Today I have a bit of time in the garden, cut the grass, sow a row of carrots in big raised bed. Watered everything in the greenhouse. Cabbage, spinach, kale all coming on well in pop up coldframe.
Sown: Lettuce: Little Gem, A.Y.R, Mixed Salad Leaves, Radicchio, Chartwell.
Flowers: Rudbeckia - Home saved seed from last year, Gloriosa Daisies, Irish Spring, Poppy - Pink Dawn and Bunny Tails - Grass.
Prepared root trainers ready for next Moon Day for French Beans, Runner Beans and some more peas.
Sown: Lettuce: Little Gem, A.Y.R, Mixed Salad Leaves, Radicchio, Chartwell.
Flowers: Rudbeckia - Home saved seed from last year, Gloriosa Daisies, Irish Spring, Poppy - Pink Dawn and Bunny Tails - Grass.
Prepared root trainers ready for next Moon Day for French Beans, Runner Beans and some more peas.