Just bought some more runner bean plants from the old man down the lane as ours got munched by the pheasants!!
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Today I finally got a plot neighbours greenhouse assembled and part glazed.
On my plots, the tunnels were watered, asparagus picked, leeks pulled, masses of rhubard pulled ready for a monster rhubarb and ginger jam, and rhubarb chutney session tonight. The loast of the onion sets went in too.
At home, lots of seedlings were pricked out and other seeds sown.
Yesterday - Took some more basil cuttings, repotted fig. Moved some tomatoes into their final pots (flower pots), they have flowers forming. Yipee these were from the early growing experiment. Hardening off tom's in hanging baskets. Went to a market near Warwick today, had a great time, brought some new pots and some shrubs and a tree. Prices were great and the shrubs were twice the size of g/c ones and alot cheaper to.
Brought a Magnolia - tree (Susan), this has been planted into a large pot and placed in front garden. I also planted Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki and Philadelphus Coronarius 'Aureus' (Golden Leafed Mock Orange) in the front garden border. Potted on an Acer.
Today - Potted on all chili and pepper plants, planted some french marigold seedlings around tomatoes that have been moved to final pots. Planted out teasel, night scented stocks, poppies, grannies bonnets, godetia, sweet williams, rubeckia.
Planted up coldframe with sm. pumpkin and courgette, lid firmly in place. Took a risk and planted my sweetcorn, they were a foot high and coming out of their second pots. I have covered with lots of fleece. Weeded big raised bed (flower), removed new shoots of bl88dy bindweed. Removed the Jack by the hedge that has seeded throughut the border, left one or two bits in. The honesty has started to make seed pods, they are transparent so you can see the seed inside. If any one would like the seed for flower arranging let me know and I will save it for you.
Borders are bone dry but veggi plants are growing. Noticed that the radish should be ready to pull in a few weeks. The lettuce in the troughs is starting to grow into its teenage years so should have some harvest soon.
Its just started to rain
Went up the lottie with son and heir in tow, apparently he wanted to help! He spent most of the time telling me how to do things!!and drinking the tea we had taken and sitting watching me work!!
The ground was rock hard so digging wasn't easy but managed to dig another patch for climbing beans and put some stakes in ready, used my home grown bamboo, the plot secretary came racing over when he saw me putting it in cause he thought it was a tree, told him i was going to cut foliage off as soon as had finished, he didn't believe i had grown my own bamboo, his flabber was well and truely gasted!!
Went home had lunch and son and heir fell asleep on sofa after all his hard work up the lottie!!lolWhen weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown
Not long spent in the garden today due to having visitors all afternoon. However managed to weed one flower bed & do all the edging, tidied up around the rhubarb patch so they can finally breath, put up my tall canes ready for the french beans when they are big enough (need to go get some more canes) and planted out 4 Yellow Chard plants. Could do with some rain now to fill my empty water butts and soften the lawn so i can continue turf stripping and making my new flower bed.Last edited by Newbie; 26-04-2009, 06:49 PM.
Planted out a couple more tomato plants, a dozen french bean plants & a dozen sweet pea plants.
OH measured out an area for another raised bed.
Earthed up the potatoes, and cleared a bit more space for the remaining spuds. Erected some more bean poles for the plants to go in later this week.
Built a new raised bed today about 20ft x 4ft x 6inch high.
Sowed dwarf french beans, lettuce, chicory, carrot envy, pickling onion barletta, red spring onion, cos lettuce._____________
Cheers Chris
Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.
I sowed 6 pots each of borlotti and climibing french beans (2 seeds in each - beans only), 3 each of courgette tristar and butternut squash, 2 each of courgette defender and diamante, 5 modules each of iceberg and cos lettuce. And a few moduels of marigolds and cornflowers - for the plot.
I also pricked out the last of my brassicas - 20 cauliflower (all year round), 20 red and black kale, 10 red cabbage, 10 purple sprouting brocolli, 15 cabbage (april). And 3 tomatoes (garden pearl) - which explains why 2 pots had nothing growing!!
Finally, we watered the "plastic tent" and put a lot of the plants into it to give them a head start as the next few days arer due to be cold.
Pricked out and potted on 320 celeriac.(God, I hate pricking out!)
Planted chillies out in polytunnel.
Planted out 50 Hispi Cabbage in polytunnel
Sowed raised bed and a couple of fishboxes with CCA Salad Leaves.
Weeded my blackcurrant cuttings - 94 struck from 111 - well happy.
Watered strawbs in hanging baskets.
Runner beans showing, French Beans showing, Courgettes just starting to germinate.
Up at posh walled garden, earthed up Charlotte potatoes, watered various trays and pots in heated greenhouse, decided to help chef with his herb trays, so watered them about three times as they were very very dry and poorly - will check them for him tomorrow. Need to get a lot of weeding done as they have a couple of VIP visitors in the near future, so any plans to weed as I was planting out are out the window - might need to call in te knapsack sprayer to get it all done in time!Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Lovely warm weather today. Took toms, peppers and chillis out of gh for the day to harden off. Temp in gh was 44c! Went to farmers market this morning and spent far more than I had planned. Bought two lupins, leucanthemum (?spell) and black peppermint, celery leaf, anise hyssop, tree spinach, watercress and one other but can't remember name. Planted all of it when I got home. Planted marigolds around the edge of my raised beds to tempt slugs away. Sowed red cabbage and kelvedon peas. Earthed up spuds. Swept path and patio and have come indoors with a bit of sunsburn.AKA Angie
Potted on sage and lemon balm.
Sowed rocket, mizuna, spring onions, spinach, spinach beet (an experiment to see which grows faster and which I prefer), 2 big boy toms as my seedlings have died for some reason.
Sowed pumpkin, squash.
Weeded the onion bed.
Moved the rest of the peppers and toms to the greenhouse.
Potted on some hollyhocks and earthed up spuds in buckets.
Watered everything as we've not had any rain for ages. Bet it will bucket down tomorrow now
weeded , planted and tidied the plot.
pic 1 bed with sweet potato climbing up canes and sorenza still growing from last year
pic 2 long bed with red onions from seed.Attached Files---) CARL (----
a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!
now in blog form !
UPDATED 15/4/09
Not much done again,lovely weekend as well considering everyone kept telling me it was gonna be rubbish, so pretty fed up as i ended up working again and got dragged to ASDA with daughter to help her choose baby pic. Did manage to get wood for raised bed tho only because i gave OH the evil eye, just gotta build it now, which ,although wont take long will probably be never as i'm always working an dnow washing machine is broke.
Right, back on topic, sort of cut the grass only got back done not front, then at 11 last night ran out remembering i had left toms and others outside.
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