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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Bought 3 X 60 litre bags of compost at Dobbies for a tenner.

    I finally got around to preparing a bed and sowing my Purple Podded climbing peas either side of my home made Gazebo.

    Punched some holes in some metal waste paper bins and potted on six more tomato plants.............Amish Paste this time. Thats 36 tom plants potted on in total up till now and still got about another 20 to go!

    Sowed some more swede seeds after finding out that swedes (which my family love) are presently �1 each in Tesco's for a small one!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • Dug over some mor allotment and sowed 2 rows of parsnips 2 rows of carrots, planted out a patti pan squash. Put up a bean frame and planted out the borlottie beans. Planted out into a raised bed 2 cucumbers and a gherkin.



      • yea, ive got 2 toms on my tomato plant in the greenhouse about 1" round,
        and loads of peas on my feltham firsts,
        cant wait for them to fill out,


        • Put in more radishes, spring onions and beetroot. Potted on chillies and sweet peppers and rescued 3 Italian plum tomato plants from Wilkinsons. They were 33p each and only half alive. I've potted them up and given them a seaweed tonic (recommended by Zazen) and they've already perked up. Lots of weeding, feeding and watering.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Weeded raised beds, transplanted lettuce because I made the mistake of watering after sowing the drills instead of before. The result was looked like a badly designed hair do. (Bits growing all over the place). Repotted tomatoes into larger pots with better drainage and rehoused them in the new greenhouse. Erected canes for supporting the same with hanging string for training. Fitted greenhouse thermometer and auto-vent which was a pain in the water butt .

            Repotted Cucumber but I don't hold much hope. Earthed up spuds. Been shopping for a new compost bin as the old one had collapsed, rehoused it.

            Sat back with a glass of chardonnay and admired the view


            • PLanted out my grown up seeds - Stocks, Godetias, Sunflowers Petunias and the "mystery seeds"
              Tended my chillis, sweet peas and beetroot.
              Discovered that the nettle/horse manure combo I have brewing for liquid fertilizer makes an excellent friends/relations/neighbours repellant.
              FONT=Palatino Linotype


              • Tip - mulching with grass seems to have stopped the cats using the bean bed as a toilet.
                De-turfed last raised bed I'm making this summer, built 2 side walls and a front wall out of it to make a raised bed at side of garden for borage.
                Laid down cardboard and put three tires on it, filled with 3/4 rotted compost, put one unknown blue pumpkin, one burgess pumpkin, one yellow squash in them to see what happens.
                Potted on borage. Put 6 littl geraniums [red] in 2 pots. I love the colour.
                Planted out 6 cabbages, constructed a very flimsy netting covering. Hope it lasts till next week.
                Turned all remaining compost, started a new pile.
                Finished edging last but one raised bed with freebie wood.


                • Collected lots of paving slabs from a friend who lives 10 miles away, got home and my mate from down the road said "oh I have lots of those spare!"
                  Pottered, put straw under strawberries, weeded, furtled etc. So why am I so knackered?
                  WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                  • Going by Vegetable Garden planting guides - Gardeners Calendar I believe today is a fruit day, so ---

                    I potted up Tumbling Toms - 3 to their final spot, 2 to a biggish, interim pot.
                    While I was potting, I knocked a piece of stalk off by mistake, so, ref. other threads here, I stuck it in compost am hoping it'll root.
                    Potted up the pumpkin to a bigger pot, next stop planting out to the garden.
                    I also moved the courgettes and squash, giving each their own 3" or 5" pot.

                    All the plants who moved home today seem to have settled in OK.
                    Last edited by maytreefrannie; 23-05-2009, 10:50 PM. Reason: To shorten long post
                    My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                    • Got up at 5.00am cause sun was shining, birds singing!
                      Plodded down to greenhouse and got plants ready to take up lottie. Pricked out some turnip seedlings, morning glory seedlings and planted some more sweet peas.
                      Went up the plot and put in a long bed ready for the brussels to go in as soon as i have the netting to cover them.
                      Weeded all my beds, all that rain and sun had made them shoot up.
                      Planted sunflowers, cucumbers, beans, peas, beetroot, chard and a pumpkin and courgette.
                      Dug up my first new potatoes, swopped some plants at our plant swop.
                      Was given a really plump lettuce by another plot holder and told for a beginner i had a rather nice bed of onions apparently!
                      Came home ate spuds, they were like heaven on a plate. Now sitting down content but really tired, blissfully happy and relaxed.
                      When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                      • Watered and weeded. Cut a hedge. Picked and ate my first ever garlic scape. Strong but yummy. Admired my baby pattie pan squash seedlings. A beautiful, sunny day.
                        My photos at Webshots


                        Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                        • Planted out French Beans, courgettes yellow and green, cucumbers (covered with fleece), weeding, hoeing, raking. Lovely day.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Assembled coldframe to move some plants out to for hardening off (protection from rat-dog)
                            Planted first of toms in greenhouse growbags, using ring culture pots
                            Planted out first dozen mange tout with cane wigwams - I swear I saw the tendrils twisting as I was planting
                            Planted out few more strawb plants, berries already forming
                            Potted up jap maple given by a friend - a beautiful deep red/purple colour. Looks fantastic next to two large pieris already in pots with lots of new red leaves coming thru
                            Earthed up potatoes; started another bag
                            Sowed some more seeds o/s - carrots, lollo rosso, spinach & rocket - all in raised beds
                            Watering - watering - watering
                            Measured up for new bed but succombed to the heat and came indoors to escape!
                            Looking forward to a cooler day tomorrow so I can transplant some salad plants - just too hot for them today
                            God made rainy days, so gardeners could get their housework done


                            • Took one of the assembled beehives to another local plot today after a phone call to let us know they've a swarm for us! We set up the hive in their apiary (until the swarm has settled and we are sure that the queen is mated and viable (laying fertile eggs), shook the swarm from a nuc box into it and fed them. Hopefully they will like the hive and decide to stay, and once we are sure that the colony is viable, then we'll move it to our plot!
                              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                              • Dug the first of my new potatoes on the lottie. Still early yet and only got 7 nice sized potatoes.



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