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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Spud's went in this morning i row earlie's 12 Rocket and 12 Winston 1 row second earlie's 10 Saxon 10 Marris Peer 1 row Mayan Queen (20) 1 row Mayan Gold (21) 3 rows King Edward's (56) plus 6 Home Guard .
    Lovley morning for working....jacob
    Last edited by jacob marley; 14-03-2009, 03:29 PM.
    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
    Ralph Waide Emmerson


    • Carrots, spring onions,shallots,red onions,radish all into 1/4 of the partly made potager.
      Finally got round to chitting the spuds
      Sowed more seeds indoors.

      Started mucking the lettuce bed.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Today I planted a hellebore. Then sowed the following:
        6 modules spring onion white lisbon
        1 melon sweetheart
        24 poppy blackcurrant fizz
        4 Sunflower tiffany
        4 Sunflower shine
        12 Sunflower pastiche
        6 Sunflower velvet queen
        8 Giant single sunflower
        Potted up 2 celeriac.
        Pond pump seems to have given up the will to live, so will have to get new one. A lovely and enjoyable day for working outside.
        AKA Angie


        • transplanted pickling onions, bunching onions and bedfordshire champions into raised beds. planted 18 international kidney potatoes. sowed some shallot seeds. sowed radish seeds into greenhouse borders. potted on tomato seedlings.
          my plot march 2013

          hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


          • Put in three rows of first earlies, some elephant garlic and some more shallots. Also put in a crown of timperly early rhubarb. Weeded my raised beds and had a good tidy around. Enjoyed the sunshine and being on my own with no noise and no school work to do
            When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


            • Dug up and repotted the Marshmallow Strawberry plants that Pigletwillie kindly gave me a few years ago, so that at least we've got some strawbs for brekkie this summer! Also dug up the remaining Scarey Jermor French Shallots into pots for the move to our new home.


              • Attended the Allotment Association AGM. Resigned as Secretary.........Halleluya!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Progressed with my octagonal chicken coop by nailing the floor into position, making the door draftproof and completing the roof timbers and facia boards!
                Tomorrow I shall try a bit of roof felting, which should be fun as the roof is an octagonal cone!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • First earlies planted today (Lady Christl) Also planted the last of my three potato sacks with Swift variety. Purchased some growing rings for the delphiniums in the flower garden. Got sick of staking and tying them last year!


                  • After digging up a giant tree stump at a clients (side job) house and somehow getting it into the skip it really was time for a bath.

                    All clean and shiny, it was back to the decorating, oh how we wish we had a painter friend who lived just down the road rather than half a country away. The newly boxed in soil pipe was all sanded , the spindles eggshelled again and the new skirtings were all first coated.

                    The only garden related job today for myself was carting a bag of compost from the car to the greenhouse.


                    • Went to B&Q and picked up 6x 14l buckets. 9x Polka autumn fruiting raspberries planted in the buckets in a 50/50 mix of multipurpose compost and topsoil. Watered all my containers, noted my oriental mustards going really well in the propagator so moved into greenhouse to harden off.

                      Picked up a 46cm square planter to pot up my dwarf cherry into, but ran out of daylight. Now off to sow my third sowing of broad beans, this time Giant Exhibition Longpod. Its only March and I am running out of room on the Veg plot! I feel more lawn may be sacrificed soon....


                      • We went to Wisley. There are thousands of daffodil bulbs - never seen so many in all my life. The weather was sunny/cloudy and fresh but it didn't rain. I ended up buying three books - the bookshop there is fabulous, and then after seeing some fine speciment in situ couldn't resist 2x hellebores and a peony and some wildflower seeds.
                        Its going to be a squeeze!! How come no matter how busy the garden is there's always room for more?


                        • I pricked out and re-potted seedlings, and re-dug the veg patch.
                          I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


                          • Outside?Absolutely nothing done today.The weather was horrible-strong wind & rain.Typical weather when I'm off and want to play outside.
                            I had a look inside the seed box to see what goes next on the windowsill.
                            Put tatties to eggboxes as they started chit themselves in the bag


                            • Today i got my feet on my very own lottie, a bit wet very weedy no shed but all mine after 3 years of waiting almost better than x


                              • I finished tidying up the strawberry bed & gave the strawberry plants a feed. OH helped me dig over the last two new beds which had been covered in black plastic for two years in preparation for planting the potatoes later on in the month. OH planted an apple tree. Checked the heated propagator for any sign of the chilli seedlings, needless to say there was none. Never mind there is always tomorrow.


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