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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • What I Did Today Archive - 2010

    Things I did today.
    This is intended to act as an aid memoir to everyone on the grapevine. I hope it will help remind us of tasks that should be carried out at the time of year each posting is written.
    It is not intended to be a Blog or a journal but simply an aid to help. I hope everyone will post what they did in their garden or allotment each day.

  • #2
    What I Did Today Archive 2010 (July to Dec)

    Things I did today.
    This is intended to act as an aid memoir to everyone on the grapevine. I hope it will help remind us of tasks that should be carried out at the time of year each posting is written.
    It is not intended to be a Blog or a journal but simply an aid to help. I hope everyone will post what they did in their garden or allotment each day.


    • #3
      - started some true potato seed off in a damp saucer, just to see what happens
      - sowed onion seed (Kelsae & Rijnsburger) into 3" pots in heated propagator (Kelsae appeared 11 Jan)
      - moved the sprouted garlic out of heated prop and onto cool windowsill
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 11-01-2010, 09:56 AM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Brought in some compost from the freezing shed to warm up. I hope to feel motivated to sow some onions tomorrow!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Put some leek seeds in zip lock bag with perlite & compost. First attempt with bags so fingers crossed. Put early toms in greenhouse (were around 1" high). May have slipped up with the cauli seeds I put on kitchen roll last week, they have started germinating & not quite sure what to do once ready to pot on. Guess it will be the GH along with everything else.......
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #6
            i planted onion seeds, tomatoes, peppers and leeks today. all in the propogator. tempted to sow more but nowhere to germinate so will have to learn patience me thinks! either that or buy another propogator!

            and i tried to get into the old GH but the door is frozen solid.

            here's what Fife looks like today...
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Not today but yesterday. Cleared out and tidied up my 3 raised beds. Put stable manure on each raised bed and then covered all three with plastic. Pruned grape vine. Checked lemon grass that I had divided at the end of last year and re-potted in mini gh, they seemed to be doing fine. Then came back indoors as frozen and ordered seed potatoes and a variety of other veg seeds.
              AKA Angie


              • #8
                It looks very pretty in Fife, but maybe not so good for gardening .

                I lined my eaves cupboard in my bedroom with reflective foil to make a light box to grow my chillies in. Good job I'm small, OH said he'd never have managed to get in there! I'm testing the temperature tonight, last night it went down to 5C, it was very frosty outside, and forecast to be low again tonight, so it will be a good test to see if I've managed to insulate it better, before my tender darlings move in. Might be a slow death anyway if the lights I got aren't bright enough
                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                • #9
                  Yesterday, actually, but no matter (!)
                  Because it was a 'Leaf Day' on the Biodynamic Calendar, I sowed some leaf seeds in the warmth of the kitchen. I've identified six sunny windowsills for growing them on once they've germinated, and when the light levels rise later in Spring, they can go in the conservatory, then finally into the greenhouse, under cloches, or into the ground.

                  Having kind of 'missed a year' with moving house last Spring, I'm keen to experiment with my new surroundings, and enter at least ONE thing in my local village show in July, if it kills me!
                  Thanks for listening.X.


                  • #10
                    Bought some seed potatoes from local GC. Then had a major clear out of the seed box, and was strict with myself about things very out of date or looking rather manky.

                    So now there is space, and I've just placed my seed order with the Organic Catalogue.

                    Roll on Spring!
                    Growing in the Garden of England


                    • #11
                      (If this comes up twice, I apologise - I pressed the wrong tit on the keyboard?!)

                      So, today being the second of the Fruit Days this January, I sowed 2 seeds each of Tomato 'Sungold', 'Red Cherry', 'Ferline', Tigarella.... as an experiment.
                      Then I upended a small packet of Bored Bean 'Aquadulce' into a deep tupperware of John Innes Seed Compost, to pre-germinate the seeds, so I only have to sow the ones that do actually germinate, when they do eventually.
                      After that, I sowed two seeds each of various different Sweet Peppers.

                      Tomorrow, with it also being a Fruit Day Biodynamically, I'm hoping to make time for some Aubergine seed planting.
                      Thanks for Listening!X


                      • #12
                        The frozen ground now has a covering of snow on it so all I can do around the garden is general tidying up. I Felled and trimmed up a large cypress tree that had been planted too close to the house. All the brush is piled up at the bottom of the garden with other prunings and trimmings and will stay there till spring to give shelter to the hedgehogs and frogs that seem to want to share the garden with me. After that it will all go through the shredder to make a weed-suppressing summer mulch.


                        • #13
                          Too much snow to do anything outside.

                          Counted my bottles of gin to discover one missing. If I start drinking now, I'll see double and it will reappear


                          • #14
                            Too cold to do anything outside apart from feed the guineagirls and the birds. Ground is frozen solid, but not too much snow (at the moment - Mr BBC says snow tomorrow). Holding back on sowing cos I don't have that much warm space to nurture seedlings.


                            • #15
                              Once again, I missed telling you about it on the day that I did do it, so I'll tell you now! I DID sow Sweet Pepper and Aubergine seeds on my Biodymanic Fruit Days. And today, being the first of the 'Root Days' this 2010, I sowed Pigletwillie's Banananananana Shallot Seeds, and some Onion 'Red Baron' and 'Ailsa Craig' seeds into P60 modules, which I've covered in tall perspex propagating lids to keep the moisture in, and now it's a waiting game, until they decide, in the warmth of my Funny Farm Kitchen, to germinate.

                              Already, from the Leaf Days: the Summer Savoury and Russian Tarragon, the Romanesco and Snowball Cauli's, and Perpetual Spinach, Silver Chard etc. are germinating. What I actually DO with them, after my experiments, depending on the weather, we'll have to wait and see.
                              And I learned something sursprising: I thought that a Leek would be a Root, and it isn't. Biodymanically, it's a Leaf kids. Hey!
                              And today, my gorgeous Trousers Man was snowed in with me and the cat, and he's taken some lovely photos in the snow, if you'd like to have a look.
                              (See Funny Farm Blog link below, if the mods'll let you?)
                              And thank you for listening.


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