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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Nice sunny day today. After an initial foray to the garden centre I finished up in Aldi Where I purchased a pot of Basil seedlings for the windowsill for 69p (Last of the big spenders me!)
    Anyway, I potted them off into 7 X 4 inch pots and hopefully I'll be able to take one home for the windowsill now and again.
    Did loads of weeding with my shirt off but seem to have got away with NOT getting burned!
    Dug over a couple of beds and added chicken manure which stunk to the high heaven........when I left the allotment it was covered in ginger sh*t flies!
    Knocked in posts and managed to widen one of my 3 foot beds to 4 foot. This will be my leek trench.
    Planted a few Gladioli
    Got 11 eggs today which wasn't bad considering they have not stopped laying all winter or spring. I usually clean them out on a Saturday but was at a poultry show yesterday so cleaned them out and deodorised there coop today.
    The young chicks have been out in the sunshine all day and I let them sunbathe in the door entrance before locking them up for the night.
    While I was at the GC I priced the 8 foor canes I require for the butter beans. �6.50 for 10 seemed expensive when I need 20. Will have to shop around or cut some branches from the hedgerow!
    Watered everything that needed it and left for home...knackered but fulfilled.
    Tomorrow is going to be a tidy up day at allotment (day off work)
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • Was a bit late in starting as I had some sleep to catch up on but still at field for 8 this morning. Watered everything in the tunnel - thousands of seedlings that had been just waiting for some heat have decided that now is the time, so one side of tunnel is now a sea of baby brassicas, lettuce, florence fennel, leeks etc
      Hitched up ridger to the tractor and set up some ridges for the remaining 500 or so strawberry plants. Started planting them out til my helpers arrived. Set tatie planter up on the ridger and we set to work - planted about 30 kg home saved Jerusalem Artichokes, 50kg Foremost potatoes, 50kg Duke of York potatoes and 50kg Charlotte potatoes. Broke one of the tensioning chains on the tractor back arms, but a quick bit of welding sorted that out. Took tattie planter off and re-ridged all the potatoes.
      Planted out more strawberry plants.
      Wtared tunnel and came home to do my babysitting bit with the girls.

      British by birth
      Scottish by the Grace of God


      • Set up canes for Climbing French Beans. Potted on last tomato and put in gh. Earthed up spuds and watered and earthed up spuds in growbags. Went to gc and bought 2 monarda, 1 flox, 3 artichokes, 4 pot marigolds, sorrel and tarragon. Found that artichokes had two plants in each pot so separated them and now have 6! Put artichokes in gh for now and planted the rest as well as stock and the remaining sunflowers. Planted beetroot cylindra.
        AKA Angie


        • Finished off Raised Bed No 6, planted remaining potatoes (Arran Victory and Golden Wonder), planted 20 tubers of Chinese Artichokes, sowed, 2 rows of Parsnips (gladiator), sowed row of Swedes (Bora) thinned out 4 rows of carrots, weeded 2 onion beds and greenhouse borders, chopped some wood and cut the grass.


          • A mammoth sowing session took place this afternoon all in modules or pots.

            Beetroot, french beans, gigandes beans, mangetout, stacks of flowers, courgettes, cucumbers, squash, climbing french beans ( borlotti, serbian and madiera maroon) , heritage peas (Lord Leicester, Mayor of Leicester, Ne plus ultra, alderman) plus some odds and ends.


            • Sowed dwarf french beans and mangetout today. last of leeks and mizuna yesterday.
              Potted on toms, chillis, peppers and aubergines. Potted on far too many marigolds Also sowed courgettes
              Last edited by FionaH; 19-04-2009, 11:02 PM.
              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


              • Mucked about in my borders for a bit had some replanting to do. spent most of day at work so not much done, sorted out mini greenhouse as usual rearranged things and got some more space. sowed more raddish and realised i have way to many purple sprouting brocoli seedlings.


                • I worked in the veggie garden early on - planting mange tout and early dwarf peas, then I empted one of my compost bins and turn over the contents and put it back into the bin. Watered the seedlings and herbs. Picked up the large fallen petals of the magnolia to put in the compost.

                  I worked in the nursery for a couple of hours where I volunteer, after walking the dogs. Brought home some large unwanted pots and got some seeds of mixed salad leaves to grow in one of them.

                  The courgette seeds in the big pot in the green house are growing fast. The pumpkin's not appeared yet but it's only been a week or so since it was put in its pot.

                  I added more grit-sand and grit to the patch for the winter cabbage and will incorporate more manure later. The small amount of grass I have needs a cut, after a cup of tea.

                  My photos at Webshots


                  Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                  • I visited a few charity shops hoping for some more plastic pots but no joy. Returned home to police just leaving after false alarm bomb scare OH had unearthed in garden!!
                    Potted on more tomato plants! Planted 3 tiny parsnip seedlings into loo rolls, will do some more when they have all germinated on the wet kitchen roll. Pricked out lambs lettuce, rocket and french beans into larger pots. Pricked out annual flowers into yogurt pots. Gave everything a good water as it is so hot today.

                    I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
                    Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


                    • Sowed crimson flowered peas in pots
                      WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                      • I sowed my sweetcorn into pots.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • I had a day off work today so went to Wilko's first thing and purchased 20 X 8 foot canes very cheaply (thanks for the heads up Lavender lou!) Also purchased some Aqualegia, Gypsophillla and Delphiniums for a fiver. Wasn't impressed with these at all (to the point of writing Wilko's a letter!) The delphiniums were just a bag of peat and the other two packs of three plants only had one plant in it that was semi usaeable! Grrrr!!!

                          Went to Morrisons after and bought 2 X 40litre bags of compost which were half price at �1.75 each.

                          Tidy up day at the allotment todayand after sorting two lots of chooks, spent the day tidying around my greenhouses and doing a bit of weeding.

                          Came home slightly sunburned and ready for a bath!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • went to b&q and bought blueberry bush and new rose for watering can, then into homebase for more strawberry plants and some of that acidic compost ( for the blueberry bush ) annoyed the OH by making him drive me to said garden centers as in his words..... u could have got all that in the one place....... but hey i'm a woman and i love a bargain, the blueberry bush was cheaper in b&q and strawberries cheaper in Homebase! next weeks i'll be back to b&q for the blackcurrant bush :-)


                            • Sown Runnerbeans (Best of All). Planted up container with perpetual spinach, red and yellow chard seedlings. Like to have these to hand for salads. Planted out some nasturtions, viola, cornflower and calendula. Planted out some lettuce seedlings to see if they make it as sown far too many, put some between the garlic.
                              Its been lovely and warm in the sunshine, tee-shirt weather

                              Updated 23rd February 2009


                              • Today I've been deweeding the third bed on the lottie, it's full of glass, stones, stingy nettles the weather was lovely, my back now aches but I'm loving it


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