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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Today I pricked out Peppers ( Sweet Romano) & Cabbage ( Esoril F1)
    Sown. More peppers. (Worldbeater)
    Never mind the TWADDLE here's the SIX PETALS. Annual seedlings.


    • Just having a quick coffee break before going back round the lottie. I am putting in the boards for raised bed No 2 and hopefully get 3 & 4 done today as well. Once No 2 bed is done I want to get a few early potatoes in.



      • I sowed:
        30 chickpeas
        64 Feltham First peas
        into paper pots (I dropped one tray all over the kitchen floor ... compost everywhere)
        & planted 20 snowdrops into the shady border
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • I have put all the tomatoes sown as part of the tomato moon experiment in individual pots. i have 18 alicante and 2 tumbling toms

          I have also sown


          Dahlia Pompon Mixed
          Cosmos Sensation mixed
          Antirrhinum Monach Mixed
          Agastache Fragrant Mixed


          Cauliflower All year round
          Parsnip Hollow Crown
          Pea Early Onward
          Brussel Sprouts Evesham Special
          Broccoli Autumn Calabrese

          been wanting to sow some seeds for a while and not been well enough to do so, so now i feel a little better i have sown quite a few

          Just can't wait for spring to arrive now, so i can go in the garden more often and sort it all out and make it what i want it to look like.


          • Cooed over the new 'hatching' of aubergine and pepper seedlings. Sown on Feb 6th and just peeping through this morning.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • Commenced the annual war of attrition with next doors ivy!
              Sowed mizuma rocket and mixed salad
              Planted onions in pots
              Filled the little carrot bed, need to get some sand
              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


              • Guess.....
                Attached Files


                • Had a lovely day in the garden. Removed all the rocks and slabs that we had dug out of raised bed. Dug it over and removed the rest of the roots from the dwarf bamboo. Improved the soil with bag of manure. Planted 2 apple trees which have been in the greenhouse for a couple of weeks due to the bad weather. Attached them to a bamboo cane secured at a 45 degree angle and planted. Pruned the side branches to 4 strong buds. Both Apple trees are going to be trained as Cordons. Mr Herbie has put up three horizontal wires, so the trees are supported.
                  Had a tidy up in the greenhouse, removed dead geranuims. Cut back some plants that had been damaged by the snow. Mr Herbie has repaired coldframe that got flattened by the snow.
                  Sorted bottom end of the garden and planned out new raised beds. Now got a decision to make ........ do I remove my compost bins and put a new raised bed in its place and get a wormery instead. Or change the darlec's for a wooden compost heap with less raised beds? Decisions, decisions! Noticed that Garlic I planted a few weeks ago is putting on some good growth, don't know where the other shop brought experiment is, as no shoots have appeared yet.

                  Updated 23rd February 2009


                  • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                    You stuck all those little balls on top of the sticks?
                    "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                    Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                    • Originally posted by FionaH View Post
                      Commenced the annual war of attrition with next doors ivy!
                      Snap just what me and OH have spent all afternoon doing, I am fed up with it ruining the house wall and the fence She refuses to do anything with it. She will have a shock when she see's it but that might kick start her into doing something about it.
                      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                      and ends with backache


                      • Originally posted by womble View Post
                        You stuck all those little balls on top of the sticks?
                        No - I just thought I was getting a little repetitive - I'm just slow at raised-bed-making!

                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        Bought another pack of wood for on the way home and went straight down to the Hill to start building the second of the 8 planned raised beds.
                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        .... I finished making raised bed d1, and made raised bed c2.
                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        .... Measured and pegged out the next raised bed....
                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        Finished the raised bed started yesterday - ..... and made a start at meauring and pegging out the fifth.
                        Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                        ....... I made raised bed b2 and pegged out raised bed b1.


                        • Didn't do everything I planned to do today as daughter going back to Uni and then got engrossed in the rugby! Chillis have germinated and so has my yellow grill pepper, which was quite exciting! Still no sign of my potatoes sprouting though, oh well.
                          AKA Angie


                          • I did my February sowings - some more tomatillo's (only one of last 2 germinated), lots of chilli's, a few other expiremental non-maincrop things and some spring onions.

                            I also did some very late onion set putting out, which is probably not likely to work, but I was pleased to notice whilst outside that my garlic is finally sprouting!


                            • Yesterday I put compost into pots and put them on the windowsill in proagators to warm up.
                              Today I planted onions, leeks, peppers, tomatoes, rosemary, thyme, oragano, basil, chives, parsley and sage.
                              Checked the new 200 litre water butts, both full now and overflow pipe is working well.
                              It`s still way to wet to go out on the garden so I`m planning the beds.
                              I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


                              • I planted out my aquadulce claudia broad beans that I'd planted in the cold greenhouse before Christmas. My hardening off went a bit haywire. I forgot to put them in when it was sleeting and blowing a gale, then they got left out overnight and snowed on, so I reckoned they could probably stand being planted out. 3 to a 6 in pot, planted 12 ins apart. Probably too close, but I hadn't thought all the beans would grow .
                                I also cleared up the tip behind the greenhouse, emptying pots and throwing out empty bags. Then I burned some prunings in the old charcoal bbq, which cleared off the mold that was growing inside, and amazingly, I cleaned the gas bbq as well, so now if we want a bbq in half term I won't think we will die of a horrible disease
                                I checked the compost bin, it's ready to spread by the look of it, I just need to get it out on the beds now, they could do with it. It's a mix of garden waste, bokashi and old potting compost. I layer each together, then start the other bin off to give it time to mature.
                                The first daffodil is out, the crocus are opening, and the snowdrops are coming out too. The catkins on the cobs nuts are showing fluffy pollen, and there are loads of VERY small red flowers on them too. Nothing I need to do, nature should take care of it. Spring is on it's way.
                                Last edited by BarleySugar; 15-02-2009, 09:02 PM.
                                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



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