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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Back up the lottie today at the crack of dawn, lovely and quiet. Dug over the long bed we put in for hubbies brussel sprouts that he is so desperate to have. It was so full of couch grass, docs and assorted other weeds that it took me nearly two hours to weed out all the crud!
    Then weeded between my onions and shallots, started to drizzle ignored that and then it started to rain proper so came home for a cuppa.
    When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


    • Harvested my first ever garlic and kohl rabi and have just eaten them.

      Trimmed edges of vegetable bed using my bonsai shears. Watered first thing but it was showery this morning.

      My photos at Webshots

      Trowbridge, Wiltshire


      • Yesterday mowed the lawn & took everything out the GH that needs to be hardened off - left them all outside all day under netting. Re-shuffled the GH again to fit in the last 2 growbags (4 in total in there) and gave everything a well needed watering. Today, went to B&Q for plants for the new flower bed, �70 later - whoops!
        keen but (slightly less) clueless


        • Today was a busy one, lots of weeding was done, clearing lots of raised beds before the weeds got big enough to compete with my crops.

          Lots of serbian pole beans were planted out as were ne plus ultra peas, sutherland Kale, broccoli and loads of lettuce plants. Finally 10 courgette plants were put into 25 litre barrels and well watered in.

          We are finally getting on top of things before our holiday


          • Built a wigwam and a 12 foot double row of canes for my bean crop. Planted 12 Blue lake climbing French beans around the wigwam and some butter beans at the base of the canes along my bean trench. Sowed some climbing Borlotti beans and have some runner beans to sow also. All of the butter beans I sowed outdoors have rotted so the spaces need to nbe made up with borlotti and runner beans!

            Watering at the allotment is now becoming very time consuming..........roughly 1.5 hours each day! And that's only watering stuff that is desperate, albeit with a 2 gallon watering can.

            Sowed some annual chrysanths
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • Transplanted Iceburg Lettuce into earth. Sunk some more tomatoes into deep pots. Watered all rest of toms (in a gravel tray, I've learned the lesson taught to me by you lot to water from beneath). Started a new compost heap in the open so I can turn it, I'll leave the dalek alone for a few months. Started off some leeks, just hope I'm not too late. Harvested loads more carrots for my daughter and the children. Rain stopped play at about 5.00 p.m.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Potted on -
                30 tomato plants into final pots, 32 left to do but no room so they'll have to wait
                3 peppers
                3 tomtatillos
                the accidental peach/nectarine tree and put it outside, no room in the greenhouse.
                Planted out -
                2 courgette, 2 yellow crookneck squash, a tray of marigolds that were looking a bit sorry for themselves out the front
                Sorted out all the pots, put them safe to wash next week
                watered everything that needed it.Also watered aloe vera plant that had gone orangey, noticed it's in flower again [it only did that a couple of months ago]
                Noticed nantes carrots have finally come up, scapes showing on section of hardneck garlic.


                • Finally planted bought red onion seedlings, late-sown garlics, early-sown garlics (both in pots).
                  Would like to have done more, but needed to water stuff that's dead stressed that needs planting..... ooh! chasing one's Butt!!!! X


                  • Today I had a really stressful day - barely any sleep, wasted trip in the rain with a small child to Canterbury...but managed to get out in the garden this afternoon and that proved to be good therapy.

                    Pricked out some amaranths to grow on a bit in a patch I to free up the bit where I'm planning on growing them. Potted on two bird's eye chillis into their 5" pots. Popped a few komatsuma plants I grew for a friend of mine (as a housewarming gift) back into a pot (I had to plant them out as they were waaay overcrowded, but her house purchase hasn't gone through yet, so can't give them to her yet!) to give her when we visit her this week. It'll cheer her up, I hope - she's had bad morning sickness.

                    Planted out two of my courgette seedlings into a grow bag. Got second grow bag lined up ready for the 3rd seedling and the cucumber seedling. Moved a few swiss chard seedlings to the swiss chard patch. Harvested some spinach and managed to bring myself to cut two down - they're going to bolt soon, I think..the oldest ones, anyway. They were delicious.

                    Spotted more flower buds on my runner beans and a huuuge bee. At least, I thought it was a huge bee until I looked closer. It was TWO bees doing saucy things! Never seen bees at it before.

                    Squashe gazillions and gazillions of aphids.
                    Singleton Allotments Society
                    Ashford Gardeners - A gardening club (and so much more) for the greenfingered of Ashford and surrounding areas. Non-Ashfordites welcome .


                    • decided to let the local garden centre have the benefit of my cash and bought 4 bags of compost to pot up loads of toms and chilli plants.
                      a good put down line to use !

                      If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


                      • Stripped hazel bushes for support canes.Dug over the bit in the garden(last one still to go) and planted brassicas-mixed up cabbages with sprouts


                        • Planted some Kelso onions that were becoming pot bound. Planted a few chrysanths. Planted a couple of bush courgettes and a tomatillo ouside. Planted another tomatillo in a large pot in the greenhouse Went around adding stakes to all plants that needed them. Watered only the bare necessities.
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Had a great day planted out Artichokes, leeks,spring onions, put windbreak netting around my beans and peas(being battered by wind this week). Preparing the bed for the pumpkins to go in this week & finally netting arrived for sprouts will put up a cage for them to go in. Finished off sowing yet more seeds phew....happy but tired and great its just bonced it down with rain so all seedlings very happily watered in


                            • Nothing for The Funny Farm here actually, but what I did do, was to take over to my Happy Couple Client, all of her Sarah Raven Nerine Bulbs that I potted up for her a while back, that have been happily rooting in my noo Draughty Dutch Greenhouse.
                              And too, her Sarah Raven Dahlia Tubers that I've been nurturing for her - and they're ready for planting out now, in a couple of days time.

                              The only thing I managed to do for Trousers and I, was to water the greenhouse crops, and those still under my protective wing in The Conservatory, that I'm hardening off for the great outdoors. And trying to bring pollinating insects into The Conservatory, with encouragement, to set the Winter Squash Flowers for Dead Cert Fruits!!!
                              Thank you for listening...X


                              • Yesterday went to the garden centre and spent another fortune on plants for the new flower bed. Managed to get everything planted that i decided to put into new flower bed, got a couple of things left over but they will be found homes for at some point. Today i edged the lawn, planted a new jasmine in origional flower bed against the trellis, hoiked a few things out of the origional flower bed & had a bit of a weed, could do with filling a few gaps init now. Also divided some plants in the bed & potted on some potential new offspring. Still loads to do - especially in the veg beds & GH but that will have to be for tomorrow.
                                keen but (slightly less) clueless


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