmac (i now know where the holes in the road have disappeared too) I have seedlings and pots of veg and herbs coming out of my ears and no where to plant them!
Have to wait until the weekend again now before a major operation can take place.
It's so frustrating not to be able to get my veg out. currently have onions, tomatos, cucumbers, runner beans and chilli plants in the bedroom - the mini greenhouse is full and i've dug up the turf on the side of the lawn to try and get things going...but still am over run by seedlings and sods law have a plot more than capable of dealing with all my produce
Hopefully though it'll be turned over and cleared with a few weeks and i can start to stare loving at my plot.
Busy sawing bits of old dado rail to retain gravel from path. Put those in place and then made some stakes to help hold it all together. Both Anya and International Kidney spuds are just coming through (both went in unchitted). Did some weeding. Re-potted coriander which was definitely in need of it because when I took pot out of gh there were 6 inch white roots coming out of the bottom! Planted cos lettuce in space between my garlic, then had a general tidy up. Noted that today asparagus pea, carrot tendersnax, parmex, mangetout delikata, lemon basil, pumpkin hooligan and melon sweetheart all germinated. Moved peppers into gh but will move back indoors if frost is forecast.AKA Angie
Potted up..Peppers,Cucumbers,& Aubergines.
Sorted out hanging baskets which will be filled tomoz.
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