Planted out 5 giant sunflowers and 16 mixed varieties. Planted out miniature violas. Planted 5 tubers of vivaldi spuds in grow bags. Earthed up tatties. Potted on two tomato plants, pumpkin and pepper. Potted on 6 strawbini plants. Sweetcorn and borlotti beans have germinated in gh, hooray! Cleaned out filter on pond pump again. New cover for placcie gh arrived today so took off old one and replaced with new cover. Am going to keep the old one as I have plans to re-use it as a cloche for my aubergines. Sat by the pond for a little while with a cup of tea, listening to the waterfall and watching the pond skaters move up and down the pond, very relaxing.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Not posted for a while as now I'm retiredI'm not on the site just an awful lot. I've been beavering away in teh garden, but today just had to clean the greenhouse, so got the whole greenhouse (and its a big one!) disinfected inside and washed outside. Then everything inside was disinfected too. I had horrendous problems with white fly last year, so I'm not leaving anything to chance. The little organic white fly flies which eat white fly will get released early next week, so at least they will have a nice clean environment to get going in.
Harvested purple sprouting broccoli tonight and mint for new potatoes (sadly supermarket ones). All seeds just beginning to sprout, but its only managed 7 degrees during the day this last week and very little sunshine.~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Cut the lawn, then ended up buying more seeds, parsnips and two types of brussels one early one late. convinced OH that my raised beds will look good compromised on size as he doesn't want to lose to much lawn, so now they are going to be 2 ft 6" wide i told him 2ft but have added on 6 " he wont notice, by 8 ft 6", there will be 2 of them, cant wait to get them built. went focus and brought 2 wisteria to grow up south facing wall.
Wow! Everyone has been so busy, I feel ashamed. Today I sowed some broccoli seeds, and also lettuce, mixed salad leaves and spinach seeds. I discovered more rhubarbwhich was hidden under dried grass. So cut the rest of the rhubarb to take to mum and dad's as a thank you for helping me with double digging the bed where I'm putting my tatties tomorrow.
Then went to watch my son play football.
Well after all my grand plans, I managed to get one raised bed built and planted up with seed tatties - 16 King Edwards and 20 Hunter. All planted a bit too close really but I hope to be able to 'broggle' for small ones and leave the rest to grow on. As they are in similar conditions to my buckets but with less restriction then I don't foresee a great problem.
Madmax got his car all back together ready for its MOT next week sometime (fingers crossed peeps - he has worked really hard on it)Happy Gardening,
I've just sown my mange tout and dwarft peas, one in each little pot, and have them on the window sill to germinate. Had planted scabious in some "grotty" compost and they weren't doing well - very carefully transferred the tiny seedlings to better quality compost.
Tomatos and courgettes are just beginning to appear in their pots in the greenhouse.
garden centre and Wilkinsons to get more protective netting.
also bought some pea and cabbage plants and some perpetual spinach seeds (I must have loads of packets somewhere but have given up trying to find them!)
going out to scoop up all the cat poo and then plant brassicas and beans.
also going to attempt to make up cold frame and netting support frames My husband has thrown away instructions, being a man he doesn't think they're necessary.
It is extremely windy today, so not the best day for potteringLast edited by hamsterqueen; 19-04-2009, 02:22 PM.
- sowed 6 Harrier butternuts
- 3 Crown Prince
- 3 Gold Rush courgettes
- potted up 12 Verbena Bonariensis (never managed to grow it before)
- potted up my own Aquilegia seeds (should be black & white Magpie)
- potted up more Celeriac (the slugs ate a whole tray of it)
- watered everything in the 5 greenhouses (it's so tedious, and takes more than an hour)
- planted out Senetti and transplanted some narcissus
- Freecycled some sweet peas in exchange for 3 tomatoes
- made loads of paper pots for my next batch of beans/sweetcorn
not a pleasant day, really: 11c with a cold North windLast edited by Two_Sheds; 20-04-2009, 09:03 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
-put out 3 runner bean plants
-put out 3 broad bean plants (and seeds in too, for double planting)
-made up 5 potato growbags and about 6 pots with single seed potato for baby potatoes
-moved most of my conservatory plants into the cold greenhouse
now if only I could find the rest of my runner bean seeds, they're AWOL but I wanted to doulbe plant those up too!
Not posted for a few weeks due to dreaded diy, finished lounge. Hallway, stairs and landing - papering nearly finished still some more to do. I have been gardening just the odd snatched few hours here and there. But to today its been dry and sunny so decided to have a day outside. So .... today visited gc to get canes, compost, paint, trough etc came home cut the lawn, potted on opal basil, rescued runner beans as I had sown them upside down!!! Pricked out lettuce - mixed leaves and put them into new trough. I planted out some nasturtiums, did a bit of weeding. Mr Herbie redesigned the coldframe so I can use it grow squash or courgettes in it and it can be used for its original function when starting stuff off. Errected canes for runner beans and some climbing french beans that are about a foot and half high. Checked g/h cougettes, squash, pumpkins are all growing away nicely. Sweetcorn plants are about a foot high, these have been planted into the cardboard planting pots but the roots are starting to come through so they need to be potted on. Picked up some seeds for peas -(Onward) and runner bean - (Best of All) so going to get these sown in the next few days. Need to prick out French Marigolds, Rubeccia, Granny's bonnets, Calandula, Corn Flowers.
All in all a great day. Need to check seed packets to see what can go where.
- 86 sweetcorn
- 6 more courgettes
- 72 more broad beans
- 128 spring onions
- 12 more squashes
- 4 more cucumbers
Watered the greenhouse - tis full already of seedlings!
Reinstalled windows xp AGAIN after the puter died again!
Debating now whether to go to the allotment and plant out 140 onion seedlings, 45 spring onion seedlings, sow some raddishes, carrots, beetroot, parsnips and peas, or whether to make Mr D some tea for when he gets home!Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences
Loads......Dug over my three sisters bed ready and added alittle bit of chicken poo so it can be absorbed before the girls go in there. Made a bean archway so that i can walk underneath to pick my beans so i fit more on the canes, well thats the idea at least.
Earthed up my spuds again, think i'll leave the guys to just grow on now as they have been earthed up three times. Actually got Mr Miffy to pick up a fork and dig for the very first time and he enjoyed it, slowly but surely i am getting him gardening!! hee hee.
Put some weed membrane down between my raised beds, dug up loads more cooch grass, boo hoo!! horrid stuff. Made a frame for my crystal lemon and burpless tasty green cucumbers, listened to radio four and enjoyed being in the sunshine, luverly day.
Did more jumping up and down in the green house as my runner beans came up whilst i was up the lottie!!When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown
Transplanted lettuce that was sown in modules into a trough on the patio. Sowed pre germinated parsnip seeds,again into a large trough on the patio. Went to the allotment & picked some PSB for dinner tonight. Would have loved to have done more but back is playing up.
Well today I planted my maincrop tatties, double dug a bed for me fruit, and dug half a bed for later. Then I moved 7 raspberry canes which my dad discovered the other dayinto the fruit bed and then me and my son built a scarecrow. The bugg�r wouldn't stand up but eventually with help from extra canes he's upright. Don't know for how much longer though. Our plot shares a boundary with a golf course so I'd imagine he'll be a target for the not-so-serious golfers!
Originally posted by jessica38 View PostTransplanted lettuce that was sown in modules into a trough on the patio. Sowed pre germinated parsnip seeds,again into a large trough on the patio. Went to the allotment & picked some PSB for dinner tonight. Would have loved to have done more but back is playing up.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
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