At the hotel walled garden today.
Put up cane wigwams - until I ran out of canes, so planted what beans I could - 160 Runner Beans and 40 French Beans. Will take more canes up next visit and finish them - there are 200 of each.
Planted out 150 cabbages, 50 red cabbage, 50 Calabrese, 50 Sprouts, weeding as I went.
Planted out 50 Globe Artichokes.
Celery and celeriac can wait a while - roots aren't filling the flexipots yet.
The redcurrants, blackcurrants, whitecurrants and gooseberry bushes are absolutely dripping with baby fruits.
Watered everything copiously as the ground up bere is soooooooo dry !
Called in at Rhynie Walled Garden om my way home - removed the various chicken wire nets from around the old veg patch - will need to be sprayed off tomorrow and then rotovated next week ready for planting up.
Put up cane wigwams - until I ran out of canes, so planted what beans I could - 160 Runner Beans and 40 French Beans. Will take more canes up next visit and finish them - there are 200 of each.
Planted out 150 cabbages, 50 red cabbage, 50 Calabrese, 50 Sprouts, weeding as I went.
Planted out 50 Globe Artichokes.
Celery and celeriac can wait a while - roots aren't filling the flexipots yet.
The redcurrants, blackcurrants, whitecurrants and gooseberry bushes are absolutely dripping with baby fruits.

Watered everything copiously as the ground up bere is soooooooo dry !
Called in at Rhynie Walled Garden om my way home - removed the various chicken wire nets from around the old veg patch - will need to be sprayed off tomorrow and then rotovated next week ready for planting up.