With help of OH and the others we cleared the part of the garden that is going to be a permanent veg patch.Repotted lavender got from ebay last week,leggy calendulas and 2 out of 20 sunflowers that survived bird's attack.
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What I Did Today Archive 2009
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Planted out some lettuce and rocket into big boxes.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
This weekend i have finally seen sign of life!! I am aware i have along way to go but things have started to grow. So i have lovingly tended to my new seedlings and urged those that have not appeared to appear soon!! I put my runner beans out for the day to prepare them for the big day they finally make it into the garden. I have also planted out my mange tout seed. Am loving my garden and my veggie plot xxx
Today I planted out my sweetcorn inbetween my broad beans (which are now starting to flower). Also planted out celeriac and mangetout up a wigwam. Planted out 6 cordon tomatoes into grow pots in two large grow bags, then put canes in and tied the plants to the canes. One placcie gh is now empty so put beef tom in its final pot, took shelving out of gh and put tom inside with a cane. Planted up 4 hangings baskets with verbena, a planter with verbena and dwarf dahlias and planted tarragon into a small wicker basket. Had a sort out of plastic pots, those I want to keep and those that go back to gc for others to use. Thinned out woodruff which had completely taken over the area where my clematis is just popping though. Earthed up spuds. Tied kiwi Jenny into trellis and tied in sweet peas to their supports. Swept the patio, came in and then heard the weather forecast which said we are going to get gusts of up to 55mph tomorrow and Tuesday, so back outside and weighted down the placcie greenhouses (hope I've done enough) and made sure all was secure.AKA Angie
Erected placcie GH bought at poundstretcher to take the excess from the GH because I hadn't got room to put the toms in the GH border. Transferred lots and got the toms in their proper place, was going up the lottie to put in Runners and French climbing but heard the week's weather forecast at the end of GQT on the radio, gales threatened so no point in putting beans out, lost them all last year through gales in May, wind is bad enough but salt wind destroys. Anchored down placcie GH having seen the disasters some poor folk have had, keeping fingers crossed. It's quite difficult pricking out seedlings with your fingers crossed tho'!
Today Dad & I repaired the damage from that lovely fox family that lives next door in the brambles. Someon dumped a bed base in the bin store of my flats so we've had that and stripped it and it has made a lovely screen for my carrot and parsnip bed. Also sowed more radishes, beetroots, carrots and parsnips. Dug a trench for some more peas and started clearing the area I've set aside for the sweetcorn. Planted out some lettuce and pak choi. Babk at the folks Dad and I finished off the fencing and the log edging for one of the flower beds and started taking apart the front of the summer house. Am now bloody knackered and in need of a drink!
Got in at 3 am, up at 8:30 out to field at 10am - slightly hungoverbut work to be done.
Opened tunnel and watered everything. Started to plant out my brassicas - did about 1250 today - Primo and Hispi cabbage and some of the Ironman calabrese - keeping at least 50 - 100 back of each to go in the walled gardens.
Went up to posh walled garden, watered and checked everything - the gooseberry and currant bushes look as if they will be dripping with fruit this year
Home at 5 to look after my dying girls - Iona and Niamh have been ill all week and now my darling wife is dying too. Got them all off to bed and have just finished making and potting up 5 x 12oz jars and 10 x 500ml jars of Beetroot Relish.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
I agree, hope everyone is feeling better soon.
I had a very poorly son, so between journeys to supermarket for Diarolyte we
finished stone chipping path between beds and hedge.
Grubbed up some more roots and suckers from teh monster philadelphus.
Sowed Florence Fennel seeds, planted dwarf bean plantsoin raised bed and also 4 pots of dwarf beans. Put copper tape round the pots and managed to cut finger (another journey to buy plasters!)
Generally watered weeded and tidied up.
Put mulch mats round strawberries. In all not a bad day's work.
Checked on parmex carrots that i sowed last week at 8am, nothing, placed piece of clear perspex over pot, 10 mins ago was checking other plants and glanced in parmex direction....... 2 seedlings!!!! in just over 2 hours!! amazing.....perspex staying there till rest come up, later today i am gonna sow some more, and swede going in too.
Did the usual watering of young things early in the morning. Dug cranesbill geranium out of a border I'm clearing and planted them in the veg garden, took cuttings of roses and did the same with those and did some weeding. Visited a garden centre as a friend wanted calendula seeds. Potted up a baby house leek along with a piece of a trailing sedum.
The runner beans which germinated Saturday now have leaves and are growing like Jack's beanstalk.
Now we're Rockin'! Yesterday, I potted on most of the cordon tomato plants into their final buckets, and then ran out of Compost, which I rectified with a sneaky visit to the garden centre today, with Trousers having forbidden me to put bags of compost into the back of my replacement truck (yeah, right...) so all of the Tommies are done now and need no further disturbance to their roots.
It was blowing a hurricaine here today, but beautifully sunny, so I took myself to the garden table with a wheelbarrow full of compost, and potted on the pots of small Strawberry Runner Plants that I rescued before moving house.
Strictly-speaking, I shouldn't let them flower or fruit in their first year, but hey. It's expensive fruit 'for free', so I'm not bothered.
And with this hurricaine kind of weather, I've had to pay extra attention to watering things in pots Big & Small, as hot windy weather dries stuff out at an alarming rate, don't you find?
Thank you for listening.
As a newby today was lets say disappointing...... me thinks I am expecting too much. I planted beetroot, carrot and squash last saturday and there's still no sign of life. Am I expecting too much???????? Put my runners out for their second day in the big wide world, unfortunately my courgette did not fair quite so well and was a tad wind swept shall we say by the time i got home. I apologised to said courgette and soothed the ruffled leaves. The rest of my evening was spent admiring my purple sprouting brocolli that is the only thing that appears to be growing!!! Tomorrow is another day and am sure it will be better.
Thank you for listening to me moaning
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