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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Off up the green house want to get some things pricked out and potted on and also sow some new little fellas!
    Wish my green house had expanding walls, it is tiny no more room at inn scenario!! Still not complaining as it is a lovely little space that is all my own.
    Would like to get up the plot but more bloomin application forms loom so need to do those first.
    Have a good day everyone.
    When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


    • - took a dozen cuttings of my 20p B&Q dianthus
      - watered everything in the greenhouses. Again. Dull, dull, dull.
      - sowed more French beans into paper pots (the 1st ones are now 2" tall)
      - lupins & pelargoniums have been hardening off for a week now, so will be planted out this weekend
      - rebuilt my compost bin & filled it with kale & PSB plants
      - weeded out all the yellow limnanthes, so I am left with only white ones
      - spent 2 hours grubbing daisies and dandelions out of the lawn
      - sowed more radish & watered the others, which are getting flea beetle
      - pinched the tops off my broad beans which are setting pods now. I've beaten the aphids this year
      - some over-wintered onions are bolting, so had them for dinner as spring onions
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 02-05-2009, 04:02 PM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • I potted runner beans yesterday and they're in the greenhouse. Watered the young things. Weeded. Planted sweet peas on a little wigwam in the veg. garden; planted out the mange tout ("Golden Sweet") and dwarf peas (Hatif d'Annonay) and covered them, the mange tout with chicken wire and the peas with netting. Sunny and warm today.


        p.s. Just planted nasturtium seeds - the remainder of the ones I planted in the front (flower) garden.
        Last edited by Meschuee; 02-05-2009, 06:37 PM.
        My photos at Webshots

        Trowbridge, Wiltshire


        • today I planted out my tomatoes (they're showing the first signs of flower buds) and companion planted them with some marigolds

          I also potted a tub of geraniums for some colour and decided I don't want my 3 tubs of aquilegias so put them on freecycle.

          Want to do more but I need some more compost and some grit/sand for the herbs - so I've given myself the rest of the afternoon off and settled down with a cider


          • Planted out the shop bought sweetcorn. Watered the home grown ones in gh, did yet another tip run, yawn...........
            Transplanted onions, (never try to grow them in window boxes it just doesnt work! Made wigwams. Tried to remember what I sowed two weeks ago and promised my self I would label better next year.
            Last edited by FionaH; 02-05-2009, 06:28 PM.
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • I've noticed that where Trousers and I are living now, being ever so marginally nearer to The Water, it's really much breezier, and kind of a 'wind up your kilt' if you're a plant not used to being outdoors, so I'm being a little more cautious about the more tender ones, so I've been giving them a liquid feed today, and opening The Conservatory Door as well as The Window, to harden them off a tad more now that we're coming into May.

              I also had to use the mathematical side of my brain today (see Wellie go 'Doh!') because I've been re-definning the grass paths in my noo Kitchen Garden from 'There to There' and two Mower-Widths, ending up in The Middle with a stone Bird Bath and our rusty old Arbour, which caused me more headache (in a bit? out a bit? left a bit? right a bit?)
              Thankfully, Trousers was at work, so it was just me and my Gardening Cat that were Cussing....
              BUT! it's beginning to take shape, and I mowed the back lawn as well.

              Whilst I've been doing that, I've been redesigning the bit outside of the conservatory door in my head, because Trousers dug up some very, very mature Box Balls (Buxus sempervirens) from Holly Cottage, and Wellie wants to create us a kind of Courtyard Topiary Garden to be proud of.

              Trousers did try and get A Link in order that our new blog gets seen by you, but he's still having problems unfortunately, and is way too proud to ask for help.
              I rest my case. X.



              • Got to the plot for 9am this morning, and just back now!

                Between us today we have -

                - plamted out 120 brassica seedlings, raked and trod the beds, limed, fish blood and boned, planted, watered then errected 4 nets with supports to keep wabbits and cabbage whites off them!

                - Rotorvated and mucked 2 beds for courgettes, then planted 9 courgettes and covered with mini polytunnels, planted flower seedlings around the outside of the beds, 10 varieties, approx 200 seedlings!

