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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Didn't go out til later on today because of the weather. Put a bubblewrap screen around my French beans and toms as the wind was pretty strong today. Tied some wires into the sides of my arch to help akebia climb. Potted on kohlrabi. Tied in some of the new shoots on my grapevine. Cut back some of my wisteria leaving a couple of leaders which I want to train along wires; If its not too windy tomorrow I might have a go. Planted yellow tumbling tom in hanging basket.
    AKA Angie


    • Sowed seeds of spinach, lolla rossa lettuce and Kale. Popped to GC to get more compost and have now just split a bulb of garlic up and going to plant that (i know its a bit late but never tried it before ).
      Everything apart from my parsnips (some have keeled over) is going great guns.


      • Wind has been blowing a gale again. Raining on and off all day. Watered squash in coldframe and pots that are in a sheltered position. Checked G/H - Opal basil is infested by aphids. Need to plant out brussel sprouts and sow a few swedes. Water butt is nearly full. Also need to plant out next batch of peas and sow some more lettuce.
        Should be harvesting radish and lettuce this week.
        Heritage peas are in flower and have started to produce pods. Mange tout have just started to flower. Something has been eating my sweet peas!
        Planted Dwarf Peach & Dwarf Cherry into large flower pots until I decide where they are going to go and gave Dwarf Apple Tree to Mum as a gift.

        Updated 23rd February 2009


        • Planted celeriacs into their final position after preparing the ground for them-3m*1.2m(roughly) and the other bed the same size for tatties(behind the schedule,as usual).More tatties tomorrow.


          • I've just watered the seedlings and young things hardening-off, which caused it to begin to rain. Took a germinated squash out of the heated propagator and put it in a little pot in the greenhouse. Only one of around a dozen seeds has come through, as yet. Fed the tomato plants in a big tub, and the yellow pepper.

            I don't mind the rain but the wind is annoying.

            Last edited by Meschuee; 17-05-2009, 08:23 AM.
            My photos at Webshots


            Trowbridge, Wiltshire


            • Got up at the crack of dawn, plodded up to greenhouse in jimmies with tea in hand, resembled bag lady!! pricked out my pepper seedlings, planted some borlotti beans and some morning glory flowers. Put seedlings out in the cruel wide world to harden off for the day!
              Persuaded him indoors to take me up the lottie and give me a hand to carry Bob, my new scarecrow. Pricked out some lettuce cos and lollo rosa into beds, looked very pretty as put them in alternate rows of red and green. weeded between my onions, pulled up yet more docs, growing like triffids at the moment, trimmed me path. planted some marigolds around broad beans and runners cause thought they's look pretty.
              Rain and wind stopped play and came home for a lovely mud bath, well the bath was muddy when i got out!!
              When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


              • During a break in the showers, I transplanted leeks from a tray into the garden, planted out four courgettes, a pumpkin and a tray of marigolds. It's windy again but wet.

                My photos at Webshots


                Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                • Have given up on doing any more gardening today because of weather. Had aubegines and cucs out of gh for hardening off but because of the heavy rain have returned them to gh. Put tom Marmand in its final pot. Potted on pumpkin and 3 cucumbers. Put some wires up for Wisteria and harvested some spring onions.
                  AKA Angie


                  • Originally posted by miffy View Post
                    Got up at the crack of dawn, plodded up to greenhouse in jimmies with tea in hand, resembled bag lady!!
                    Me too, Miffy! It was lovely here at 6 this monring - sunny, no hint of rain or wind.

                    But have had to come in doors now, it's blowing a hoolie - have been in g/h for the last couple of hours, pricking out / potting on:

                    Cucumber 'Prima Top'
                    Butternut squash
                    Peppers / Chillis 'Friggitello', 'Hungarian Hot Wax', Red Cherry' & 'Romano Mxd'
                    Lettuce (mixed leaves)
                    Tomato '100s & 1000s'
                    Melon 'Sweetheart'
                    Spinach 'Viking'
                    Lettuce 'Lollo Rosso'

                    First season at this so have to admit I was a bit nervous to start with The seeds / plants have all come on so well, far better than I expected, so what if I kill the little darlings now

                    Come inside to make up a cold frame which came the other day (eBay) and check up on the footie scores (whilst keeping one eye on my g/h - Norfolk poly)
                    Last edited by Wriggler; 17-05-2009, 02:48 PM. Reason: I blame the wind for my typos!
                    God made rainy days, so gardeners could get their housework done


                    • just got back when rain made further effort too much,and i can only spend so long in 6x4 shed.
                      Sowed more mange tout peas and 2nd row of kelvedon wonder.
                      Planted out toms and melons into mini polytunnel
                      pulled out horsetail and bindweed from raised beds.
                      toasted weeds on dirt paths with gas weedgun from lidl (�15.00)
                      Unloaded derilict petrol lawn mower from car and repaired pull start after wrestling it over plank bridge to plot.Spent 10 mins trying to start it,then had a very satisfying swearing and kicking session before realising I hadn't turned the petrol on.
                      Mower started first time and I mowed the path to the gate.
                      Used clippings to mulch the runner beans,summer squash and cougettes I put in yesterday.
                      harvested spinach for dinner, lettuce, radishes and spring onions.
                      don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                      remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                      Another certified member of the Nutters club


                      • Got up early.
                        Weeded an onion bed.
                        Blue potato's showed themselves for the first time.
                        Potted on my lemon tree, and various capsicums.
                        Did a bit more work on my asparagus bed.
                        Spoke to my neighbour and arranged for a ton of cow manure to be deposited in my garden in October.
                        Weeded around the strawbs in the plot.
                        Swore very loudly, and in French so they would understand, at the slugs that have munched my strawbs.
                        Reset the rat traps, currently Bob 1 Rats 2 (they have twice taken the meat off without setting the traps off, although one fella wasnt quite quick enough).
                        Bob Leponge
                        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                        • Originally posted by snakeshack View Post
                          then had a very satisfying swearing and kicking session before realising I hadn't turned the petrol on
                          Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                          Swore very loudly, and in French so they would understand, at the slugs that have munched my strawbs
                          Blue air both sides of the channel then
                          Last edited by Wriggler; 17-05-2009, 04:59 PM.
                          God made rainy days, so gardeners could get their housework done


                          • did go down to allotment today even though weather is worse than yesterday.
                            strimmed around plot then scraped and hoed clover around the potatoes.planted some replacement mange tout for ones that had been sluged, and noticed netting had been blown loose and had decapitated two of the bigger surviving mange tout. no tools on me to do repair. and then it started to tip down so didnt do any hand weeding around my onions,so home and now its bath time.!
                            a good put down line to use !

                            If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


                            • Today I have planted out my musselburgh and prenora leek plants. I've gave my greenhouse a good clean and weed before I plant my tomato plants (early next week). I've tied up my raspberry canes about 1 foot from the ground. I've trimmed my grape vine to allow extra sun light through the top of the greenhouse (again, ready for the tomatoes) and planted out a squash and courgette plant


                              • Spent the whole wekend building a covered carrot bed and sowed my maincrop carrots!
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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