Shuffled everything around in th GH again, yet to germinate stuff went to the top of the shelving, stuff to prick out onto the bench, stuff to grow on a little before planting out onto the floor, pricked out & potted on some basil, watered everything, harvested my first cut & come again lettuce which we had with BBQ dinner, noticed that a few parsnips have germinated in the plot & some of the spuds are just starting to peep through.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Wormed chickens, who are more cunning than previously realized. Also wormed myself in the process. Put out jasmine plant and then went ebaying. Am now bouncing with anticipation of receiving white habaneros, loofa gourd, and truly ma-hoosive sunflowers.The Impulsive Gardener
Chelsea Uribe Garden Design
Finished third little raised bed - the other two have spuds in them so this will be for carrots, spinach and leeks (probably one of each). Sowed runner bean 'Scarlet Emperor' and climbing French bean 'Cobra' in loo roll tubes. Pond is fizzing with tadpoles. Bluebells starting to flower
I planted out my borlotto beans this afternoon, or at least the first batch. No chance of a frost here, so it should be safe enough.
Shuffled my pots around, I have soooooo many! But I have managed to baracade the veggies bed so the dogs don't run over it....naughty doggies!My mind works like lightning, One brilliant flash and it is gone!
Watered everything.Pricked out celeriac, am beginning to think they may not have long enough to grow, so better think about cloches for them later on.
Potted on a couple of peppers and some tomatoes, Santa/San Marzano Versuvio. Potted on three Red egg aubergines. They're about 3 inches high, doing much better than the Bellezza ones, which are still at 2 leaf stage.
Sowed chives and garlic chives. Sowed some beetroot outside.
Had a look at the sunflowers/beans, they're almost up already, in 4 days, wooo!!!
Going to plastic bottle cloche up some broad bean seedlings as the slugs seem to have found them despite my preventative measures.
Saw a polytunnel on the way home from an appointment and drooled.
Finished planting strawberries.
Sowed 100m of Broad Bean Wikien Manita
Planted out 200m of onion sets (this job will take a long time - slowly slowly catchy monkey)
Sowed 25m Beetroot Chioggia
Sowed 25m Beetroot Golden
Sowed 25m Beetroot Moneta
Pricked out celeriac and potted into deep pots
Started to put up pea netting.
Put out tyres in place for courgettes.
Weeded lettuces and Spring Onions in the polytunnel.
Charlie got 3 rabbits today - best day so farLast edited by sewer rat; 22-04-2009, 08:08 PM.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Very productive day today
Jez & I built a 6ft pea frame (from 7ft canes, very sturdy) and planted out 15 Gladstone & 10 Pilot heritage pea plants. Then I planted 12 strawberry plants (Flamenco) from a chair, and Jez planted a blackcurrant (Ebony) - with thanks to PW
#1 son and DD emptied the shed and tunnel on the old plot after school, barrowing back and forward up the path.
Jez then rotavated what will be the carrot bed, and the big bean bed, while I spread compost round the strawbs and rasps.
Home, and just waiting for a bangers and mash dinner
Monday evening (haven't had a chance to report since), I pricked out and potted on the first of my brassicas from the "nursery tray" of modules into their individual modules (I have a habit of over-sowing into single modules). From 5 nursery mods, I got 20 brussels sprouts, 20 calabrese and 16 savoy cabbage. I will get on to the green and black kale, PSB, greyhound cabbage and cauliflowers tonight, I hope.
I've also sown an open tray of cottage garden flowers (apple blossom, night scented stock and catananche). And a row of spring onions direct into the ground.
And on Saturday, we caught up on the plot - maincrop spuds all in now, and 8 calabrese for early crop, and a row of parsnips and one of beetroot. Bit of tidying up, pulled a few more leeks and the short row of autumn sown spring onions (still babies but edible and blocking the brassica bed digging) and headed home with the toddler still in good form.
Tonight's tasks, once dinner is over, are to prick out brassicas and start sowing:
individual modules of nasturiums and marigolds,
coffee cups (takeaway type) of borlotti beans,
deep(ish) peat pots of climbing french beans,
ordinary pots of courgettes,
a large pot of cut-n-come again salad leaves for my lunches.
I think that's enough to get me to bedtime....
Was at lottie just before five o clock, after work, and left at about 8.00pm!
A very productive 3 hours methinks!
Sorted chooks first, 10 good sized eggs today, not bad.
Sowed a clump of Crimson broad beans direct into soil. Retired to greenhouse and potted on 66 real potato plants. 60 into a plug tray and six larger ones in individual pots..........only about 4000 to go now! Lol
Sowed some Blue Lake climbing french beans into tray. Potted on 4 Tomatillo's and 6 Sausage tomatoes into trays.
Watered everything that was desperate for water and headed off home for a kebab and an early night!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Yesterday not much done, made some little protective beds for my seedlings slug got into my mini greenhouse and ate 4 of me black beauty sunflowers, so plastic bottles and frost fleece sorted it, all i have to do now is remember to take them off in morning and put back on at night. Hoping to make my raised bed this weekend.
Only three sunflower seeds germinated and I potted them on into clay pots, putting them and the tray of marigolds outside to harden off. Let out my neighbours' chickens - I'm in charge of them until Saturday. Hoping to get my own bantams in the summer.
Pulled up the little pieces of grass that are growing in the raised beds between the seedlings and "rescued" sonme plug plant trays from the nursery to use to transplant the marigolds.
Watered everything throughoughly this morning and will do that again, weekly, if it doesn't rain.
PennyLast edited by Meschuee; 23-04-2009, 07:48 AM.
Day off today, so up early to tend to tomatoes. They are enjoying a new polytunnel this year, so we'll see how it goes.
My spuds, which we planted a couple of weeks back are starting to poke through the first layer of soil which is kind of exciting, as this is the first time we have had a go at them. We always thought we'd try growing more expensive stuff in the past, but I guess everything is expensive these days, so on we go!
I got my tunnel from a company recommended on this site (thanks Emmy!) and thought I'd mention that they are charting their own growing progress in a bit of a web-diary. You can see some good shots & the person writing the updates seems to know their stuff - have a look...
Bau Garden Calendar
Anyone have any idea of optimum polytunnel temperature for tomatoes throughout the next few weeks... It's already getting pretty warm in there!?
took a break from parrot training, and spent an hour
- planting Little Gem lettuce
- 50 Purple Teepee & 50 Canadian Wonder dwarf French beans (seed, direct)
- 24 Yin Yang into paper pots
- pricked out 20 black violas (self-saved)
Started to harden off my hardy annuals which are growing fast now on the windowsillsLast edited by Two_Sheds; 24-04-2009, 06:06 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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