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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • today i have ordered a small linkabord raised bed and all the bits to make a metre and a half long bed, i only have a postage stamp sized garden (thats estate agent speak for a bit of grass just outside your door).im determined to manage to grow carrots now that i have my new master plan in operation.also my cabbage collars and more broccoli seeds from dobies arrived today.left next door with the cat snatchers (they always seem to have a different cat each time i see them).and of course checked all my seedlings.
    a good put down line to use !

    If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


    • It rained where I was today, but I still managed to get some gardening done. Some Johnson Blue Hardy Geraniums needed to be hoiked out of the bed designated for the new Cutting Garden, so most of them went on the bonfire, and the ones I saved, got planted elsewhere in her garden. If I'd had the time/inclination, I could have made a fortune.

      My Biodynamic friend Rachie popped by to deliver seed potatoes, shallots and seeds for me for my new garden, and I'm gutted that I wasn't at home to give her a hug or a cuppa? Her thoughtfulness puts me to shame, but I'll make it up to her with knobs on when my time is my own, and I'm less stressed and sleepless!!

      My extremely good news, is that my Sweet Dumpling and Onion Squashes are starting to germulate, because I was beginning to give up on them! but no sign of my Globe Artichokes yet... Thankfully, I'm a very patient lady.

      Tomorrow, I'm hoping to cut the first of the 2009 Mixed Salad Leaves and Salad Rocket for Trousers's dinner, with a bit of smoked chicken thrown in for good measure, and a handful of sauteed potatoes maybe, if he's a good boy!
      (See Wellie try and empty her freezers in 7 days Boys'n'Girls!!)
      Thank you for listening.... X


      • planted 3 rows of turbo onions from wilco. sowed early nantes 5 and sparkler radishes in pots for greenhouse.
        above the clouds the sun is shining and the sky is blue. if you look hard enough you can just about see it!


        • Took Himself to see the allotment - much progress since he last looked!
          I sowed 20 Salmon Flowered peas in root trainers. High winds here and it's perishing!
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • I went on Ebay and bought some stuff. Dwarf broad bean seeds, parsnip seeds, some of those pots that swell when water is added. I'm hoping to use them to plant some seeds indoors. Its going to be at least a month till my greenhouse is built so I'm going to put a big tray in the spare room under the window and try and start stuff of there. I have fleece to put over them. Fingers crossed it'll work.

            A novice but keen to learn

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            • Went outside and got blown 3mile down the road.. phew!!

              Anyway once I recovered decided it was safer to stay indoors, but had itchy fingers so...........

              Sown into seed trays the following:
              Borlotto beans x5
              Scarlet Emporer beans x5
              Butler beans x5

              Lancashire Lad peas x5
              Latvian peas x5
              Early onwards x5

              Sweetcorn x10

              I was going to plant seeds direct to the garden but the wind is so cold and strong they would probably all end up in a pile next to the compost bin!!

              Think I'll wait until next week when it wams up.


              • Today I have moved some more tomatoes into the greenhouse the others that I moved seem to be coping. Potted alot of them on. Potted on courgettes and some pumpkins (only tiny ones) covered them with fleece in the greenhouse and lit parafin heater, will need to heat again at night as frost is forecast. Potted on sweetcorn into bigger cardboard pots, so not to disturb the roots. Still sorting seeds, need to sow lettuce and cucumbers and more flowers. The Teasel seedlings are coming on well and have been potted on. Sun Flowers, Nasturtums, Poached Egg Flowers, Lupins and Delphinums have all germinated.

                Updated 23rd February 2009


                • went out to feed the kids rabbits and to potter in the greenhouse, i did feed the rabbits and then i came straight back inside, pouring down and blowing a howler, what happend to all that lovely weather we had last week!!!
                  so i didnt do anything at all today.........
                  and i had the day off.........what a waste.


                  • I've just planted my shallots. Just need to find a way to stop the dog eating them. I've covered them in fleece but she seems quite partial to that as well.

                    Just planted a tub of carrots. They are in the shed with fleece over them as well.
                    Last edited by susiewoosie; 28-03-2009, 11:23 AM.

                    A novice but keen to learn

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                    • So far today my husband and I have finished filling our 3 new raised beds with 3 tonnes of soil! I've also sown brussels sprouts, cauliflowers and cabbages in seed trays in my greenhouse.

                      Still to do today : cages to be built around my beds so they don't become the chickens' dust bath and the cat's litter tray
                      Also want to get at least my garlic planted


                      • It's raining again, so I did the windowsill seedling shuffle:
                        - germinated stuff out of propagator, new sowings into propagator
                        - watered all the seedlings that needed it (currently 35 x 3" pots)
                        - potted on the bigger seedlings & put in greenhouse
                        - took cuttings of pelargoniums and coleus canina
                        - prayed for a dry day. I need to get all the peas out of the greenhouse and into the ground, so I can start sowing more veg
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • Blooming windy here. I uncovered last Sunday's tomato sowings as they're all through. Spent the rest of the late morning/early afternoon working on a chicken ladder - the hen-house is raised up!
                          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                 Updated March 9th - Spring


                          • We had a quick flurry of snow and I'm convinced its because I planted my shallots and carrots

                            A novice but keen to learn

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                            • Been peeing down here in Cambridge all day (on and off) - mighty frustrating! Put my coriander outside in the plastic greenhouse to harden off, moved pot of late leeks from plastic greenhouse to raised bed (currently being used as a "holding pen" for stuff that's hardened off but not ready to go on the allotment). Went to the allotment society AGM.

                              Fingers crossed for sun tomorrow, so I can work on the lottie for an hour or two!
                              Last edited by Eyren; 28-03-2009, 04:16 PM.


                              • Spent most of the day dodging showers! Sowed some more toms as one or two seedlings were not looking too good. Potted some toms and aubergines up. Dug old compost out of mangetout raised bed (to be replaced by new compost when it arrives on Wednesday) and spread over flower border and emptied the last of the chicken poo onto border as well, then lightly raked in. Dug half way down into my wall trough, loosened clay soil that was at the bottom and dug in plenty of manure ready for my dwarf peas to go in when they have hardened off.
                                AKA Angie


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