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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Potted on some tomato plants, about 30, some to give away - well, the ones that I can remember what type they are will be - planted up a hanging basket, pricked out some more celeriac, but only 4, there'll be 24 of them, plus the 6 in the garden, I don't have space for them, so why did I plant that many? Doh!
    Potted on some jasmine, hopefully it'll live, it came from a plant in Italy that my grandfather grew.

    found two more slugs and snail, they went bye bye...HA!
    Last edited by taff; 04-05-2009, 03:04 PM.


    • I took rosemary and pennyroyal cuttings, and some cuttings from my "Lady Penelope" rose, which is a very good flowerer, and have them on the outside bench, along with the clematis cuttings. I hope to plant any resulting climbers round the vegetable garden. I see the jasmin cutting from last year ("Clotted Cream") has taken and is growing well in one of the climbing rose tubs. It will go in the veg garden, too, eventually.

      Checked the runner beans to see if they're germinating, but no sign yet. Watered the young vegetables. The potatoes are growing fast.

      Cut the hawthorn hedge and trimmed the new shoots on the hazel stump.

      Last edited by Meschuee; 04-05-2009, 04:14 PM.
      My photos at Webshots

      Trowbridge, Wiltshire


      • Potted up 32 celery plants. No, I won't need them all but they were growing - I couldn't kill them could I?!
        Also potted on
        2 cucumber Tiffany
        1 cucumber Sigmadew
        2 butternut Waltham
        1 pumpkin Jack of all Trades
        4 tomato Black Cherry
        5 tomato Gartenperle
        4 tomato Tiffany
        2 tomato Sungold

        And planted 4 pots of runner beans (2 seeds per pot)


        • Went to Morrisons for lazy breakfast so I got more flower buckets.
          Potted on Tomato's Tumbling Tom red, Roma, Cossack & Sun Baby. Pepper Arianne. Planted finger carrots in aforementioned newly obtained Morrisons flower bucket. Put netting round a further bed (cats!) Put Sweetcorn to germinate in wet kitchen roll sheets in iring cupboard. Watered GH.

          Feel better looking at that, thought I'd done nothing 'til just now.

          Just noticed some Basil shoots. Better and better. :-{)}
          Last edited by COMPOST CORNER; 04-05-2009, 07:53 PM. Reason: Basil


          • Took everything out of the greenhouse so I could remove wooden staging. Proceeded to attack wooden staging with jigsaw. I cut it down into usable sections, put one back in and cut the rest up and made new staging with 3 shelves. By doing this I have made lots of room down the left hand side for tomatoe plants to stand on the floor. New piece of staging in in place at the end of the bench on the right hand side which means I haven't lost that much shelving space. Had a good sort out. Potted up some tomatoes. Removed side shoots and planted marigolds around the tomatoes.
            Weather has been overcast with a few showers throughout the day, but it has felt quite cold.
            Tomatillo has one yellow flower and heritage peas have started to flower (Early Bird and Blue Bird). Some of the peppers have flower buds forming. Happy days!

            Updated 23rd February 2009


            • Went leather jacket hunting in the brassica bed. Found nothing, so maybe, just maybe I got them all yesterday. Set parsnips and mixed salad leaves. Couldn't do anything else outside; rained most of the day. B&Q lured me in to buy more bean netting, but came home with another water butt, a tap for the barrel I'm converting, one pepper, and two melon plants -too late to plant my own (lame excuse, just can't say no to temptation!). Spent the last couple of hours making paper pots. Just never seem to have enough.
              A good beginning is half the work.
              Praise the young and they will make progress.


              • This morning planted out dwarf purple french beans under cover. Two out of the three melon plants had collapsed in gh but by this afternoon one of them had perked up again. This afternnoon went to Loseley House and gardens, very enjoyable and had to smirk to myself as some of the spuds in the kitchen garden looked like they had been got by frost, having said that, the asparagus was 3 times the size of mine. Came away with 6 plants; 5 perennials and a herb called Rue, which I need to look up. Raining and quite windy when we got home so covered toms and peppers with a sheet of fleece.
                AKA Angie


                • Planted out lots of Golden Beetroot module babies as well as another six clumps of Paris Silverskin onions, brother came over & donated me a dozen or so red onion sets so planted those too, planted out 6 pea seedlings & poked spikey hedge trimmings in around them in an effort to prevent them being eaten by pigeons also earthed up the spuds.
                  keen but (slightly less) clueless


                  • The weather here on The Funny Farm was dead windy (again) and really dull, damp and cloudy, and it was kind of difficult to 'get going' with achieving anything, but once I'd done a shopping chore for Trousers, I managed to get myself motivated in The Draughty Dutch Greenhouse, and sorted all the chaos into order. In the near future, I'm not going to have to trip over all the stuff on the greenhouse floor now - which is a marginal improvement!

