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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • At the hotel walled garden today.
    Put up cane wigwams - until I ran out of canes, so planted what beans I could - 160 Runner Beans and 40 French Beans. Will take more canes up next visit and finish them - there are 200 of each.
    Planted out 150 cabbages, 50 red cabbage, 50 Calabrese, 50 Sprouts, weeding as I went.
    Planted out 50 Globe Artichokes.
    Celery and celeriac can wait a while - roots aren't filling the flexipots yet.
    The redcurrants, blackcurrants, whitecurrants and gooseberry bushes are absolutely dripping with baby fruits.
    Watered everything copiously as the ground up bere is soooooooo dry !
    Called in at Rhynie Walled Garden om my way home - removed the various chicken wire nets from around the old veg patch - will need to be sprayed off tomorrow and then rotovated next week ready for planting up.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • Continued:

      Have re potted my Fruit & Spice Peppers and also my Salad Peppers.

      Planted out 20 French Dwarf Beans and surrounded them with cut hazel twigs and covered with fleece as they came from straight out of the greenhouse.

      Have weeded around my emerging carrots, which was a very time consuming little excercise.

      Have also sow my Spinach and Swiss Chard into modules.

      As its been quite dry here I have given everything a thorough watering.
      Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it!


      • After a week of continuous rain last week we have had three glorious days of sunshine.

        Today I finished clearing up all the crap behind the small greenhouse. Rootled around in a fish box which was lying there full of dead wet beech leaves - got the evil eye from two toads living there so decided I couldn't be tha cruel and evist them so put the box back under the table.

        Repotted two big fucshias - I was not a happy bunny - riddled with vine weevil - got as many of them as I could see and Robbie Robin had a good feed. Filled a bucket with water and dunked the plants in that for 1/2 hour - thought I drown the little barstewards and then just to make really sure I hosed all the old soil off. Must get some of that liquid thingy tomorrow to water onto the 3 other enormous fuschias that are too big to repot - will leave that until they are dormant.

        Repotted my Toms - next move will be into buckets. Pricked out some beetroot, sowed some lettuce and more carrots.

        Walked down to Loch Etive with the doglets and walked along to Benderloch and back. Hosed down one of the dogs when I got back - dirty little monkey rolled in something that was well and truely dead and stunk to high heaven. Oh the joys

        Watered all the bedding plants that I'm hardening off - although its been sunny there has been a stiff breeze so everything was looking a bit sorry for itself and bone dry. Must get my tubs etc. planted up.

        Did some paperwork for the Springer Rescue.

        Tomorrow have a committee meeting for the local Horticultral Society - plant sale on Saturday - will have to go and get something for the raffle. Also have to go to the dreaded Tesco Much rather be in my garden and greenhouse but if I don't get the food in no other b*gger will
        Last edited by Spangles; 13-05-2009, 11:28 PM.


        • I've watered the young things and the seedlings out to harden-off. Runner beans are still germinating in the greenhouse so they will stay there for a little longer before hardening-off. The beetroot seedlings, at last, look as though they are beginning to grow. No sign of leek seeds I planted some time ago and the ones started in a tray are very slow growing. Don't know if that's usual with leeks.

          My photos at Webshots


          Trowbridge, Wiltshire


          • Yesterday: Watered and weeded. Spinach doing well but still inside - must get it out at the weekend. Melon plants growing slowly but steadily and are green and healthy. Thought they'd take off like pumpkins and courgettes, but early days yet. Salads coming along nicely. Must keep some as a backup for DS's school garden. At the gardening club planted out more beetroot, got the children to make cabbage collars (forgot the other day) and they put them around the plants. Potatoes are flying, but so are the weeds. Watered, watered, watered. Beds very dry. Had to remind children to water every day. They think they can't if the sun is shining, but if they don't they'll have no plants! Most very enthusiastic. One girl in particular has become our 'weed' expert, and she loves her new position! Must put in netting for the peas, but with my schedule, it looks as if that could be next week.
            A good beginning is half the work.
            Praise the young and they will make progress.


            • Potted some Taskent mint, which apparently has a pretty purple/pink flower and is of the spearmint variety, in a pot to stand by the front door.

              Last edited by Meschuee; 14-05-2009, 04:12 PM.
              My photos at Webshots


              Trowbridge, Wiltshire


              • Repotted chillis, tomatoes, and geraniums. Earthed up veg patch and "bag" spuds (hard frost here most mornings this week!). Watered everything as having a mini heatwave (12 degrees for 3 days on the trot is a heatwave in Aberdeenshire!). Sanded down chimney box ready for painting and planting. Checked on seeds/seedlings - cucumber popping through - yipee!! Identified rest of trees and bushes which are now in bud (only moved in to house in December so working it all out!). Sat on patio trying to work out how to give up work but still get income to spend on plants!!!


                • Moved some of the tomato seedlings that are in a large tub so they are more evenly spaced, thinning one or two. I have some in individual pots, too, but they've not come through yet. Planted into the garden a few of the lettuce seedlings, in the net-cage with the peas and cabbage.

                  My photos at Webshots


                  Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                  • - dug out a load of bindweed (creeping in from next door)
                    - sowed a whole pack of pre-germinated Gladiator parsnips
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • Dug up a load of leeks and make chicken and leek pies for the winter, converted lots of rhubarb into rhubarb and ginger pie or crumble base and froze, sowed more beans, pricked out lupins, honesty, teasel, scabious and potted on a load of 3 year old agapanthus plants grown from seed.


                      • Box day agin - this weeks boxes will contain some or all of the following - Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Celeriac, Swede, PSB, Leeks, Chard, Spinach, Lettuce, Scallions, CCA Salad Leaves, Rhubarb.
                        It's now a struggle to fill my boxes but hopefully this will ease in a couple of weeks or so, when it'll be full steam ahead and before I know it the only problem I'll have is deciding what not to put in the boxes.
                        Have just painted a bedroom wall in Niamh's new room and hopefully will be able to go back out to work now unless OH has any more work planned for me

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • Sowed runner beans, white dwarf beans, turnips and planted out some brussel plants I was given by cricket club treasurer at lunchtime. Carried on clearing the area where the tomatoes will go, watch a blackbird pinching my worms. Received confirmation that I can have the half plot next to mine! WooHoo!!


                          • Yesterday strimmed all the paths on the lottie. Today planted out courgettes under cover, also planted out parsnips from seeds germinated in airing cupboard and grown in loo rolls. Sowed some spinach and a row of swedes. Carrots sown a couple of weeks ago beginning to show.Gave away tomato, courgette and cuke plants, and some lettuce seedlings.
                            Last edited by Lottieval; 14-05-2009, 10:03 PM.


                            • Repotted striped toms (Eden Project) and Sweet Pea Currant toms. Then the rain and wind really picked up Noticed my Early Warwick beans are finally showing Still to repot Grushovka, Black Krim, Brown Berry, Pigletwillie, and more striped toms but only when the wind dies down. My Exploding Cukes and Lemon Cukes are slowly but surely growing.
                              Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 15-05-2009, 03:43 PM.


                              • Helped the OH make 13 jars of rhubarb jam.
                                "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                                Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


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