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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Last night I dropped a whole tray of 13 tomato seedlings on the floor of the kitchen while moving them in from the greenhouse. Amazingly they all seem to have survived after repotting, although some people may now be getting a Gardeners Delight instead of a San Marzano, or tother way round.

    I also planted my onion sets, sowed rocket and lettuce in the greenhouse, turnips and carrots outside.
    "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

    Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


    • More signs of life today.

      Tomato 100s and 1000s

      Sowed 29/03 in a heated propagator.

      Lollo Rossa

      Sowed 28/03 in modules in the growhouse.


      Radish (English Breakfast 3)

      Sowed 22/03 in a raised bed.

      The last one could be a broad bean sowed on the same date for all I know, but they have a longer germination time so I'm guessing it's a radish.
      My Blog My flickr


      • Just sowed rocket, and 2 more courgette's ( the 1 sowed 2 weeks ago still doing nothing ) sowed some container parsnips and purple sprouting broccoli.......


        • Fed my windowsill dwarf beans - which now have - a bean on!
          Conducted the tour of the village with the Britain in Bloom group and the judges. They praised the portfolio (my work!) and said we should all be proud of our achievements so feeling chuffed! Still got summer judging to go.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • Topped up the pond today with some water. Then tidied bog plants up round the pond and layed bark round them to retain moisture. Put down more bark in my woodlandy bit of the garden. Planted Akebia next to my arch. Tidied up front garden and loosened soil inbetween chamomile plants which are just starting to grow again and did quite a bit of weeding. Then sprinkled some fresh compost over the soil and watered it with seaweed liquid feed to give everything a bit of a boost. Tidied up beds down the side of the house. Potted up some toms and potted cucumber on to 6 inch pot. Planted lollla rosso lettuce around my borlotti beans which are sown in a big container, some more in a trough and the rest were planted into an old colander I had in the shed. Put slugbugger around my radishes as they looked like they had been nibbled. Larger tom plants went into gh for the day and have just brought them back indoors. Finally went round and watered everything because it was bone dry.
            AKA Angie


            • Today was box day. This weeks boxes will contain some or all of the following;
              Potatoes, carrots, Onions, Baby Leeks, Parsnips, Chard, Swede, Calabrese, Celeriac and Garlic.
              Covered the bed I rotavated recently outside the tunnel with old capillary matting and started to plant some of my strawberries through it. Should keep the kiddies happy during the summer when their parents are picking peas and broadies !

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • I slept until 1pm, did a couple hours of maths, then I attempted to write a blog post on Mendelian genetics while munching on dark chocolate and lots of coffee.


                • today left work early for the doctors so i had a spare hour to go down to the allotment. finished putting netting up fo the mang tout watered them ang cut some brocolli. got home and found my link a bord raised beds had arrived so tommorow i will be setting these up
                  a good put down line to use !

                  If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


                  • Received through the post, notification to renew our Allotment, and request for the appropriate 'folding stuff' to accompany the years' rental, which seems kind of sad to have to now send that back with a note to say that we're not going to be renewing for this year.
                    But that's kind of 'happy' for someone else that can take it over in our absence, so that makes me smile my sox off....


                    • Planted a few Duke of York tatties, watered seedlings, collected eggs and fed chooks some 'all in one' dog food that the dog turned her nose up at. They loved it!!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • Sowed a short row of Carrots (Chantenay Red Cored), Radish (French Breakfast) & Turnips (Golden Ball), also dug the third trench for my potatoes which i will put in in a week or two. Edged the newst flower bed & weeded another, will go out & water the greenhouse later.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • This morning FionaH came round with a delivery of chicken pellets (thanks Fi!) so we chatted loads and had lots of coffees! I then distributed chicken pellets amongst my garlic, dug it in and then watered. Tidied up my gravel area and found that the fennel had for the second year rooted itself through the weed membrane and gravel. It took quite a bit of a tug but finally managed to get it out. Will now have to find a larger pot again. The same has happended to my curry plant so that has been taken out of the pot and re-located in the border. Potted on my second cucumber. Scrubbed the patio with patio cleaner and then sowed wild flower mix into my flower border, raked it in and watered.
                          AKA Angie


                          • On wednesday, I took a WELL deserved day off work (I was using up days before the end of the leave year) and I spent almost 6 hours on the plot. My first job was to retrieve my plastic ridge-tent cloche from 2 plots over (we had horenduous wind the day after we put it up although it was pegged down on all corners and weighted with rocks) - it is now totally weighted down again and hopefully will stay. If not, it will just hold netting instead of plastic covering.

                            A lot of tidying up before the grass and nettles take hold properly for the summer. But I dug over a couple of small sections as well ready for planting up later.

                            I sowed 2 rows of peas, using up the end of 2 packets - Kelvedon wonder (reasonably thickly sown) and a different variety much less thickly - to use up the space at the back of the onion bed. I also put a short row of radishes (cherry belle) in there to use up the space. And then, in the legumes bed, I put another 8 broad bean seeds (express) and a short row of mange tout (oregon sugar pod) to use up the end of the packet from 2 years ago.

                            I dug up a few more leeks and my first 3 spring onions of the season.

                            And then I finally ended by putting in a small handful of 2nd early potatoes (Anya). I just finished off the ridge that OH had made last week and I am fobbing off the rest on him later this weekend as I hate planting potatoes and always mess up making the ridges (I put them very close together). That was enough to take me and my aching back off to collect DD from the creche.


                            • From 07:00 til 09:00 I picked some veg for the shop I supply - spinach, chard, swede and PSB, watered the polytunnel and loaded three van with my veg boxes.
                              From 09:00 til 17:00, I delivered my veg boxes and just made it to the bank in time to bank my payments.
                              From 17:00 til 17:15, I had a ciup of coffee and two slices of toasted cheese (this is my staple diet when the OH and the girls are away )
                              From 17:15 til 20:30, I went back to the field and sowed more seeds as part of my seed order arrived today.
                              I sowed 500 Hispi cabbages, 500 Calabrese Marathon, 250 Calabrese Ironman and 100 Perpetual Spinach.
                              Then it got dark so I came home and here I am - now gotta go have a shower and get ready for my weekend job as a bouncer, sorry - door steward.

                              British by birth
                              Scottish by the Grace of God



                              • Bought a hasp and lock and fitted it (with a bit of persuasion) to my new chook house. The octagon is now ready for it's occupants which I hope to move in over the weekend!
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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