Nice sunny day today.
After an initial foray to the garden centre I finished up in Aldi Where I purchased a pot of Basil seedlings for the windowsill for 69p (Last of the big spenders me!)
Anyway, I potted them off into 7 X 4 inch pots and hopefully I'll be able to take one home for the windowsill now and again.
Did loads of weeding with my shirt off but seem to have got away with NOT getting burned!
Dug over a couple of beds and added chicken manure which stunk to the high heaven........when I left the allotment it was covered in ginger sh*t flies!
Knocked in posts and managed to widen one of my 3 foot beds to 4 foot. This will be my leek trench.
Planted a few Gladioli
Got 11 eggs today which wasn't bad considering they have not stopped laying all winter or spring. I usually clean them out on a Saturday but was at a poultry show yesterday so cleaned them out and deodorised there coop today.
The young chicks have been out in the sunshine all day and I let them sunbathe in the door entrance before locking them up for the night.
While I was at the GC I priced the 8 foor canes I require for the butter beans. �6.50 for 10 seemed expensive when I need 20. Will have to shop around or cut some branches from the hedgerow!
Watered everything that needed it and left for home...knackered but fulfilled.
Tomorrow is going to be a tidy up day at allotment (day off work)

Anyway, I potted them off into 7 X 4 inch pots and hopefully I'll be able to take one home for the windowsill now and again.
Did loads of weeding with my shirt off but seem to have got away with NOT getting burned!
Dug over a couple of beds and added chicken manure which stunk to the high heaven........when I left the allotment it was covered in ginger sh*t flies!

Knocked in posts and managed to widen one of my 3 foot beds to 4 foot. This will be my leek trench.
Planted a few Gladioli
Got 11 eggs today which wasn't bad considering they have not stopped laying all winter or spring. I usually clean them out on a Saturday but was at a poultry show yesterday so cleaned them out and deodorised there coop today.
The young chicks have been out in the sunshine all day and I let them sunbathe in the door entrance before locking them up for the night.
While I was at the GC I priced the 8 foor canes I require for the butter beans. �6.50 for 10 seemed expensive when I need 20. Will have to shop around or cut some branches from the hedgerow!
Watered everything that needed it and left for home...knackered but fulfilled.
Tomorrow is going to be a tidy up day at allotment (day off work)