                    That done, I set about the same kind of thing with The Stone Shed, taking all the garden tools out, and putting them in the Nectarine Greenhouse, just so that if I want a garden tool (can't think why I would?!) it will actually be possible to lay my hands on it, rather than think to myself " where did i see it?".

                    Keep awake children (!) and then Trousers came home, and he did his 'incredible hulk' impression and got two whopping metal shelving cabinets into the Stone Shed so that I could continue with being Mrs. Organised (all Trousers wanted was a well-earned rest, having just come in from work, and a nice cuppa coffee)? But hey - I've been working my @utts off as well today, and unfortunately, The Fairies are kind of busy right now (!)

                    In amongst all that, and the sporadic showers, I managed to hoe the rest of the weeds from the only viable kitchen garden bed to plant stuff in - so maybe in the next 5 days, my Bored Bean plants and Shallots may finally see a crumb of real soil to get their tootsies into.....So it's been a fabulously productive day
                    So thank you for listening. X.


                    • Ph tested the soil for the first time

                      Potted on tommies

                      Sowed some runner beans (red rum)

                      Found Harry the Hedgehog snuggled in my garden fleece at the bottom of my plastic greenhouse


                      • Sown some more spring onions - Ishikura and Holland Blood Red, Watercress Aqua.
                        Lambs lettuce - Jade, Pumpkins Small Sugar and Invincible - Most given to friends so only ended up with one of each. Flowers - Cosmos - Candy Stripe, French Marigolds - Petit Mixed and Kobold Mix.
                        Potted on Chili's - Garda Hocus Pocus and Chinease Five Colour. x2 Melons - Canteloupe.
                        Pricked out about 100 french Marigolds, some Rudbekia Irish Spring. Potted on courgettes - Golden Zuchinni, Black Beauty, and De Nice Fruit round.
                        Tom's - Flowering
                        Paul Robeson
                        Super Snow White
                        Morgage Lifter
                        Kellogs Breakfast
                        Super Cherry
                        Black Russian
                        Garden Pearl
                        Balconi Red and Yellow
                        Gardeners Delight

                        Peppers and Chili Plants with Flower Buds:
                        Garda Hocus Pocus
                        Purple Jal
                        Red Patio
                        Mini Bell
                        Watered G/H.

                        Updated 23rd February 2009


                        • Shut the greenhouse windows as it was blowing a hooligan, chopped a few logs and lit the woodburnr as I was freezing.

                          Sowed a third batch of Incredible F1 sweetcorn (I LIKE sweetcorn)

                          Potted on some Larkspur into modules and generally pottered about in my main greenhouse.

                          Prior to this I had a wander around the allotment site and noticed that everyones tomato plants seemed to be streets ahead of mine!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Planted out into containers perpetual spinach, Purple pepper, Grill pepper red, Tom sweet million, 2x tom Roma, Chilli Anaheim and tom Lollipop. They have all been outside all night for almost 2 weeks so I'm taking a chance but have enough bell cloches to cover if needed.
                            AKA Angie


                            • Potted on three courgette, 3 yellow bent neck squash, 2 aubergines, 18 cabbages [why on earth did i grow that many? I'm planning on selling them or giving them away when they put on some weight], snipped the grass around the bed edges, de-weeded the front, smiled at the bunny-ear lavender - I hate the smell of it, but they look so quirky, I have to grow it.


                              • At the estate garden today, I sprayed off the docks in one of the horse paddocks, weeded the azalea beds, planted out the sweet peas, planted out the runner and French beans and tidied the greenhouse.
                                Home early as both Niamh and Iona have tummy and sickness bugs so took over with them for a couple of hours to give OH a break.
                                Back out tonight for 3 hours - FINISHED PLANTING OUT ONION SETS !!!

                                British by birth
                                Scottish by the Grace of God



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