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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • I have an area of paving stones in front of the hawthorn hedge in the veg garden - I used a knife and grubbed out grass from between the stones, brought tubs and pots of flowering things and semprevivum to stand on the flags and put a chair there and am going to sit there in my quiet moments to contemplate the beans and peas.

    Cut the grass and decided to leave trimming the hawthorn hedge until another day. Watered the seedlings. Moved some beetroot seedlings to another bed where I think they'll be happier.


    p.s. Yes, Lottieval, I have some fumitory growing and pulled that up.
    Last edited by Meschuee; 03-05-2009, 05:38 PM.
    My photos at Webshots

    Trowbridge, Wiltshire


    • Lost my 3 Achocha - dropped them so I've planted some more. Repotted my lemon cukes and exploding cukes. Planted some Trail of Tears, Lab lab beans, and Kinghorn. Dragged 3 x 70l bags of compost - back and knees ache. Planted out my cabbage and cauli seedlings - covered them with mesh. Still need to plant my sweetcorn and more onions and carrots. Didn't have a lot of spare time today.


      • Yesterday OH & I cut the grass, i then cleared the patio & greenhouse of all plants & swept the GH out and then weedkillered it & the patio - OH weedkillered around the bottom of our fence & driveway. I then put everything back into the greenhouse & performed the seedling shuffle once again. Today i finished stripping the turf to make my new flower bed, just need to dig it over now incorporating the sharp sand & manure that i bought from Homebase today.
        keen but (slightly less) clueless


        • Stopped up most of the night to watch Ricky Hatton get annihilated by the Pacman!
          After taking the dog on a long walk got to the allotment about 2.00pm. Chooks have now taken to burying there eggs in the nestbox straw so managed to find the ones that were missing from yesterday.
          Weeded and dug over a bed at the top of allotment. Partially dug my carrot bed to be!
          Replanted some comfrey, planted some poached egg plants. Made some wire frames to keep pigeons off the swede and brasica seedlings. Watered everything that needed it (about 10 watering cans full) and put a few slug pellets around seedlings. Boarded around a raised bed, picked some PSB and headed for home to catch up on some sleep!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Went to garden centre with birthday money and had no trouble spending it all! Bought 5 perennials, two lots of 6 alpine plants, 4 trays of verbena for hanging baskets and containers, cosmos, new hanging basket and two cucumber plants in case mine come to nothing. Planted it all up when I got home except for the hanging basket plants. Earthed up the spuds. Found the pond pump wasn't working so changed the fuses in 3 plugs, still not working, think it might be the circuit breaker. Planted out the dwarf runner beans in container but with fleece at the ready. Have had to sow some more mangetout as some didn't germinate. Brought the aubergines out of the gh for the day and back in gh tonight. Potted up 3 melon plants.
            AKA Angie


            • Got to the plot late morning, and just home now!

              Between us today we've -

              hoed the broad bean beds and spud beds

              planted out another 54 broad beans, making the total now 80!

              planted out another 108 onion seedlings to join the 300+ onions (from set and seed) that are already on the plot

              dug over, mucked, watered and planted up both the greenhouses on the plots with 19 toms, 6 aubergines, 10 chillies, 1 cucumber, 13 peppers and a load of french marigolds!

              top dressed the onion and garlic beds with potash

              watered everything that needed it!

              took some piccies for the blog!

              Gonna eat now, then collapse!
              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


              • Sorted seeds out for next batch of sowings. Watered g/h, feed strawberries and tomatoe plants. Planning to get a bit done tomorrow.

                Updated 23rd February 2009


                • Hi,
                  Went to GC today and came away with two peppers, 1 tomato, runner beans, cucumber, parsnips and three packets of seeds. While i was out my OH laid me a load of slabs to stand all my containers on. Followed up by covering my veg patch to be in tarpaulin and slabs to try and get rid of weeds. Going to be container gardening for this year at least but i can't wait to get plants in pots. Not got plan of action for tomorrow yet but prob planting and more planting.


                  • Not a lot of activity recently - mostly watering and cosseting. I planted a pot of flat leaved parsley and 2 of coriander today.

                    But I DO have to go to the plot tomorrow for a bit of fertilising, slug peeleting, and a bit of weeding. Checking the broad bean flowers and perhaps harvest a couple of more leeks - droping off a few more to my aunt on the way home.


                    • Covered the root bed with netting to stop those little messages being left! Planted out broad and runner beans, and more peas. Put up canes and netting. Earthed up potatoes and planted more carrot seeds. Weeded 2nd root bed and limed brassica bed. Removed rouge potatoes from empty beds.

                      Was going to plant out some cabbage plants and raddishes but bed infested with leather jackets. Scores of them! Removed all I could see but afraid there are more. My little un's are spending the night in the GH until I decide what to do.
                      A good beginning is half the work.
                      Praise the young and they will make progress.


                      • Cut the grass, chopped off bits on the edges of the grass that were taking over the concrete bits, trimmed around the edges of the beds.
                        Put a climbing something or other in some compost - don't know what it is, but it was given to me last year by someone as a massive length of roots with a few main stems sticking out, it may live, it may not.If it grows, I'll be able to find out what it is.
                        Planted out some celeriac. Intend on getting up early tomorrow to pot lots of toms on and reclaim a bit of greenhouse.


                        • Today i re-potted my brussels sprouts and radishes. Then i remembered that they still needed to be covered over at night at least so i selotaped lots and lots of bubble wrap together to make a large sheet and then stuck this over my veggies. Not sure whether this was stupid or genius?
                          The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow.


                          • Well - if I could start at the beginning, I would do, but it's not that simple?

                            I'm no mathmetician, and thank goodness I'm not.
                            Anyhow. I've been trying to set out the grass paths from a central stone birdbath, and then engineer four outwardly-facing paths to approximately two mower-widths.
                            To be perfectly honest with you, I'm now convinced that I'm a Monkey's Uncle.

                            I kind of did achieve what I set out to do, but disgraced myself hugely on the Eastward Grass Path. Not that anyone else is remotely bothered by that. But unfortunately I am.

                            BUT. These grass paths will be dividing my new Kitchen Garden Borders... eventually!
                            Trousers was dead impressed with what I'd achieved today (and so was I) but if I'm going to actually Grow Stuff this year, I shall have to get my @rse into gear every single day for the next month, or it won't happen.
                            Thanks for Listening. X.


                            • Genius


                              • - sowed 2 troughs of mixed salad leaves on the patio
                                - sowed more French beans into paper pots (Asda ones, barlotti, White Emergo)
                                - sowed more delphinium as only 20% of them germinated and I am woefully short
                                - bought 50 dying Violas for less than a fiver from B&Q (actually they just needed watering & deadheading)
                                - my lobelia seedlings keep dying, so I bought six for �1.50 (much less trouble than sowing seed ... they are always slow, always troublesome)
                                - started planting up the hanging baskets
                                - planted out the last but one of my Clematis (I just found a white one in the mini-greenhouse that I thought had died)
                                - cursed the big fat slug that ate 2 whole marigolds overnight - and lobbed it into the road.
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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