                - Hoed between the 3 onion beds.

                - planted out 60+ spring onion seedlings!

                This week we are hoping to get the plot fully planted up / prepared as we're on holiday, so tomorrow are hoping to plant out 54 more broad beans, another 100 onion seedlings, prep and sow the carrot and parsnip bed and the swede and turnip bed, sow more peas and beans, prep the greenhouses and squash / sweetcorn / pumpkin beds for planting later in the week! Guess we're gonna be busy again!
                Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                • Got the OH to help me today - planted basil, PSB, free seeds from this months magazine, artichokes spinach and parsley. OH really enjoyed the planting -said it was very relaxing and was very pleased to have joined in. Glad to see him get his hands dirty. Perhaps he will do the midnight slug hunt!


                  • Bought a Clematis at Aldi. Planted clematis. Planted some brussel sprouts. Made a netting cage for planted sprouts. Planted last of sunflowers and about a dozen chrysanths dotted around plot. Planted three pockets of leeks and all of my module grown swede. Determined to have some decent sized swede this year.Also planted some calabrese!

                    Only got five eggs today for some reason? (poor buggers could do with a rest as they've never stopped laying all winter!)

                    Cut four large cauli's from my multi headed perennial plants (nine star perennial)
                    Came home and had cauliflower cheese.........Mmmm.........delish!!!!!!!
                    Last edited by Snadger; 02-05-2009, 08:16 PM.
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Potted up lemon verbena. Prepared containers for aubergines, toms and peppers, although their not going in just yet! Moved on of my mini ghs to new location, then decided I didn't like it there, so moved it back again! Chillis, peppers and toms have been out all night for the past two nights, aubergines still in gh.
                      AKA Angie


                      • Earthed up potatoes in grow bags
                        Netted up the whitecurrant as the berries had set and the birds were getting greedy

                        Tomorrow need to pot on some aubergines and do a whole lot of weeding! Booooo

                        Upated my blog as I'd been lazy for the past couple of weeks, but all done now.
                        Noob Gardening Blog updated 15th January


                        • Managed to get out to the green house between filling in application forms. Potted up my tomitillos and outdoor cucumbers but ran out of pots for other seedlings.
                          Wanted to get up the lottie to put my beans in but form took too long, boo, hoo.
                          When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                          • Was at lottie by 7.30 am to pick over 5 kg of rhubarb which I'd promised to various friends, back again this afternoon after running band practice and lunch. Weeded bed with rows of carrot, beetroot, chard and parsnips just coming through, weeded onion, garlic and shallot beds, the onion bed had capped quite badly as we have had so much rain. Dug another stretch at bottom and got rid of a lot more weeds. Planted cabbage and calabrese bought at farmers market. Is anyone else plagued by the weed fumitory? It's very pretty but a nuisance, especially as it looks a bit like carrot when it first comes up.


                            • Went to local Morrisons to obtain flower buckets, put net over allium bed to stop local cat population using it as litter tray. Installed sister in law's pony in temporary residence at bottom of garden to eat all the long grass and provide lots of lovely manure for next years beds.
                              Bought 150 litres of compost from Focus DIY also bought 1 tomato plant (can't remember what sort, but it's a yellow fruited one) and one jalapeno chilli. Moved bean seedlings from second sowing to greenhouse.


                              • This is actually yesterday's diary as Ii was too pooped to fill this in by the end of the day . After shopping etc , I pulled all the forget-me-nots out of the flower garden as they were stopping the young plants I put in last year from getting any sun . Then I put my runner beans out and as they are growing up trellis I pegged bubble wrap over them for overnight . Then I put all my hanging baskets out with the snow peas, hestia beans , dwarf french beans and hanging tomatos and covered them in bubble wrap for overnight . I then planted my chillies into a trough in the greenhouse , ( now there is some room ) and planted some flower seeds in trays . Re-potted one of my blueberry bushes as the pot got frosted and cracked . Gave everything a good watering.

                                It has two chances , up or down.


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