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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Sowed Tigeralla toms, home saved peppers, dug over the pea bed and found some of my missing rhubarb crowns.
    Mucked out a bit more of the stable, and put it into the big compost bin.
    Went to worlds greatest garden centre (Imho) bought a walnut tree and planted that too.
    Bob Leponge
    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


    • I ate my first ever home-grown Parsnips - fabulous!

      I've never grown them before, and they were in stony soil, so were a bit weird, and very small. I was so impressed with the flavour, and will be more attentive to their needs this year!

      Picture attached - yes that is a teaspoon don't laugh!
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Glutton4...; 09-03-2009, 08:47 PM.
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • Doesn't matter what they look like Gluton, it's the taste that counts... unless you are growing for t*sco

        Today I raked the first bed that has had fleece on for a while, then sowed 2 rows of parnsips direct. Following my uncles method for these 2 rows. (he says to make a drill, line it with compost, water it then sow 2 to a station, then cover with more compost and water again.) The rest of them are in loo rolls in the cold frame...

        The I sowed a row of carrots, a row of beetroot and a row of turnips. And planted out some lettuce that needed potting on again.

        All under fleece.

        Emptied one copst bin onto the flower borders and a patch of soon to be grass. Moved another bin into the smaller one. Needs a few more weeks.

        Went to garden centre as needed more little pots and had a very nice chat with a chap seed hunting who says he has never had a problem with germinating 'old' parsnip seeds. Magic fingers methinks!
        Last edited by janeyo; 09-03-2009, 09:43 PM. Reason: forgot something


        • Sowed my tomatoes.
          Purple Ukraine (zazen999)
          Gardeners Delight (saved)
          San Marzano 2
          Garden Pearl

          and tomatillo.
          "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

          Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


          • Dug a seed bed, 3'x5', next to plot two and in front of a south-facing fence. Needs raking into a fine tilth.
            Tour of my back garden mini-orchard.


            • I put my first early spuds in yesterday, then planted a pear tree, thornless blackberry, redcurrant and 2 gooseberry bushes. My onions and garlic and broad beans that I planted in Autumn are growing very well now. I have covered a large area with manure then black plastic which i will be planting pumpkins and squashes through this year in a bid to reduce the mares tail in that area.


              • I put my spring onion seedlings outside in unheated greenhouse. Basil germinated today. Attempted to prune my olive tree (thanks for the advice Geordie). Sowed Butternut Squash Hunter and Beetroot Boltardy and tried very hard to move things round to get more windowsill space!
                AKA Angie


                • I weeded a bed and forked in compost and bf&b, then put the black plastic back on.

                  I'm not allowing myself to sow any seed, inside or out, until we come back from holiday on the 21st . I've made reams of notes though, going through books, mags and, of course, the grapevine .


                  • Today.....

                    In anticipation of an urgent Bamboo Cull at The Happy Couple's, I've got a hold of some Roundup Concentrate, which allegedly kills Trees, so if it don't kill the Bamboo we want it to, Her & Me are going to be mighty miffed, and a more than strong letter to Mr. Roundup Concentrate will be forthcoming!!

                    I've never grown Bamboo myself, and nor would I ever, seeing what it can do to a beautiful garden like theirs'....

                    Four hours weeding over at Mrs. Hyphen-Hyphen's yesterday, and no doubt similar at The Happy Couple's tomorrow, and trying to juggle our own chitting potatoes, germinating seedlings, wotsitting shallots, and gorgeous greenhouse babies.... whilst packing up to move home as well, with Exchange only a day or two away....

                    And I got to cuddle Auntie Wellie's 2nd little girl today, born on Saturday, all of 5lb-ish.... which was just extremely special..... X


                    • Woke to a glorious morning, so spent some time in the polytunnel getting it all sorted. It didn't take long to get it looking spic and span. It was far too cold to work outside, and even the greenhouse was struggling to make 8 degrees.

                      But oh dear me the sage had taken over during the winter and I had to dig the whole lot out. It was pretty backbreaking, but it is done now. I've planted it outside in the garden, and I'll see how it does there. I had no idea it could be so invasive. Could find no sign of the rosemary or oregano. They just never seem to make it through the winter.
                      Last edited by JennieAtkinson; 10-03-2009, 11:26 PM.
                      Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                      ~ Mary Kay Ash


                      • I planted a few peas in a bin in the garden.

                        Indoors, I set the following seeds:
                        Tumbling Tom Tomatoes 15
                        Pumpkin 3
                        Butternut Squash 7
                        Courgettes 3

                        And these Peppers:
                        Fresno (H) 8
                        Corno de Torro Rosso (S) 7
                        Jalapeno (H) 7
                        My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                        • What a beautiful day it turned out to be. I planted some aquilegia, scabious and pulsatilla. Then I repaired the trellis that the winds blew down the other week. Once in place, I planted some sweetpeas in front of it. Sowed some parsnip gladiator on kitchen towel. Decided to recycle the top bit of my old wooden pergola and dug it in so it stood upright from which I have now hung some pots.
                          AKA Angie


                          • Planted 6 asparagus crowns in with the flower beds. Moved the peach tree outisde and have just wrapped it in fleece. I managed to knock some buds off while moving it out of the greenhouse so don't want to move it back in in case I damage it some more, It's on flower and looks beautiful.
                            Potted on my 27th dec tomatoes again.


                            • Barrowed about a ton of FYM onto the half of the tunnel I had rotavated, and rotavated it in. Cleared one of the raised beds that was home to my 111 blackcurrant cuttings - these are now residing along the inside of one of the tunnel walls where they won't get in the way. Added FYM to the raised bed, dug it over , raked it level and sowed CCA salad leaves - Pak Choi, Rocket, Mizuna and Red Russian Kale in the bed.
                              Lifted a barrowload of swedes, cut some kale and sorted out the shed ready for making up my veg boxes tomorrow.
                              Went up to the walled garden. The chef and the front of house manager had cleared the gardeners shed - now I can't find anything - I think they just binned anything they didn't recognise ! Lifted barrowful of Jerusalem Artichokes, which I will sort through and keep the best for this years seed and put the rest in my boxes. There's at least the same again still in the ground.
                              Cleared a lot of rubbish from the larger greenhouse - watered my babies, came home, had supper, put Niamh to bed and have just finished potting up 15 x 12oz jars of piccallili.

                              British by birth
                              Scottish by the Grace of God



                              • Sowed rocket and Saladin lettuce. Radish next to the carrots and sommat else i cant remember cos I am tired
                                WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


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