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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Dug a bit more of raised beds No 3 and 6, planted out a tray of khol rabi and watered all the pots and trays of small plants out on the lottie. Weeded a bit of the carrot bed, it will take ages but a bit now and then before the weeds get to big will suffice.



    • Built a frame for peas/beans using bits of old polythene greenhouse frame following hints on here. (using the rest a a whole bed cloche for one of my raised beds.)
      Planted out peas (sugar snap and petit pois) and broadbeans. Planted coriander in a trough (all plants bought at the weekend).
      Mrs Compost Corner turned the compost heap, bless her heart.
      Planted seeds for Patty pan and yellow scalloped squashes, and Yin Yang kidney beans bought last year from The Eden project. Says use before June 2009 on packet, so we shall see.
      Also leek seeds. I know I'm probably too late, but the Leeks in the Garden Centre at weekend were almost microscopically thin, so I'll give it a go, can't be more than two or three weeks behind.
      Last edited by COMPOST CORNER; 20-04-2009, 08:00 PM. Reason: forgot the leeks!


      • Pinched out sideshoots of toms. Potted various annuals,perrenials & Lily bulbs.
        Tea on the patio (BBQ)
        Never mind the TWADDLE here's the SIX PETALS. Annual seedlings.


        • Tonight we planted out cauliflower plants, red cabage plants and watered the tunnels. After that we harvested a big bunch of asparagus, some spinach and a few leeks.


          • Back to work for me today after six weeks off sick, so pretty tired. However, when I got home, couldn't resist getting a bit of a fix. So went into garden and potted up some dill and leaf beet for a colleague. Earthed up spuds which seem to be growing quicker than I can earth up! Checked on progress in gh and runner beans have germinated. Outside carrot purple haze and red samurai have also germinated.
            AKA Angie


            • Just watering today. Still tooooo cold to sow any more of the sensitive seeds.
              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
              ~ Mary Kay Ash


              • At the posh walled garden, checked on progress of various veg sown in last fortnight, watered chilies and toms, potted on last of the globe artichokes grown from seed.
                Went to work at estate gardens - weeding flower beds in walled garden, planting up tubs and mangers for holiday cottages, repotted a lot of houseplants, watered seedlings in the greenhouse.
                Out to my own place - watered tunnel and planted out more strawberry plants - should get them finished tomorrow
                Came home, had supper, played with the girls for a bit, then into my greenhouse where I sowed 40 x Courgette Defender, 40 x Courgette Taxi, 40 x Courgette Ambassador, 22 x Cucumber Femspot, 22 x Cucumber Pepinex 69and 25 x Cucumber Passandra.

                British by birth
                Scottish by the Grace of God



                • My broad beans are appearing and so are the carrots - just need a dearth of pigeons, now.

                  Watered everything. Will see to the greenhouse later. Need to get a garden sieve and will look for one today.

                  Last edited by Meschuee; 21-04-2009, 06:10 PM.
                  My photos at Webshots


                  Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                  • Uncovered beds to let the rain water the seeds-hope neigbouring cats won't do the same...


                    • Took a peek under the raised bed canopy to find that the parsnips sown 2 weeks ago are beginning to appear. The other half of the seeds (you will remember folks) are in the airing cupboard on wet kitchen roll and show no signs of germinating yet! The trial continues ... Sowed some more cut and come again lettuce and got the bean trench ready as the beans have come up in their little pots, so will be ready to go in soon. Have had the wigwam up for 2 weeks already.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Administered to chooks then sowed some Gartenperle tomato seed that I got free from Benecol! Also sowed some tall growing Larkspur into a tray before realising I had already germinated some in a large pot. Ah well, cant have too many Larkspur!
                        Also potted on some multi coloured sweet pepper plants I was given.

                        Watered everything that needed it and came home with leeks, stored onions and eggs!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • Went to my own place first thing - five trays of Brussels Sprouts Maximus had collapsed - not sure as to reason - they are in the middle of loads of other brassica trays all of which are healthy - same compost, same water, asame watering regime but Maximus took a huff - will check on them tomorrow. Then planted out some more strawberry plants - didn't quite manage to get them finished before I had to head off to the estate gardens I work in.
                          Spent a glorious day weeding the flower beds in the walled garden in the pouring rain.
                          Collected Iona from school and we both went back to the polytunnel - planted up hanging baskets with strawberry plants - now have 64 baskets of strawbs in the tunnel.

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • Beautiful day today. When I got back from work went straight into the garden to check on progress. Containers were a bit dry so went round watering them all. Potted on a tumbling tom that had outgrown its container and also some poppies. First batch of radished look like they're nearly ready for havesting!
                            AKA Angie


                            • Planted out cabbage plants.

                              Sowed PSB, sprouts, kale, cucumbers, courgettes, various lettuces, tonnes of other stuff I can't remember.
                              Potted on some strawberries.

                              Broad beans coming through. Loads of carrot seedlings looking really strong and just about to sprout main leaves.
                              Three pots of dwarf beans on 2nd set of leaves in greenhouse.

                              Spent a load of money at Focus DIY, I have a 20% off code for use this week if anyone is interested.
                              Sowed leeks, rocket, planted out sunflowers, covered up sunflowers.

                              Did some knocking down of the brick shed, took a load of junk to the tip.

                              Collapsed with a glass of wine.
                              "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                              Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                              • Planted out my lettuces in the undercover brassica bed. Sowed more turnip, beetroot parnips to fill in the gaps in the rows. Sowed 2 rows of carrots and some chives.

                                Yesterday sowed minipops and climbing beans into pots. Planted out my peas and mangetout.


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