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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • dug out a bucket full of bindweed from an area I had already "cleared". It is creeping in from next door here too.

    Dug out and removed stones from the area which is to be raspberries, so they can go in tomorrow (just heeled in at the moment)

    Did a bit of exploratory excavating to see how many stones and nasties are lurking in the bit where i want to build a pond for frogs. (not too bad!)

    sowed 3 more rows of radishes, took cloche off courgette in container and sowed a few salad seeds as a catch crop round it.

    Dug up even more bindweed from under bay tree.
    Hoed up annual weeds and re-slug-pelleted.

    planted a second courgette under a cloche.

    Reading that back no wonder I was knackered!


    • Over the last 2 days I have:
      Put my exploding cuc's into their final resting place, really growing well. Potted on Lemon cuc's. Planted out 15 broccoli, 10 Cima Di Rapa. Planted out the last of my toms, 3 x tigarella's. Bought 15 curly tom stakes from Gamm Vert and stuck them in, in place of the bamboo canes.
      Pulled about 25 winter onions to pickle.
      Pulled the flower buds off the tops of plenty more.
      Weeded around the strawbs, where the grass was nearly 2ft high. Pulled all the flowers off the comfrey.
      Made a batch of rhubarb schnapps, ready to fall over in 6 weeks.
      Rescued a melon from the evil clutches of the slug gang that inhabit my greenhouse, they have already eaten 8 of them down to the stump, the last one only has 1 and a bit leaves, but has moved indoors.
      Picked and frozen 2 kilo of rhubarb.
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • Weeded the onion, potato and bean beds.
        Planted out the climbing beans and runners.
        No need to water anything as it finally rained ALL DAY yesteday - first time for about 6 weeks. Butts are almost full again.


        • Planted 5 hanging baskets with 2 plants each of tumbling toms (have more coming on and might get a HB tree). Planted 4 gardener delight in GH bed and the outside toms in large buckets. Planted out 10 mixed winter squashes in high sided raised bed that hopefully will grow over our steps pergola trellis. Re arranged shelving in GH and potted on variety of flower seedlings.

          I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
          Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


          • Potted on a few more tomatoes, some peppers, and re-organised the greenhouse into a slightly more manageable area.
            Stuck two thin branches from the tree that I removed last year [elderberry, the neighbour was very happy, me, not so much, but it'll come back as a bush, or hopefully if one of the stakes catches root, another tree] in the ground by the greenhouse and slid all the plastic bottle cloches onto them, result, they're out of the way and not taking up much room.
            Finally planted some potatoes in buckets, will do some more tomorrow. Watered everything that needed it.


            • Yesterday I potted up the aubergines again, the roots were poking through. Today my butternut squash Cutie plug plants arrived so potted those on and put in unheated gh for now. Did some weeding. Collected loads of snails following the heavy rain we had last night and this morning. Then the rain came again so had to retreat indoors.
              AKA Angie


              • planted some radishes and carrots - earthed up the potatoes again. Also planted up the patty pans that lemon sent me - looking forward to seeing what they are like. Today is the first day that the toms have slept outside....


                • Up early as out for the day. Put the runner beans trays outside and checked the little propagator, to find that I have a squash germinating. Only one, so far, but better than none. Fed the wild birds and admired my growing vegetables - thery're really coming on after a few days of rain.

                  My photos at Webshots


                  Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                  • Just yelled at the slugs and sent one flying it had eaten my sunflower , i have more but that's not the point. the weather is a combination of wind , rain and sunshine. openend up greenhouse and put a few things outside. Stuck my cukes out to get them ready for the great outdooors.


                    • Over the last couple of days have noticed that my beetroot and today my carrots are showing signs of life yippee!! All my onions have now started to grow. My basil is sprouting into life. My first squash has poked it's way through the soil. The other four seeds are all in the airing cupboard but finally all out of the toilet roll (didn't have kitchen roll) and into compost. I have no idea what I'm going to do with 5 squash......may have to give a couple away. My runner beans have been hardening off all week but am worried it's still too windy to plant out yet?? My courgette has been hardening off for the last couple of days but not sure it's warm enough to put it out yet? My tomatoes are doing ok as are my sweet peppers but they are still tiny. Oh yes and my first pea has sprouted-hurray!! All in all not a bad couple of days.


                      • Am going to get my a** off this pc and go enjoy some sunshine!

                        Intentions this afternoon:
                        Empty out last years hanging baskets and line with black plastic.
                        Prepare soil for baskets with gel crystals and feed pellets.
                        Plant up Vivaldi's in spud grow bags (from GW offer)
                        Earth up spuds in compost bag (these were the weeny spuds from last yr's Charlottes - forgot about them and they had long chits on them!)
                        Weed round onions in veg bed 1.
                        Stick some canes in veg bed 2 ready for sugar-snap peas & sow some direct.
                        Germinate some sugar-snaps on wet kitchen paper. (To see if it makes a difference.)
                        Prepare a large pot for mini-pop sweetcorn - sow direct.
                        Pot up petunia plugs.
                        Find a home in ground for lemon thyme & rosemary.
                        Find a home in ground for Choysia - Mexican Mock Orange.
                        Sow courgette Clarita (indoor).
                        Sow courgette Romanesco Latino F1 (indoor)

                        If I do all that I intend to I'll be a happy bunny!
                        Also need to decide what's for dinner tonight and do food shopping


                        • - planted out Red Baron onions from cell trays
                          - erected bean canes & planted Kentucky Wax & Black Croatian Frenchies
                          - saw off an intruder
                          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 16-05-2009, 06:02 PM.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • Sealed my new squirrel proof bird table with garden furniture oil & left it in the shed to dry, started clearing the knee high grass & weeds around the three 2yr old apple trees & one Asian pear tree but managed to disturb a bee nest in the process so made a swift exit after only clearing two! It then prompty started peeing down so I retreated into the kitchen & baked a Rhubarb crumble, Apple & Ginger cake & Oat & Apricot cookies (supposed to be oat & raisen but didn't have any!). Now going to start making meatballs for dinner before settling down for the evening with large glass of vino.
                            Last edited by Newbie; 16-05-2009, 06:11 PM.
                            keen but (slightly less) clueless


                            • Potted on tomatillos, burgess squash/pumpkin and an unknown one I saved the seed from that I got from the farmers market last year.Potted on the rest of the [too many] cucumbers.
                              Sowed runner beans.


                              • today i have started to put out tomatoe plants in to there final pots baskets.Only have done afew as i need to buy more compost, so only another forty or so to go all at varuious growth stages.
                                i was going to go to the allotment to do strimming and some weeding as i have got behind cause i cracked a rib last month fixing a leak to the toilet when the cistern fell of the wall. but it bkeeps raining so perhaps tommorrow.
                                a good put down line to use !

                                If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


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