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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • big weekend for me finally got the shed up at the lottie after spending two hours with the petrol brushcutter clearing the path through all those "cultivated " allotments.
    planted out cabbages (summer)psb and kale for next spring,made new comfrey bed on site of old manure heap and stood back.
    put toms and sweet peppers in "recycled polytunnel"/ giant cloche and planted out melons in cold frame.
    harvested first produce,lollo rosso lettuce,chinese leaves and radishes YEEEHAA
    spent 45 mins huddled in 6ft x 4ft shed with 3 other people and dog with kettle on and 1/2 bottle of scotch while it lashed down with rain thenstrimmed all paths
    Stuck agent orange(glycophospate) 0n 3 raised beds disappearing under convulvulous and horsetail(yeah i'm bad) .
    went home to very tetchy missus having spent best part of three days at lottie,had shower wished her happy silver wedding (again)jumped in hot tub with her for three hours and drank 4 bottles of champagne..................think she likes me again now,after 25 years we've run out of things to argue about.
    don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
    remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

    Another certified member of the Nutters club


    • hey snakeshack, you know how to live it up eh?!? You smooth talker you!


      • Originally posted by Scottishnewbie View Post
        hey snakeshack, you know how to live it up eh?!? You smooth talker you!
        the o/h came into some cash last year and said "we could get a hot tub" my brain was in auto reply mode and said "yeah ok then"
        7 days later i had to lay a 12 ft square concrete slab 6 ins thick and do �300 of electrical work followed by a day of for the part p certification and another day while the tub was installed.
        It also costs �80 a month to run with the heating and chemicals.
        the moral is AlWAYS pay attention to what your wife says!
        don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
        remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

        Another certified member of the Nutters club


        • I put out the young things to harden off and watered what needed it in the veg garden. Dug up last years potatoes that I missed and which are appearing in odd places - one was really rotten.

          A friend gave me tomato seeds, "Gardeners Delight", and they need to be put in pots when I get some.

          My photos at Webshots


          Trowbridge, Wiltshire


          • Yesterday i sowed the following seeds: -

            Broccoli and turnips in a trough, Leeks in 12 " pot (Prob too late to do these but i had the seeds so thought sod it- i'll see what happens, currently in the house until they germinate and grow a bit before i plant them in a trough)

            Also sowed some carrots and spring onions together in a trough.

            Placed my Mizuna and Rocket outside as the seedlings are growing well now (Put it under a plant cover with the Broccoli and Turnip trough for now)

            Also noticed my strawberries have their first flower now- yipee really pleased lol.

            Potatoes also growing really well, having to constantly earth them up at the moment.

            So all in all my first go at growing fruit and veg is going OK
            My Album, Progress so Far: -


            • I planted more tomatoes, in pots, a variety named "Gardener's Delight". Put the tray of tiny leek seedlings outside for the first time. Watered the young things. Dug up more "stray" potatoes" from last year. Admired the tiny Victoria plums on the dwarf tree, the first ones, ever. Hope the bullfinches leave them alone.

              My photos at Webshots


              Trowbridge, Wiltshire


              • - planted out my homegrown bedding Baby Blue Eyes
                - made up 5 hanging baskets with pelargoniums, viola and lobelia
                - was unhappy to find vine weevil larvae in 2 of the hanging baskets
                - hoed off 5 buckets of limnanthes (green manure) for the compost heap It's done a great job of weed suppression over the winter
                - started to harden off my Feb sown tomatoes (2 foot tall now)
                - now going out to water the greenhouses, and sow some more beans, corn etc.
                - sowed 32 Conqueror sweetcorn into pots
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 06-05-2009, 06:32 PM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • potted up courgettes, thought about leaving toms, chilli's, and aubergines out in growhouse overnight ( been out all day and in at night for weeks now ) but decided against it for now as i'm terrified they will all die....... weeded around the cranberry bush found more room to grow something.... still trying to decide what!
                  Watered everything!!!!


                  • Finally stopped raining at lunchtime, so managed to get to the plot, after we spent the rainy morning sorting out the back yard and greenhouse at home! Now ready for me to plant the toms into grow bags for the back yard greenhouse, can get 15 in there, but have another 35 to try and find a pot or home for!!

                    At the plot we sorted out the walk in plastic greenhouse (rebuilt it after it got blown apart in gales a few weeks back), then filled it with 5 growbags, and planted 4 peppers into each growbag, plus 6 into a tub in the perspex shed extension! So, another 26 peppers planted to join the 20 already planted in the greenhouses on the plot, only another 40 chillies and peppers to sort out now and we'll be finished with them! lol!
                    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                    • Made a frame for enviromesh to cover one of my titchy raised beds - bamboo canes, two metal/plastic end pieces from a shelf out of a mini greenhouse, bottle tops, blu-tac and string... now watching it attempt to fly away...

                      French beans have germinated; thought I'd better remove the weakest seedling from each loo roll tube (I sowed two seeds in each - unnecessarily it seems), hoiked out the first one and instantly felt guilty... such a sturdy little chap... so planted it in the garden, apologising profusely for my former murderous intent


                      • Made my wigwam in a large tub and planted my runner beans.

                        Planted up the Osteospernum and Geraniums that I have been hardening off in tubs.

                        Helped hubby unblock sewer end of gardening for the day


                        • This morning I had a meeting with the manageress of Falls of Shin Visitor Centre (Falls of Shin - 4 Star Visitor Centre, Gift Shop and Restaurant - Sutherland, Scotland) with a view to starting up a monthly Farmers Market on the 4th Saturday of each month - all set now for 4th Saturday of May onwards.
                          This afternoon at my own place, I got the rest of the field ridged up ready for planting and sowing, and sowed 100m Purple Top Milan Turnips, 50m Parsley, 50m Coriander, 50m Radish Long White Icicle, 250m Carrot Resistafly / Flyaway Mix and 150m Spring Onion Ishikuru.
                          Last edited by sewer rat; 06-05-2009, 10:44 PM. Reason: Spelling !!

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • Potatoes

                            Harvested, potatoes, fennel, broad beans, lettuce and spring onions. All grown in the greenhouse! yum yum


                            • Managed to create 5 more beds ready for all the salad veg and OH made a shelf to go into the poly .Also managed to earth up tatties Over all a good day apart from the rain
                              Attached Files


                              • mainly ground clearing to create a place for second shed- idea is that I will actually be able to get into potting shed to pot!

                                grubbing up an ancient clump of philadelphus which is in teh way. Really strange soil, rich loamy soil over a layer of pure Gault clay. presume teh upper layer is years of leaf mould and composted flowers and twigs. I unearthed loads of rubble, broken pottery and glass.

                                After that could only barely stagger around the veg plot to water!


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