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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Put the strawberries I got last year into the pots-the weather was so horrible when I got them that I planted themas they came-in bunch.Divided alpinestrawb I found last ear under the hedge-instead of 1 plant I have 7 now.Hope they will thrive.
    As for yesterday-put my celeriacs and peas outside-so far they were in the shed.


    • Box day today, This weeks boxes will contain some or all of the following;
      potatoes, carrots, onions, chard, spinach, lettuce, mixed salad leaves, leeks, chives, rhubarb, kohl rabi, celeriac.
      Went back out after putting Niamh to bed at 7:30 and planted another batch of onion sets - 3500 down, 1500 to go.

      British by birth
      Scottish by the Grace of God


      • Put 14 parsnip seeds from the airing cupboard into loo roll tubes and home made paper tubes filled with compost, never used this method before, really pleased with it, those I did a few days ago now have leaves showing. Sowed some basil and coriander in the GH. Everything's looking good at the mo, was far to eager with the courgettes, several have a number of flower buds beginning to develop, will have to get them under cover on the lottie soon, hope it warms up in the next few days.


        • Just planted more herbs in the veg garden and watered them in. Must water the new sweet Cicely, too.

          Broadleaf Thyme; Applemint, variegated; Oregano, Country Cream; Compact Marjoram and Sage, Icterina.

          Watered the leek bed, nothing showing yet outside - the ones in a tray in the greenhouse are coming along.

          "Rescued" two strawberry plants from the leaf pile (I'd cleared a strawberry bed last year and these two little plants found their way there) and put them in a hanging pot in the greenhouse.

          p.s. 3.49 p.m - Just got in from planting some of the "Quintal de Alsace" winter cabbage, will keep the remainder for
          planting in the autumn.

          Last edited by Meschuee; 01-05-2009, 03:54 PM.
          My photos at Webshots


          Trowbridge, Wiltshire


          • Cut the lawn, dug up some clumps of grass that had started to grow in the path. Sorted out patty pan, yellow scallop, pumpkin - invincible, round cougettes and packed them up for a friend in exchange for alpakka manure. Tied in peas. Tidied up greenhouse and swept path. Looking at seeds to see what to do next. Weather doesn't look that bad for Bank Holiday weekend with highs of 13 to 16.

            Updated 23rd February 2009


            • Planted out climbing french beans. Planted periwinkles in flower border. Planted out Crimson flowered broad beans. Planted a hanging basket with tumbling toms. Sowed more cucumbers and then cleaned out pond filter.
              AKA Angie


              • Been at work all day so just watered pots and made encouraging noises at the french beans who have just poked their heads through!


                • I've bought new bigger pots and compost and seeds

                  planted some seeds, put my cucumber into its final pot with a little cloche on top, planted out my mange tout which are a dwarf variety and not the ones I thought they were - damn!

                  also planted up my hanging basket with strawberries and tumbling tom

                  and finally got round to buying some fleece too!

                  if the slugs get any of it they're going to wish they had raided next doors yard instead


                  • Transferred 240 Runner bean plants, 220 Climbing French Bean plants, 350 celeriac and 200 celery plants from my tunnel up to the greenhouses and cold frames in the posh walled garden.
                    Rotavated the ground for the bean frames to go in next week, followed the week after by the beans.
                    Cleared the swedes which had all run to seed and rotavated that area for the globe artichokes - as they are perennials, I am going to put them at the front of the fruit bed, which will leave me three beds for veg.
                    Weeded under and around the gooseberry bushes.
                    Went back to my own place and started to get stuff together for the Farmers Market in Dornoch tomorrow - will have leeks, rhubarb, potatoes, onions, carrots, chard, rainbow chard, lettuce, chives and fruit bushes for sale.
                    Came home, had supper and went off to take photos of a Charity Casino night at local hostelry, back now, but off to door steward job at 10pm - Will get home about 2 - 2.30 am, so as I have to be up and out picking at about 5am I probably won't go to bed, so I'll prob be on here looking for any night owls or early birds to help keep me awake.

                    British by birth
                    Scottish by the Grace of God



                    • Potted up some toms - Black Krim, Grushovka, and Orange Banana. Still need to pot up Pigletwillie, Striped toms from Eden Project, Brown Berry, and Sweet Pea Currant. My Oca are popping up through the compost, I moved the pots from the greenhouse today. Potatoes are not ready for earthing up, but will be soon. Planted some peas and beans in peat pots - Minidor, Early Warwick, Sepelette (sp?), Purple Giant and a couple of others. Seriously need to prick out petunias (Sunday perhaps). Carrots, onions and beetroot are coming on fine but need to sow more. Potato Onions are coming on a treat. Himalayan Strawbs are finally coming alive. Achocha and Lemon Cukes will be repotted tomorrow. How come there is just never enough time for everything. Oh need to pot up the chillies (seriously need to pot them up) Cabbages and caulis need to be moved from modules to planters. Purslane is useless but my Tom Thumb lettuces are coming along nicely. Rasps/Gooseberries/Jostaberry are doing fine, just need some more sun. Will pull some more Rhubarb on Sunday.


                      • went to the greenhouse for some seedling porn after 12 hours in work, watered everything, did a slug hunt as the pepper seedlings my father gave me had been munched down to two out of 6, found offending slug, threw it roughly to the floor....outside of course.
                        Little bit of grass weeding, poked the compost a bit, chucked some loo-rolls into the dalek, threaded the clematis into the chicken wire.


                        • cut front lawn, potted up some toms into their tub still have more to do, they are now in my way in kitchen.
                          Not much ,Oh did loads yesterday but cant remember if i came on here, potted up hot peppers and courgettes and pricked out cornflower , sowed parsnip and sweetcorn and brussels have so much more to do and running out of space, starting to go a little mad i think. Always wanted a huge garden good job i dont i'd never get it done. think i will need to write lists out soon.


                          • Ok,I got itchy fingers again,so I planted some french beans,runners and peas.


                            • Righto, 4:30 am - off to harvest my veg for the Farmers Market - the birds have started to sing so time to go - wish it wasn't so bloody cold outside though

                              British by birth
                              Scottish by the Grace of God



                              • Off down the lottie in about half an hour I was there before seven yesterday too.
                                Always plenty to do blink & the weeds take over.
                                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                                Brian Clough


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