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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Today i siphoned myfirst batch of home made wine...... got a sneaky taste, its good!!
    Sowed swede and raddishes
    potted up courgettes
    watered everything
    put calabrese seedlings into modules.......


    • Suzy - you're not expecting too much, just too soon. I too look at my seeds first thing every morning.
      I have a brilliant veggie planner chart which tells you how long things take to germinate, also to mature. It gives germination for carrots 10-20 days, beetroot 20-35 days and 8-14 days for marrows and pumpkin, so I expect squash would be similar. If you're interested the ISBN no is-1 873 046 00 6. It's a rotating disc and you can dial up most veggies, it also tells about crop rotation and companion planting if you want to know anything about that.

      Be patient there will be something sprouting soon!!
      Last edited by Lottieval; 11-05-2009, 11:21 PM.


      • At the eatate garden, I watered everything copiously as nothing in the greenhouse had been watered since I was last there on Tuesday - don't know why I bother sometimes. Sowed more grass and wild flower seed mix in reclaimed woodland and started digging up and moving barrowloads of daffies.
        Collected Iona from School, played with the girls for a bit, had supper, then out to my own place - watered tunnel and planted out the Ironman Calabrese, started planting out the Marathon Calabrese but it got very cold, so retreated to shed and tried to sort out the chaos that I work in.

        British by birth
        Scottish by the Grace of God


        • Yesterday: planted out radish, cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli. Planted up some of the strawberries into large pots, and weeded.

          Applied weed killer to the road and overgrown flower beds (gosh they are neglected!), and tried to clear a tiny part of the bramble infested field. My cousins husband (a landscaper) said he'd spray and clear it for me, but it was a different story when he actually saw it yesterday. 'Too much work' he said 'that'll take YOU months to clear'. Typical!

          First time using coffee grounds as a slug deterrent. Applied around the inside edge of two raised beds.

          Today: Slug trails everywhere..... but none in those beds. Brilliant!
          Watered everything inside and out, then off to work.

          Upto DS's school at lunchtime for the gardening club. Planted out more radishes, scallions, and some cabbage. The birds (and animals of some description) have been enjoying the beetroot and other radishes, so a few gaps to fill. Children using crushed eggshells to keep the slugs at bay, but they haven't been too much of a problem - yet (the slugs that is)!
          A good beginning is half the work.
          Praise the young and they will make progress.


          • Originally posted by Lottieval View Post
            Suzy - you're not expecting too much, just too soon. I too look at my seeds first thing every morning.
            I have a brilliant veggie planner chart which tells you how long things take to germinate, also to mature. It gives germination for carrots 10-20 days, beetroot 20-35 days and 8-14 days for marrows and pumpkin, so I expect squash would be similar. If you're interested the ISBN no is-1 873 046 00 6. It's a rotating disc and you can dial up most veggies, it also tells about crop rotation and companion planting if you want to know anything about that.

            Be patient there will be something sprouting soon!!
            Thanks so much for your advice, i soo love this site you are all so helpful. I have tried putting some extra squash in my airing cupboard to see if that helps...i will probably/hopefully end up with 6 squash plants!!! (not sure where they are all gonna go). The veggie planner chart sounds brilliant will defo be looking into one of them.
            Thanks again


            • Planted sedum, parsley, white alpine strawberries (bought from a local fair), and mini cauliflowers. Also constructed netted frame for caulis to try to keep the birds/butterflies off them.


              • Hello Lottieval. I tried entering the ISBN No. but couldn't find the planner. Do you have an actual site address for its supplier? Thanks.

                My photos at Webshots


                Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                • Went to the garden center and droooled. Bought a climbing red rose, I really like them, but have killed both bush types I've had before. Bought some little pots of mint, and lemon bergamot and 4 bags of compost.
                  Sowed borage, took a while to find the seeds, I've tried to find plants, but either people buy them before I get there, or they haven't had them in.Sowed some Costoluco tomtaoes in the vain hope it may catch up and fruit.
                  Watered everything inside, it's supposed to rain tonight so need to do outside, dropped a tray of tomatoes on top of some aubergines, minimal damage thank god. Potted on some tomatoes and peppers.
                  Went to the tip to take some stuff there, managed to get some tyres, not for potatoes, for herbs probably, I've got about 6 rosemary cuttings from my mother, and two I've bought. The bought ones have blue flowers, the ones from my mother have white flowers.
                  Chives and garlic chives coming up, I gave up on them last year, it was too cold when I sowed them and they never made it above the soil..


                  • Hi Meschuee aka Penny,

                    I got my Vegetable Planner from Hawkins Bazaar,St Margarets, Harleston, Norfolk,IP2Q QTB, They also have a shop in Swindon, but I've just put Organic Vegetable Planner into Amazon and they have it, under the toy section rather than books, �2.24, worth twenty times that. They also do a similar one for herbs, but I don't use that quite so much.

                    Cheers Val.
                    Last edited by Lottieval; 13-05-2009, 06:54 AM.


                    • Potted on sweet peppers, melons, sweetcorn, climbing french beans & broccolli, planted 4 tomatoes into growbags (rest are a bit behind as did 2 sowings), sowed more sweetcorn, lettuce & peas. Watered everything as it was all parched, did the seedling shuffle again to fit everything in the GH!
                      keen but (slightly less) clueless


                      • Thank you very much, Val. The herb poster sounds good, too. I'll look at both of them.

                        Raining here this morning so everything's having a good "drink". It was the first night I left seedlings out, not shutting them in for the night. Hoping there won't be any more frosts.


                        p.s. I've ordered both the vegetable and herb planner.
                        Last edited by Meschuee; 13-05-2009, 07:07 AM.
                        My photos at Webshots


                        Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                        • Yesterday when i got home from work- and after going to Homebase for more compost and pots, i re-potted my courgette plants (2 of them) into large pots which are currently in the house until it warms up a bit more.

                          Also watered all my plants as it had been dry and sunny- i have to water them every day if we have a run of dry and sunny days- certainly won't be like that here for the next few days though lol, lots and lots of rain .

                          Also recieved my herb seeds yesterday from, such good prices and good service, i ordered Basil Nufar F1 (OS), Oregano (OS), Coriander Santo (OS), Chives (OS) and Basil Lemon.
                          It's quite sad really- i was really excited to get them lol, just got to decided on when to sow them now, before i got away for a week in 2 weeks time or after?! Think it might be best waiting until i come back of holiday
                          My Album, Progress so Far: -


                          • Thinned and repotted petunias (at last). Sowed some Romanscu Caulis, red onion, Seahorse Lucky Dip peas, and White Lisbon spring onion. Gave away extra Pretty in Purple, Lemon Drop, and Iranian Red chilli seedlings. Repotted more Pretty in Purple seedlings but they do not look happy.


                            • Well I have just put some of my Courgettes and Marrows out into prepared beds and I have also planted my runners outside and buit their bamboo cane frame.

                              I am hoping I have not put them out too earlier but the weatehr seems to be good where I am and I have covered them with fleece as well, just in case.

                              Hopefully they can now get cracking!
                              Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it!


                              • Not much done today as I didn't get back from work til late. As it had rained, I watered the nemaslug in. Earthed up the spuds some more and sowed some more lettuce.
                                AKA Angie


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