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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Watered the young vegetables and the flower garden, transplanted a tray of marigold seedlings into compartments in a tray that held plug plants and potted on the sunflowers. Weeded, especially a patch of wild bird seed that's sprouted in the gravel.

    The carrots are growing fast but the beetroot is being slow to appear.

    My photos at Webshots

    Trowbridge, Wiltshire


    • Realised i have no room left!! looked around the house for possible containers, what do u think of growing sprouts in old pair of wellies? stole the kids plastic wheelbarrow ( too small for them now ) thinking of putting salad leaves in this......... watered the plants.


      • Today I potted on my borlotti beans. Sowed cucumber cucino x2 and also some extra mangetout as some didn't germinate. Then went round and watered containers.
        AKA Angie


        • Where I am working in Mansfield just happens to be next to where they make the "rolla lawn top soil for �36 a ton. Today I went away with a ton in my trailer and am doing the same tommorow for gratis, yahoo.

          So, tonight I unloaded a ton of quality topsoil onto some raised beds, cut some asparagus, pulled rhubarb, lifted leeks and picked some spinach.

          At home I watered the seedlings and noticed that the brocolli and sutherland kale seeds are upand the first gigandes are also showing.


          • Took my green waste to the tip, got some garden centre porn on the way back, bought a couple of flower plants for the shady bit out the front and planted them.Asked if they had borage, no dice, but they'll order some, wooot!!
            Put some chicken wire on the porch bit outside for the clematis to grow up instead of pulling the trellis off the wall. De-weeded the front.
            Planted out 12 celery plants, put these massive cardboard tubes round them, will see if that has any effect on pests [i'm not bothered about blanching, I want them to freeze for winter soup]. The celery was bought from a garden centre last week, and when I got it, I put them immediately into bigger pots, 3" ones [they were in those little white plastic rectangle thingies]. After one week, the roots were already taking over the pot.
            Re-positioned a border raised bed by 8 inches narrower, it was far too wide, couldn't reach the other side, found a couple of huge slow-worms, just managed to avoid chopping them in half. The plus is that because it's narrower, I now only need a little bit more compost/soil to put in it and it'll be full
            Parsnip seedlings are popping up, watered them.
            Planted some leeks into tubes for later transplanting.


            • Went to Inverness to collect organi c fruit for my boxes, did a delivery to the shop I supply with veg, then of to posh walled garden - BBC Alba were filming with 15 kids from my daigters school - the main focus was three kids from the Gaelic Unit. Was filmed explaining to them how to plant tatties, and then planting them - the kids, not me. The other kids were filmed sowing lettuces in cells and runner beans in 3" pots and explained about how to make a pyramid for the beans, how tall they would grow and that the more they picked the more they would get -all suitably impressed.
              Got back to mprpoer work at 1pm.
              Box day so this weeks boxes will contain some or all of the following - potatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, PSB, spinach, chard, mixed salad leaves, rhubarb, Jerusalem artichokes, cabbage, chives.
              Put up some more pea netting. Watered tunnel.

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • Last couple of days been really busy, sown squashes, pumps, about 100 Dwarf yellow beans, 30 odd yellow courgettes, 20 green courgettes, a few pots of globe chokes, about 100 borlottis, about 50 dwarf greens, made a lettuce bed pout of rear boot linet=r surrounded bu chook grit for slugs and sowed chives, coriander, parsley, mixed lettuce and red and green salad bowl.

                Sowed up a load of pots with lollo rosso, red salad bowls, chives ,spring onion Lisbons, radishes, buckets of carrots, some sweet corn, cucumbers, tended about 150 tomato seedlings, 60 odd chilli various types, aubergine seedlings, earth up my Swifts, preparing brassica bed and leek beds, supporting Felthams in flower, liquid soap spraying my broadies in flower - first sighting of black fly.

                Sown summer cabbages, more coriander etc etc etc, I'm knackered
                Hayley B

                John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                • Very little, planted out some french beans, but then my 6 year old niece came round. She's very excited about the pumpkin growing competition she's going to have with her Mum, as I'm supplying the plants and she knows hers is an "Atlantic Giant" and her Mums is a bog standard halloween lantern pumpkin. An old trick I know, but it made her very happy!


                  • Pricked out about 60 tomatoes, I've already got 70 growing, why do I need more different ones? Sowed more cukes, previous lot already up,went to lottie and planted 20 choggia beet started off in GH. Peas, carrots, beetroot, chard and, I think, some parsnips all germinated, watered them all though rain forecast for tomorrow, picked probably last of 2008 chard for dinner. Sowed sunflowers and morning glory in GH.


                    • Today I dug out a mint plant from my herb bed as it was suffering from rust. I weeded the rest of the herb bed & the strawberry bed. OH put in the maincrop potatoes. Tonight I'm planning to pot on some of my brassicas plants.


                      • I bought a sieve/riddle and used it to prepare the drills for the "Bleu de Solaise" leeks and planted those. I have a tray of them in the greenhouse, too. Planted some cuttings of montana and a cirhossa clematis which I hope to plant against the fence in the vegetable garden. The Real Seed Company mange tout and peas are beginning to germinate.

                        I did my voluntary work at the garden centre/nursery this morning, tidying vegetable plants and pansies and then watering, after watering my vegetable seedlings at home.

                        Pulled rhubarb and had it for tea with ginger biscuits soaked in it.

                        Last edited by Meschuee; 24-04-2009, 06:16 PM.
                        My photos at Webshots


                        Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                        • Mowed the lawn, earthed up potatoes which have reached the top of the containers now. Feed strawberry plants as they are just starting to flower. Started on to harden off some flower and veggi plants.

                          Updated 23rd February 2009


                          • Ive had a great day too!
                            Planted my blackberry that came from ebay.
                            Sowed all my seeds
                            Added up all my seeds (you may have seen my thread) 132!
                            Potted my alpine strawberries from ebay into 2 half moon hangers
                            Just this minute finished watering my 'babies'!
                            Oh and cleaned the oven lol!
                            and went to asda - more smart price compost �1!!, Seed pots 2 x �2, Twine and wire.
                            Now having a wee well earned wine x


                            • Added soil conditioner, dug over and raked my allium bed to be. Gathered some Rhubarb and PSB before leaving for home.
                              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                              Diversify & prosper


                              • Earthed up spuds. Have sown leeks Autumn Mammoth. Planted out strawbini and poppy blackcurrant fizz. Watered everything and put down slug deterrant has they have been munching my carrot seedlings.
                                AKA Angie


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